Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

They continued to meet every Friday night for the next few weeks, always meeting at the same tavern at the same time, always sitting at the same table in the corner. Each week, Regina would bring Eala a new book, since Eala only had a few books in her possession, and Regina had access to hundreds of books in the palace library, more books than she could conceivably read in her entire lifetime. And each week, Eala insisted on paying for Regina's meal, even when Regina offered to pick up their tab. Things were starting to look up for Regina; life seemed brighter. Suddenly, she had a reason to get out of bed every morning, if only to make the day go by faster, and thus shortening the time until she could see Eala again. Although she always looked happy to see Regina, as the weeks progressed, Regina noticed that Eala started to look more and more tired, and more and more stressed. She asked if she was alright each time they met, to which Eala always responded that she was doing great, now that she was with Regina.

"What book are you bringing her this week?" Tink asked as she made the final touches on saddling Regina's horse, while Regina changed into her modest dress before beginning her journey to the tavern.

"It's a book of love poems," Regina said shyly as she emerged from behind the tree, swiftly mounting her horse. "I know it's really cheesy. But it's been a few months now, and I think I'm ready to explain to Eala what we mean to each other."

"By giving her a book of love poems?" Tink asked, handing Regina the reins.

"Well...maybe subtly beginning to cross that threshold." Regina laughed. "I marked the ones that reminded me the most of her. Hopefully, she'll get the hint."

"And if she doesn't?" Tink asked.

"I guess I'll just have to kiss her," Regina said, another wide smile forming on her face.

"Well, that is definitely not too subtle." Tink laughed. "Now go. Have a great night with your lady. I'll see you later." Regina waved as she took off in a fast gallop, eager to meet Eala, the book of love poems secured in her satchel.

She arrived at the tavern in record time, both she and her horse becoming well acquainted with their route. She didn't see Eala's cart outside when she arrived, and she just assumed that Eala was running late from the market. Maybe it was a good day, which is why she's running late! Regina thought as she walked into the tavern, claiming their usual table in the corner and waiting for her Soulmate to arrive.

But Eala never made it to the tavern that night.

She waited a full two hours before she left, stopping to ask the bartender if today was Friday, to make sure she hadn't messed up and arrived a day early. Upon confirmation that the day was, in fact, Friday, she left, her heart breaking a little. She felt worried, and slightly rejected by the woman. I hope she's alright, Regina thought as she slowly made her way back to the castle, the book of love poems still tucked away in her satchel.

"You're back early," Tink said, jumping up from her perch against the tree.

"She wasn't there," Regina said as she slowly climbed off her horse, discreetly wiping the tears that had fallen on her ride back.

"Did you two have a fight?" Tink asked, holding the reins of the horse while Regina slowly made her way behind the tree to change her clothes.

"No. Not that I can recall," Regina said softly.

"Maybe she had business out of town and couldn't make it. Plans change sometimes," Tink said, trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah. I suppose you're right," Regina said, turning to slowly walk back to the castle. "Have a good night, Tink."

"You too, Regina," Tink answered, guiding the horse back to the stables as she watched Regina walk back to the castle, her head hanging low with disappointment.

Regina cried herself to sleep that night, her heart breaking as she began to feel rejected by her Soulmate, a fate she had been terrified would happen.


Regina went back to the tavern every Friday for the next three weeks, each time arriving earlier than she usually did, and waiting around longer than the previous week, but Eala never showed up. She even stopped on the way out on the fourth consecutive week without Eala to ask the bartender if he had seen her. If she's been coming on a different day to avoid me, at least I'll know she's alright, Regina thought as she approached the bar. She quickly found out that no one had seen Eala in a month. In fact, the last time Eala had been at the establishment was the last time they had dinner together. Regina was officially scared that something might have happened to the woman, and she didn't know what to do.

"Tink, I don't know what to do," Regina said as she arrived back to meet her Fairy Godmother after yet again another failed meeting with her Soulmate. "No one has seen her in over a month. What if she's sick, or hurt or...what if she's..." Regina started to say, unable to finish the sentence without crying.

"Let's not jump to any conclusions just yet. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation as to her disappearance," the Fairy said, trying to calm Regina down a little. "Did she say anything about going out of town to visit family?"

"No, she never mentioned any family, just that she owns and works a farm alone since her parents passed away. I think she said it wasn't far from the tavern," Regina replied, remembering her previous conversation with Eala. "Should I try to find her farm? Or maybe visit the market to see if I can find her stall?"

"That may seem a little extreme, to randomly show up at her home unannounced, especially uninvited. And I don't think it would be safe for the Queen to visit the market to look for a love interest that isn't the King."

"Yes, you're very right. What do I do then, Tink?"

"You said she lives close to the tavern, correct?" Tink asked.

Regina nodded.

"Why don't you simply wait for her by the side of the road instead of going into the tavern to wait for her. Maybe she passes by the tavern on her way home. Then you can find out what's been keeping her," Tink suggested, slowly petting Rocinante's head.

"That's a great idea! Thanks, Tink!" Regina exclaimed, hugging the Fairy tightly before turning back to return to her room in the palace.

The following week, Regina took the usual route through the forest, but instead, waited by the side of the road, hoping to catch her Soulmate as she passed by. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later, she spotted a familiar white horse pulling a small cart, a very tired-looking rider on top.

"EALA!" Regina called out, racing toward the woman. The sound of Regina's voice seemed to wake the woman, causing her to sit up taller in the warn saddle.

"Regina?" Eala asked, pushing her old horse a little faster to meet Regina.

"Eala, are you alright? I've been so worried about you," Regina said as she approached the woman.

What she saw as she approached her Soulmate made her heart stop. Eala looked sick. Her eyes were heavy from too many nights of missed sleep, and she had enormous dark circles under each eye. Her skin looked paler than usual, and her clothes seemed to hang off her body, as if she had suddenly lost a large amount of weight. She looked exhausted, like she had been pushing herself past her limit, and stress filled her eyes, as if whatever was the cause of her struggle was all she could think of. Regina could feel the tears beginning to well in her eyes at the thought of Eala's pain, even if she didn't know the cause.

"Yes...I'm alright..." Eala responded, although Regina could tell she was lying.

"I haven't seen you in weeks. I was beginning to think something happened to you," Regina said, her mind relaxing a little now that she knew that Eala was still alive. Realizing that she was likely the cause of Eala's disappearance, she asked, "Was it something I said or something I did?"

"What?" Eala asked, her face contorted with confusion.

"To make you stop meeting me..." Regina clarified.

"Oh goodness NO!" Eala exclaimed, reaching to place a hand in Regina's arm. "To be honest, I stopped meeting you because I was embarrassed..."

"Embarrassed? About what?" Regina asked.

"Because...I have no money..." Eala started to explain. When she didn't hear a response from Regina, she took a deep breath and continued. "When my parents passed away, they didn't just leave me the family farm, they left me with a mountain of debt. I found out a few weeks ago that if I can't pay back all the money my parents owed to the kingdom, I will lose my farm, my home, and everything my family has worked to build for generations.

"I've been working extra hard to harvest as much as I can. I also haven't been eating, so I can save everything the farm produces to sell at the market, but it's still not enough. I'm running out of time and I fear that this time next week I will be homeless. Plus..." she said, taking another deep breath, her gaze falling to the ground, "...I was ashamed that I could no longer afford to buy you dinner as well."

"Oh, Eala," Regina said, reaching for the woman's hand. "First of all, you needn't be embarrassed about any of that. ESPECIALLY about not having money for my dinner. I told you that you were not obligated to buy me dinner when we meet."

"I know. I just feel like someone as amazing as you deserves someone who can at least buy them dinner," Eala said, tears welling in her eyes.

"You don't have to buy me dinner to prove your worth, Eala. You're perfect, just as you are," Regina said, squeezing Eala's hand in support, receiving the bright smile she was quickly falling in love with. "Perhaps tonight you will allow me to pick up the tab. I've missed our weekly meetings."

"I've missed them as well," Eala said, smiling wider. "As long as you don't mind."

"I would give up all the gold I have, for the opportunity to spend five minutes with you." Regina smiled, releasing Eala's hand so they could direct their horses toward the tavern.

They took their usual table in the back, and Regina quickly ordered them dinner and drinks, insisting that Eala receive a double helping, no matter the cost. They talked as if no time had passed, and by the time they left, Eala was starting to look a little better. Maybe it was the warm food in her stomach, or maybe it was the time spent with Regina. Either way, she promised to continue meeting Regina, regardless of her money situation. Regina raced back to Tink with a bright smile on her face, her heart full once again knowing that Eala was alright, and promised to meet her again.

The following week, Eala was waiting for Regina outside the tavern, practically jumping with excitement as she saw Regina approach from a distance.

"REGINA!!!" she yelled as she led Regina's horse to stand next to her. "Regina! You'll never guess what happened!"

"Eala! What's got you so excited? What happened?" Regina asked, excited to see Eala so happy, a stark contrast from the last time she saw her. Eala reached up to help Regina off her horse, waiting until her feet were planted on the ground before telling Regina the good news.

"All my debts are paid! I no longer owe the King any money!" Eala said, her face brightening as she told Regina the good news.

"Eala! That's amazing! How did you come up with all that money so quickly?" Regina asked as she secured her horse to the pole.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Eala said, her excitement radiating off her. "The Queen paid everything! She paid all my past debts, as well as the taxes on my land for the next THREE YEARS! Can you believe that? I don't have to pay taxes to the King for THREE YEARS!" Eala exclaimed, her smile so wide it threatened to tear the skin on her face.

"Eala! That's amazing!" Regina said, trying her hardest not to blush. She still had yet to reveal her true identity to the woman, and she didn't want her face to suddenly give her away. Luckly, Eala didn't notice the slight blush that formed on Regina's face.

"Can you believe it? Now, I can afford to rent the stall at the market more than one day a week, which means I'll be able to sell more and make more money. And maybe soon, I'll be able to hire someone to help run the farm, which means I can one day expand the farm as well. My family's farm will be able to thrive again, just like it had when my grandparents owned it many many years ago!" Eala said, hugging Regina tightly, her excitement radiating through Regina. Regina smiled as she hugged her back.

"It also means I'll be able to continue buying you dinner. Let's go inside. This deserves a celebration!" Eala exclaimed, grabbing Regina's hand, leading her into the tavern and directly toward their usual table in the corner. They quickly ordered and chatted lightly among themselves as they waited for the food and drinks.

"I can't believe the Queen would do that!" Eala said after taking her first bite of food. "She doesn't even know me. I'm nobody. I can't believe the Queen would do that for a nobody like me."

"You're not a nobody," Regina said, her voice so low that only Eala could hear. "You're definitely not a nobody, Eala."

"Thanks," Eala said, her face suddenly turning bright red. "But, when it comes to the Queen, I am certainly not on her radar. I can't believe she did that."

"Do you know much about the Queen?" Regina asked, suddenly afraid that Eala might know more about her than she thought.

"Not really. I know she's young. WAY younger than the King. I think it was an arranged marriage, because what young woman would want to marry such an older man, even if it means becoming Queen," Eala said, as she continued to eat.

"Yes. I completely agree," Regina said firmly.

"Either way, I've heard that she doesn't make many public appearances and she mostly keeps to herself. I've never even seen her. I don't blame her though. I wouldn't want to go out in public if I was forced to marry an old man," Eala agreed. Regina simply nodded in agreement. At least Eala doesn't know she was the one who arranged to have the debts erased and paid for three years.

They continue their evening in their usual cheerful manor, talking comfortably together, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Everything felt so right.

Eala paid for their meals, as usual, and they walked out together, making their way toward their horses.

"So, Regina. I was can absolutely say no if you want, I completely understand...but...umm..." Eala started to say, her nerves clearly getting the better of her.

"What is it?" Regina asked.

"I...uhhhh...I was wondering might be interested in...maybe...meeting me at my farm next time..." Eala asked nervously. "I just thought we could meet in a more private place. But if you don't want to, I am more than happy to continue meeting here each week."

"I would be delighted to meet you at your farm." Regina smiled, resting her hand gently on Eala's nervous arm.

"You would?" Eala asked, shocked. "That's great! It's's about fifteen minutes from here. You just follow this road and it's there. You can't miss it." Eala smiled, excited about their new meeting venue.

"Wonderful! I'll see you next week at your farm," Regina said as she mounted Rocinante, preparing for her ride back to the castle. "It's a date!"

"I'll see you next week, Regina," Eala said, preparing for her own ride back home. They smiled at each other once more before starting off in opposite directions, each catching the other turning around to look at them.

Regina's smile stayed plastered on her face the entire ride home.

"Someone looks overly happy this time. I take it your visit with Eala went well?" Tink asked as Regina approached her, her smile so wide it can be seen from miles away.

"It did. She asked me to meet her at her farm next week instead of the tavern. She wanted to meet in a more private setting," Regina said as she jumped off Rocinante, rushing to change back into her royal clothes.

"Well, that certainly is good news!" Tink laughed.

"There is one thing though," Regina said, coming out from behind the tree. "She doesn't know that I'm the Queen."

"You haven't told her who you really are?" Tink asked, shocked.

"No, not yet," Regina said, her gaze falling to the ground.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Tink asked.

"I just...I just need her to love me for me, not because I'm the Queen..." Regina answered.

"That's understandable, actually. But you'll have to tell her eventually. She deserves to know the truth."

"Yeah, I know. Not yet though. Not until I know she can love Regina, not the Queen."

"Alright! Now off you go! Bask in the wonderful feelings that caused that massive smile. This is a huge step in the right direction, Regina. Things are coming together!"

"You're right. They really are!" Regina said, her huge smile returning. "Good night!"


It was the longest week of Regina's life as she waited for the first meeting at Eala's farm. She didn't want to leave too early, knowing Eala was probably still working at the market during the day. As excited as she was to see her, she didn't want to arrive at the farm before Eala did; that seemed rude. She did everything she could think of to distract herself from the slowly moving time. Eventually, she couldn't wait any longer and decided it was time enough to leave. She rushed out of the castle through the servant passages and ran into the forest to meet Tink in their usual meeting place.

Tink was just arriving with Rocinante when Regina came running up.

"Someone is excited." Tink laughed, handing Regina her modest dress, quickly double-checking the saddle on the horse's back.

"I can't wait to see her, Tink. I can't wait to see her farm, and see where she lives," Regina answered from behind the tree. "But mostly, I'm excited to see her."

"Well then, I better not keep you any longer. Have a great night, Your Majesty." Tink laughed.

"Don't call me that, please," Regina said, pausing for a moment, a look of sadness washing over her face. "Just call me Regina."

"Of course, Regina. Go. Have fun with Eala," Tink responded, smiling.

"Thank you, Tink. I will," Regina said, taking off into the forest.

It didn't take Regina as long as she thought it would to arrive at Eala's farm, although she will admit she had to force herself to slow down a few times, reminding herself not to arrive there before Eala returned from the market. She was relieved to see Eala's cart parked outside the small farm house, which meant Eala was back from the market already. She took a moment to take in the area before approaching the small farmhouse.

There was a small workbench against the front of the house, as well as a small firepit off to the side. Off to the right side, Regina could see the barn and stable, as well as a small portion of the farmland, different crops in varying degrees of growth sticking out of the ground. The house was small, Regina guessed one single room, but it looked cozy. Just enough for a small family. There was smoke rising from the chimney, as well as the smell of food cooking escaping through the open window. She smiled again as she slowly approached the house.

Before she even made it to the house, the front door flew open, Eala rushing out toward her horse.

"Hi! You're here!" she exclaimed, rushing over to Regina, leading her horse over toward the

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