This Time Around

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Sunday April 30th, 2006

St. Louis 4:00PM

Nina Sofia Chambers:

Michael had been pretty busy over the last month with an awards show, a bunch of appearances, and doing what he does best for people in need. I'd had the children most days while he would fly in on the weekends and spend time with them here. We've remained civil, but decided it was best to tone down our hormones for now until we figure out where we'll go from here.

My mother had been strategically leaving for most of the weekends to visit my uncle. It was obvious to Michael and me both that she was trying to give us our space. So, it was just he and I and the children alone in the house living somewhat like a normal family.

"No!" I heard one of the girl's yell followed by the sound of a tiny fist hitting a hollow back.

"Alright young lady... it's time out for you. I mean it Priya... in your bed. Now." It was weird hearing Michael sound so stern. Now that the girls were getting older and further testing the waters as far as what they could get away with, he's become more than just a pile of mush and it was making me proud. He would never lay hands on the girls, which I've always found a good spanking necessary when disciplining, but he was good about time outs. It was hard to take him seriously, he had blue and green marker marks up and down his arms and on his face from their earlier art projects, a huge grey T-shirt with Donald Duck on the front of it, and his hair was a huge mess. But honestly... it was a picture of a perfect dad.

I watched from the couch as he escorted a pouting Priya upstairs to her room. As soon as he left, she screamed at the top of her lungs crying and he went right back inside. Paris walked up to me with her arms out, tears in her eyes soaking up the fact that her sister was the one in trouble. After a solid five minutes Michael and Priya returned to the living area.

"Sowry." Priya muttered looking up at her sister who was still sitting in my lap. Paris turned her head the other way not accepting the apology. Priya looked up at her daddy questioning what to do next.

"Paris... Priya says she's sorry. Let her know you forgive her. Forgiveness is very important." Michael said patting Paris on the back and looking up at me with a little smile. Paris slowly turned her head towards her sister and just looked at her.

Moments later they were back on the floor playing as if nothing happened and Michael disappeared with Maddox for a while out in the back yard.


I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready while the kids and Michael were winding down to some movie time. I jumped a little as I felt hands grab my waist from behind.

"Sorry... couldn't help it. You know what yoga pants do to me, girl."

I just laughed. He removed his hands and just hovered over me for a minute staring down in the pan as I cooked.

"Hey, um... So, I'm meeting with some party planners this week, you know, for Prince's first birthday..."

As he said that my mind was blown at the fact that our little baby was about to turn one in fourteen days.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah... I mean it's at my place, so maybe you could come spend a few at the ranch... That way you feel included this time."

I looked up at him and smiled. He's really trying this time around... My smile widened.

"What?" he chuckled.

"I'd love to."

He bit his lip, trying to contain the grin I could tell he wanted to break into. "Great, um... I'm gonna go get cleaned up for dinner..." I looked him up and down. In addition to the marks on his arms, there was now dirt on the knees of his white and red pajama pants.

"You do that." I winked at him.

He moved in slowly, almost like he was afraid to do so and placed a light kiss on my lips. "I love you." He whispered.

"Love you too, stinky." Up close he smelled all like man and the outdoors. "Make Maddox clean up too."

"Buddy, mom says you have to take a bath."

I rolled my eyes. As strict as he was with the girls, he was never strict with Maddox any time he needed discipline he made sure I was the bad guy that had to do it.

Monday May 1st, 2006

Neverland Ranch 10:00PM

Michael Jackson:

I couldn't believe it. Nina was here with Maddox and on a school day! No, I don't believe in interfering with his education, but I was insanely excited to have him back here. We didn't get to hang out as much as I wanted to during their last visit over the girls' birthday, so we really lived it up today.

Nina and the children were leaving tomorrow afternoon after the meeting, and time just seemed to fly by as I dreaded their departure. I didn't even want to sleep.

Nina and I had been sharing a bed whenever we were together, but it wasn't any sexually, despite how badly I wanted to do it. She was right, we needed to keep our sexual attraction to each other out of the equation while we figure things out.

But boy was it difficult for me...

I sat up in bed suddenly as an idea came over me. "Hey..."

Nina was sitting up on her side of the bed with her back facing me as she rubbed lotion on her arms, part of her nightly beauty routine. I bit my lip as I envied that perfect skin for a moment.

"What?" she asked softly looking at me, catching me staring at her.

"You want to go shopping?"

"Tomorrow? I doubt we'll have time..."

"No, tonight." I grinned.


"I don't know... Like a toy store or something. Let's pick out gifts together for Prince's party. You know, we've never done that together." I stared her down with my best pouty face.

"The stores are closed already it's after ten."

"They'll open for me." I wiggled m eyebrows at her.

"Okay." She said with a small sigh followed by a smile. The Nina I was married to would have told me no in a heartbeat and made me feel stupid for suggesting the idea, but I could tell this time around she was trying...

I got my people on it right away and within an hour we were at the nearest toy store. It was completely empty except for two very excited employees. Well, the manager and one employee. I told my bodyguards to allow them to follow us around if they wanted to. The manager was an older guy, who openly admitted he was more of a Prince fan, but admired my work. The younger employee was a girl in her early twenties.

Cute little dark chocolate queen, with rare light brown eyes with the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen - real or fake they did wonders for those pretty eyes. She wore her hair in braids that were thrown up in a bun on top of her head.

"Like what you see, don't you." A little whisper hit my ear and I tore my eyes off the girl and down to Nina's. I gulped. Restraint. Show restraint. Do not flirt with the pretty girl.

"I like this right here." I whispered back stroking a finger under her chin.

"Damn, look at that ass though." She whispered taking in a long stare at the girl's plump backside in her khaki pants. My eyes widened. This woman never fails to surprise me.

"Shh..." I swatted at her playfully. "Quit." I said knowing she was only making fun of me. I felt myself start to blush.

She giggled and hurried down the first aisle with me in tow. Bill pushed the cart as we began to add a few items to it.

We chatted politely with the workers. I didn't bother making them sign anything. In fact, I wanted them to tell a paper that they saw me shopping for my son's birthday civilly with his mother. It wasn't like we were making out up and down the aisles, we were simply being friendly towards each other like two parents working together to make their kid's birthday special. Nothing strange, or weird, or wacko about that.

We said goodbye to the nice people that put up with my late night request and headed back to the ranch, not without stopping for some 24 hour fast food joint. We both shamelessly smashed that food in the back of the car and cuddled up close for the thirty minute ride.

"That was actually kind of fun." She said slipping her fingers through mine. I closed my hand around hers securely and rested my cheek against the silky strands on top of her head.

"I know right. Acting like adults is for losers."

She laughed softly. "Oh really? Because I was thinking about engaging in some adult activities in bed tonight."

I lifted me head up quickly. "Really?" Yes!


I sighed heavily and laid my head back on top of hers. "Meanie. I don't like you anymore."

"Well, I like you." She said softly. I smiled into her hair and squeezed her hand gently in mine. We got back to the ranch and into bed at almost two in the morning. I still didn't want to sleep. I laid in bed holding her, just enjoying the way it felt to have a body next to mine at night before we part again.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006


Nina Sofia Chambers:

Our late night adventure seemed a little less like a great idea when Michael's alarm went off. It was so hard to leave his bed, and his arms...

His party planners met up with us in his dining hall. They even had samples of different types of decorations already set up on the table. We were ten minutes late showing up and Michael wore his standard red shirt with pajama pants. I actually made the effort to look professional in my short sleeved black blazer and matching pencil skirt.

About a third of the way into the meeting with them, I got why Michael didn't usually include me in stuff like this. All eyes were on him the entire time it was like I didn't even exist. And even when I spoke, they would look to Michael and answer my question looking at him. Or if I were to say. "Oh, I like these..." they would just look at Michael. "What do you think, Mr. Jackson?"

I suppose he was trying to save me from feeling so inferior next to him. At any rate, it felt good to have arranged an event together that satisfied both of our opinions and not just his.


The time to leave came too quickly. Michael had a special flight arranged for us where we could all go in private without being bothered by paparazzi or anyone. He rode with us and said his farewells to us as we boarded the plane.

Landing in St. Louis was a different story. I had to hide the girls and Maddox's faces with clothing articles from my suitcases as we made our way to the car that was there to pick us up. One reporter managed to get close enough to me to ask. "How are things with Michael? Do you still trust him with your son?"

"Great. Michael's a great man and a perfect father. Of course I'd trust him with my son. He'd never hurt anybody."

"Then why did you get a divorce?"

I just looked at him as we were shuffled on by and into the car that took us home.

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