Conversations Over Lunch

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Conversations over Lunch

Nina Sofia Chambers:

Michael woke me up gently at four AM the next morning so that we could fly back to Santa Barbara for our doctor's appointment. I then had to wake my mother up to let her know I was leaving so she could keep an eye on her grandson.

Michael stopped me before we headed down the stairs. "Can I see Maddox? I really miss him..." he whispered.

"No, I don't want to wake him up and if he sees you he'll get upset that we're leaving so soon." I whispered back. We were trying to slip out quietly without waking anyone.

He nodded and I could tell he was really sad.

Once we got inside the jet, I fell asleep immediately and didn't wake up until we landed at Neverland. It felt weird walking through those doors again. The whole atmosphere was just totally wrong. I would probably never be able to look at his bedroom again without the flashbacks.

"The witch is back..." I heard someone whisper as we entered his kitchen. I didn't even get a proper breakfast yet, so he ordered his chef to cook me something quick before we left for the appointment. I looked up at Jenassa glaring at me as she dropped my plate down in front of me roughly. Michael shot her a look and she quickly apologized. He sat across from me at the table.

"Oops sorry about that, it nearly slipped from my hands." She said.

There was a silent exchange between the two. I could see it in Michael's eyes. His eyes then shifted to mine and he gave me a small smile before looking down at his hands. It was awkward eating in front of someone who was just sitting across from you fidgeting and stealing glances at you. It was like he had something he wanted to say, but just wouldn't say it. After I finished my breakfast, we left for the doctor's appointment. When we arrived at the clinic, they automatically sent us to a room. It seemed that after the announcement of the girls and there was more press around the original photo of Michael and I together at this very clinic, their business had been booming. The waiting room was nearly full. They weighed me, I peed in a cup, they pricked my finger, and sent me to the examination room where Michael waited.

He was sitting in the chair with his hands clasped together in his lap, shaking his legs nervously. We made eye contact and he attempted to smile at me again. I didn't bother trying to look cute today. I had on a pair of comfortable black pants and a long sleeved red shirt. I didn't bother to ask him to look away or even look at him as I dropped my pants and underwear and quickly covered with the blanket. He stayed quiet as a mouse.

Dr. Saran came into the room shortly after and greeted me cheerfully as always. I return the smile and lay back as he lifts the blanket and gets to work. I held my breath as he felt around inside me. He nodded with approval and removed his hand. "Very good, you're still at a one." I let out the breath I was holding in relieve and smiled a genuine smile. "I still would like to see you on a weekly basis to make sure."

"Of course." I said. I glanced over at Michael and it looked like he was praising God. I smiled to myself and mentally gave thanks to whatever spiritual being that was out there looking out for me.

Michael Jacksons:

My heart exploded with happiness and I thanked God for the good news, but I sat silently in the chair and kept to myself during the whole Dr's visit. God forgive me, but yes I did look at Nina's sweet, sweet derries2;re as she dropped those black panties to the floor. Lord...

But as we left the clinic, I realized I would have to ask her out to lunch and it wasn't going to be easy for me. But I had to do it...

When we got to the SUV Nina quickly approached the front seat's passenger door and I lightly touched her hand before it reached the door handle.

" friend of mine rented out this restaurant for the day...I was uh...wo-wondering, if ma-maybe...I don't know...maybe if..."

She started to laugh. God she was so beautiful... I missed her smiling face. I stopped my endless stuttering and gave a soft chuckle.

"Yes, Michael." She said smiling up at me. "But I can't be long... I really need to get back to St. Louis."

"Yeah, of course..." I was hoping that after this date she wouldn't go back...or that we could go back together and get Maddox. I prayed and prayed the entire way to the restaurant that I would be able to say the things I needed to, to repair this. After my long phone conversation with Liz, I was starting to realize that maybe it wasn't relationships that were so impossible. Maybe it was me and my lack of ability to communicate properly with people and understand them. Of course this was due to my unusual upbringing, but I couldn't keep using that as an excuse. I needed to make the effort to start communicating better.

As we pulled up to the restaurant, Nina turned to me from the front seat. "Are you sure no one else will be inside... I mean... I'm not exactly dressed for this." She laughed nervously. I thought she looked perfectly beautiful.

"I'm positive." I said. I hopped out of the car and we walked together inside the restaurant. Just like Liz had promised, the place was entirely empty. All the tables had the chairs stacked on top of them and the lamps above them turned off except for one table for two in the back of the room. It was decorated nicely with a candle arrangement in the middle. I led her over to it and we sat down. My heart was racing. There were no menus as Liz stated one of the conditions was we had to have her favorite meal here and that we wouldn't be disappointed. The only waitress in the place came by the table and gave us both a glass of water.

I took a big drink and mentally prepared myself for what I wanted to say. She looked stunning even in her comfortable clothes. The way her naturally curly hair framed her face... It was hard to focus. "Nina... first off I'd like to apologize to you, again. I am so, so terribly sorry for putting my hands on you. I hate myself, I truly and entirely hate myself for that. It's not me, it's not who I am, it's not what I'm about... I was still half drunk that morning...and I...I'll never drink again, I swear it to you." There. I said it. That part was out of the way. I hesitantly looked at her face, trying to read her reaction. She was slowly turning the glass of water in front of her in circles. Her eyes met mine and she nodded in response. I gave her a moment to speak.

"You were really scary..."

God, it broke my heart to hear her say that. I took a deep breath. Keep it together, Mike.

"I know." I bit my lip and held my emotions inside. I really just wanted to break down and cry and beg her to forgive me.

"But, if you think it was really the alcohol that did that to you and you promise to quit I might be able to forgive you." She said quietly. I looked into her eyes as she looked back at me and smiled.

"I swear to you, I'm done with it Nina. The girls are nearly here... I don't want to be that 'alcoholic dad' to them." My smile faded.

She chuckled a little bit. Ok, this was going good. "And secondly, I apologize for jumping to conclusions about Marcus...although, I really strongly do not like the idea of you giving him false hope that he will still have you when he gets out."

She looked down and blinked a few times. "I've quit answering his phone calls...I plan to write him a nice long letter setting things straight, but Michael once he does get out, I'm not going to keep Maddox from him. I will always have some sort of contact with him." She looked back up at me. The waitress came back and sat a salad in front of both of us. Nina dove straight into her salad, while I just stared at her.

"By setting things straight, you mean..."

She paused as she chewed her food. "Letting him know that him and I cannot and will not ever be together again. He has to move on with his life and do better for himself and for Maddox and that I will be moving on with my life."

"Hmm." I said nodding. It took a lot of courage to say what I said next, but I knew I had to let it out. In order for us to move forward, everything needed to be put out on the table right now. "What did you mean when you told him on the phone... 'it's not like that, I had to do it for the girls'"

She narrowed her eyes at me, but answered the question anyway. "He accused me of being a sellout. And that I was only with you because you're Michael Jackson and I wanted the fame. So, I said... no it's not like that, I can't just give up the girls; I have to do what's best for them. Which is the truth! The only detail I left out is that I'm also with you because I love you. But I couldn't say that to him, because I knew it would crush him."

I wasn't sure I was happy with that answer so I probed further. "So it is true that part of the reason why you want to be with me is because of the girls."

She sighed. "Yes, but another part of it is because I really truly love you. If I didn't love you I wouldn't have stayed just for the girls. I don't want to raise them in a fake relationship where their parents are pretending to love each other, that's terrible and it will end terribly." She reached across the table and took my trembling hands. I looked down at her soft hands. "Look at me." She said softly. I looked up into her brown eyes. "Michael, I love you. Only you. I want you, only you. Stop being so insecure. You're an amazing man, you're gorgeous, and you don't have a reason to feel so self-conscious."

I smiled shyly and retracted my hands from hers. Gosh, it was so hard for me to take compliments. I was blushing... She laughed at me. "Stop... I'm embarrassed now. I can't even think of what I was going to tell you next..."

"Tell me you love me." She said.

"I love you, Nina." I said with a smile.

"And by the way, I didn't make a dime off that interview... I only did it out of spite, because you walked away from me that night leaving me with a bunch of strangers in a world I'm not used to." She said. The waitress then came by with our food.

I just shook my head at her.

Nina Sofia Chambers:

I had no idea what I was about to eat, but it sure smelled good. Michael's friends obviously have good tastes, because once I gave it a try it was absolutely delicious. I felt a lot better after talking to Michael over lunch. We left the restaurant hand and hand, and wouldn't you know there were two paparazzi standing out there waiting to get pictures. Though I was dressed like a bum I put on a good smile for them. Hell, I was 7 months pregnant...cut a girl some slack.

We climbed in the back seat of the SUV together and I leaned against him. He put one arm behind me and placed his other hand on my belly.

"So... can I just fly your mom and Maddox out here for the rest of the week and into next week until your birthday, baby? I don't want you to leave." He said pouting at me. I gave him a peck on the lips.

"Sure. I'll see if my mom can keep him for the next few days and we can just have our alone time." I grinned at him. He kissed me gently at first, but then lost himself for a moment. He moaned into my mouth as he tasted my tongue with his. He broke the kiss and just stared at me.

"I love you so much Nina...I was going crazy without you."

I stared back at him before attacking him with another kiss. He broke the kiss again and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead.

"I don't know how much alone time I'm gonna be able take..." He gave me another tender kiss. I slid my hand up his thigh and...yep there it was. Hard as a rock. He shivered as my hand came in contact with it and I saw the blush creep up on his cheeks. "Not here..." he whispered to me nodding towards his driver. "I'm too embarrassed."

I ignored him and stroked him through his pants and he scooted back as close to the door as he could. "Stop." He whispered giggling quietly. I scooted closer to him and in one swift swipe with my fingers I had his zipper down and my hand inside it. His hand quickly landed on top of mine and he attempted to push my hand away, but all he really did was help me give him a good firm stroke. I laughed at his fail.

"Sofia!" He said firmly.

"Call me Nina." I purred to him as I kissed his neck just below his ear and gave the spot a light nip. He brought his shoulders up high blocking access to his neck. My hand found its way through the gap in the front of his boxers and around that hard flesh. He grunted as he tried to suppress a moan. He gave up trying to stop me and I picked up the pace, stroking him hard and fast and then slowing down and teasing his sensitive areas with my fingertips. I felt his hand creeping up the back of my head and gently pushing it down. I took the hint and slipped his hard, wet rod out of his pants and put my mouth on it. It didn't take too long for him to cum and when he did...whoa... I could have choked to death. And he had not been eating a good diet.

He quickly zipped his pants up and turned away from me with cute shy smile. God, I loved this man. I linked arms with him and rested my head against his shoulder for the remainder of the ride back to Neverland.

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