A Grand Event

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Thursday March 3rd, 2005 9:30PM

Nina Sofia Jackson:

I stood in the bathroom lathering myself down with some expensive oils in my fight to keep the stretch marks away. It was working quite well and in fact some of my older ones had even faded a little. Maybe after this pregnancy I can have hope of getting my perfect body back. I stopped suddenly as I heard someone piddling in the bedroom.


Was he seriously going to go to bed with me tonight after today? I smirked to myself and finished rubbing my belly down. I put a bra and underwear on and threw my black satin robe around me. I'm pretty sure at some point it was Michael's by the way the length of it pooled at my feet. I opened the door and gasped when I saw him standing right there. I tried to walk around him, but he bumped right into me blocking my path.

"Baby..." he started as he reached out and attempted to grab my face.

"Cut it out, Michael..." I threw my arm out blocking his hands and pushed past him heading to the bed. I didn't time for his phony lovey dovey act.

"Can I at least say something? You'd rather just keep not speaking to each other? Tomorrow is the girls' first birthday I don't want to spend it with us being like this..." he pleaded following behind me and crawling into bed with me.

All I heard when he was speaking is 'All my Hollywood friends and nosy family members are going to be here tomorrow and I want us to behave like the loving wife and husband I've got everyone fooled into believing we are.'

I shut off the bedside light which was the only light on in the room, leavings us in complete darkness.

Michael turned the light on his side on, lighting the room back up. I opened my eyes and glared at the wall across from me.

"Nina." He said firmly.

"What?!" I sat up and spun around to face him. He was wearing a slightly worried expression.

"Calm down... you heard what the doctor said about your blood pressure. Stop getting so excited over something so small... Now tell me exactly what the problem is here and how I can fix this before tomorrow morning." He said in a bored tone that wasn't convincing me that he was really committed to fixing anything long term. He just wanted to put a temporary band aid over it and conceal it for tomorrow's party.

"Fuck you."

His eyes widened and he sat up. "What did I say?!" He was clearly bewildered by my reaction.

"You don't care about fixing our problems, Michael... You just want to put a good show on for your friends and family tomorrow. Fuck that..."

He got out of bed and began to pace the room angrily.

"I'm still confused as to why we have such a big problem... I mean, what's missing here? What am I not doing?! When will I ever be good enough for you, Queen Sofia?!" He looked up at me and paused for a moment waiting for my reaction, but I only regarded him with a blank stare. If he can't see the problem, he's an idiot. "Baby... I'll admit it, the challenge you put up is what drew me in initially but now it's getting old. Literally everyday it's something new with you... First it was 'Chris is bad influence' so I stopped hanging out with Chris. Then it was 'You're an alcoholic' so I stopped drinking alcohol..."

"You still drink..." I cut in.

"Rarely. And I haven't been drunk in a long time."

"Three months." I corrected, rolling my eyes at him. A memory of New Year's Eve floated by giving me an even worse taste in my mouth.

"Whatever... then it was 'You're not being understanding enough about Marcus' so then I invited him into our home...which proved to be such a good idea because it's obvious how much he cared to spend time with Maddox..."

I sighed heavily and laid back down covering my head with the sheet. "Good night, Michael."

"No! I want to talk!" he yelled.

"All you care about is making a good appearance tomorrow..." I mumbled from under the sheet. It was quiet for a while and I was sure he had given up.

"Is this really all over me taking a heavy painkiller ever once in a blue moon? Because Nina I have a lot more going on with me health wise than you know... I get aches and pains beyond what you could imagine." He said softly. I felt his weight on the bed again and I pulled the sheet back and turned to him. He was looking at me with those intense brown eyes, trying so hard to penetrate me with his gaze. I knew his game... but damn it if that look in his eyes didn't still make me weak... I held myself together long enough to spat my rebuttal.

"Oh bullshit... I gave birth to twins and didn't have to take more than an ibuprofen."

"Well good for you! You have a high pain tolerance. I don't. It's not like I'm shooting up or snorting anything crazy... It's medicine prescribed to me by a doctor. It sedates me, it makes me feel good so I can relax and it kills pain." He said before slipping under the covers next to me and finding my stomach with his large hand. He stroked it softly pressing around feeling for Prince.

I couldn't tell him that I knew about the traffic of doctors because I didn't want anyone to get fired.

"Okay?" he prompted slowly when I didn't say anything. He slithered up close to me like a snake and pressed his lips against the weak spot of my neck just below my ear. His hand moved up from my stomach to cup one of my breasts.

"What's the matter with you?!" I grabbed his hand and shoved it away.

"Nothing! I'm trying to fix this little problem you think we have... but you know that sexy angry face of yours gets me turned on." He chuckled moving his hand back to where it was before kissing me again in the same spot, teasing me gently with his teeth. His scent filled my nostrils like some sort of inhalant drug, instantly getting me high.

And just like he planned... my defenses melted away...

"I just worry about you, Michael... that's all. I don't want to see you consumed in some dangerous addiction. I don't want it tearing our family apart." I said softly, my body instantly began reacting to his kisses and his touch.

"You don't need to worry about anything, baby." His slid his hand from my breast down further and further until it cupped me between the legs. He easily got past the satin fabric of the robe, and pushed my underwear to the side. As soon as his fingertips grazed my clit it was over...

Michael Jackson:

I laid on my side for a while staring at my sleeping wife. Nina has been a tough challenge through the year of our marriage and near two years of knowing each other. And believe me I've loved every bit of the chase, something so foreign to me... but... geez. I was glad I'd finally figured out a way to her weak spot, but I knew that method wouldn't always work.

It was five in the morning now and I was so excited about today I couldn't force myself to go back to sleep. The party wasn't until one and I wasn't expecting any of my VIP guests, close family and Liz until noon.

I may have won the battle last night, but I knew it wouldn't last for long... It would only be a matter of time before she found something else to pick at. Will I ever be able to make this woman happy? I thought of something that would put some icing on the cake I baked last night... Breakfast in bed. Delivered by yours truly.

I went downstairs to an empty house. None of the staff were in yet. The only people on the property besides my family was the overnight shift guys down at the security shack. I wasted an hour in the library enjoying a hobby I rarely get to indulge in now that I've become a father... reading. After getting lost in another world for about three hours, the kitchen staff had finally arrived.

"Can I help you with that?" Hideki asked me as he watched in confusion while I prepared a tray for Nina. I knew she had a big appetite these days so I had Chef Leroy go all out.

"No, I got it."

"But...it's kind of my job."

I turned to him with an eyebrow rose. Was he going to fight me over delivering a tray of food to my wife?

"You'll have your work cut out for you with the party this afternoon." I commented turning my expression into a polite smile.

"Ok sir." He said backing down. "Wait, I get it... a romantic breakfast in bed." A crocked grin spread over his thin lips. Where did we find this guy again? He's awfully bold. Or maybe it was just my laid back, nice guy reputation that made him think his privacy invasions were ok. I didn't want to be rude to the guy and confirm any negative statements Nina may have made about me to him, because I knew that had talked about me behind my back...

I just smiled and gave a slight chuckle. "You caught me. She deserved to be treated like a queen, though. You know... after a full year of taking care of three children and maintaining an immaculate house without much help. She's a wonderful wife, a beautiful woman and I'm very lucky to have her in my life." I did mean every word that came out of my mouth, but I honestly only said them to mark my territory.

"What a lucky guy." He commented moving away from the counter space I was using. "See you later, sir."

I eyed the back of him as he left the room.

About eight thirty, I cautiously carried the bed tray into the master bedroom and sat it down. The aroma from the food woke Nina almost immediately. She sat up slowly wiping her eyes and looking down at the food.

"Good morning, my heart." I said with a smile. I picked up the remote and set it to her favorite station to watch at this time and lovingly pushed her hair back over her shoulder.

"You can stop now... I promise I'll behave today, but I've got my eye on you. If you have some sort of addiction, just admit it... It's not going to make me love you any less and I'll do all I can to support you through it, but I'm not going to stand being lied to and manipulated."

And she still woke up with negativity on her brain....

I give up...

I sighed heavily. "Enjoy your breakfast, my love. I'm going to go wake our birthday girls and Maddox." I slid off the bed and left the room.

Nina Sofia Jackson:

I'll be damned if I didn't let Michael seduce me last night, but his tactics this morning weren't going to work. Ok... so I won't make a scene at the party, but our discussion about these drugs was far from over. I plan to stay on him like white on rice and if that drives him away so be it. If I don't leave first...

A half hour after noon and my jaw was already aching from the amount of fake smiling I had to do. Michael's family came as they promised and we had lunch with them in the dining hall. Everything was so happy go lucky and over the top I expected a director somewhere to yell cut! Michael's brothers and sisters from what I heard don't always get along and Michael was accused of rarely making an effort to reach out to them which I can understand. It seemed as if they always wanted something from him. But oh no... on the girls' birthday, everyone was best friends. Michael made damn sure of that.

"You better give me a hug!" Elizabeth Taylor exclaimed as Michael politely greeted her in the entryway. She was supposed to be here by noon. I stood by with the same fake grin I'd been wearing since the clock struck noon. She scooted his small frame up in her arms and gave him a big squeeze and a smooch on the cheek. I was nearly blinded by the amounts of sparkly jewelry she had on. Her and Michael with all the bling on his white suit jacket. Of course his stylist had been in to doll him up mannequin style. And he wonders why people don't want to treat him like a human being... When he's made up to perfection, he looks superhuman. Even I catch myself looking at him in awe.

"It's so nice to finally see you in person!" she said as she peeled herself off of my husband. She rubbed a hand down the front of my long teal colored dress, touching my protruding belly. "I see Michael has been quite busy. I could not believe it when he called to tell me you were pregnant again. Gosh, that seems like yesterday and here you are looking as if you could pop any day."

I still had three months to go... I wasn't sure if that was an insult. Did I really look that big?

I just laughed softly wearing that tight smile.

We walked into the sitting room together where Grace was entertaining the girls. They were now dressed in their adorable, pink, frilly party dresses. Their curly hair was down, tamed by a headband with a flower to the side. Paris's was pink and Priya's was white. Of course as parents we could tell them apart, but most of the guests probably wouldn't be able to.

More and more of his famous friends began to show up and finally it was one o'clock and time to head outside to enjoy all of the expensive work Michael had done. The 'unicorns' looked oddly realistic, for a moment just looking at them in their surroundings, I felt like I was in another world...

The only cameras allowed in the party were the professional photographers who came to take family pictures of us and the girls. Mostly photos of just the girls.

"Sofia!!" I heard that familiar voice squeal. It was Jisela! And of course she had her cousin Marisa with her who was just as starry eyed as ever.

"Aunt Sel!" Maddox cheered jumping up out of the chair he was sitting in.

"Oh my God! You guys made it!" I stood up from the bright pink clothed table we were sitting at. They rushed over and took turns touching my belly and showering my son with kisses. Before we could get to talking. One of the staff announced it was time to present the cake. I joined Michael in walked the girls up to their two massive three tiered cakes.

Michael had a mic in his hand and he tapped it lightly making sure it worked. "I just want to say thank you to everyone for coming out and enjoying this very special day with my family and I. Thank you, all of you. I love you all so very much."

Short and sweet, just like Michael. Shying away from the many eyes in the crowd although they were all friends and family. But then as he held up the mic again, his posture changed. It was like he transformed into someone else before my eyes. Someone more confident...

"Happy Birthday... to you..." he sang. His voice came out so flawlessly so sweet. For the first time all day, my smile wasn't fake. I stood there awkwardly holding both of the girls' hands. They were staring up at their daddy in awe.

"Happy Birthday... to you..."

"Happy birthday....!!" He belted out before kneeling down and returning his voice to a much softer tone. "... my darlings... Happy Birthday... to you..."

A crooked grin appeared on his face.

"And many more..." he said with a chuckle. Everyone cheered loudly and we held the girls up to their cakes to blow out their one candle.

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