The tar pit

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"We're back at the police station"

"It's good to see you guys" toad said as they ran trying to hide.

"Hey, Mario, look at this. These little mushroom things on the fungus"

"Great. A building with athlete's foot! Anyway toad what are you doing here?"

"Hey, look at that" Luigi sees the fungi dropping a small bomb omb.

"The princess got captured"

"What princess peach is here?"mario asked.

"Yeah so I went to go save her, what are you guys doing here"

"We're here to save Sophia again" Mario says.

"And my new girlfriend daisy"

Suddenly toad's face dropped and he squeals in joy.

"You're here to save your girlfriend too, so am I "

"Huh?" The brothers were surprised.

"You have a girlfriend" Mario asked.

"Yes, here name is toadette I can't wait for you guys to meet her, you're gonna love her"

"What is that?" Luigi tries to take the bomb then goombas were coming.

"Goombas. Come on, let's go!"

"Oh right if we get out of here alive" toad ran when Mario grabs Luigi.

"Look, he was trying to give us that thing"

"Hang on" they grabbed on to a pulley abs starts swinging.

"Swing! Keep swingin'" Mario says.

"I'm swingin', I'm swingin'!" Luigi panicked.

"Just keep hanging. Close your eyes"

The other prisoners saw and soon started a riot.

"Hey! Look at these dudes"


Prisoners cheered for them when the goombas tried to blast at them.

"LOOK OUT!" Luigi screams

"Hang on" toad says

"Hey, man, this is fun!"

"What was that?"

"Get ready you guys" toad says.

"You ready Luigi?" Mario asked.

"I'm ready, I'm ready...ready for what?"

"Let go! Now!" Toad shouts and they landed.

"Right. Which door?"

"this one's

"Let's go in this one"

"Come on" toad leads them to the other police cars.

"We're coming" Mario says.

"Here we are"

"They got us. What are we gonna do?" Luigi asked.

Then Mario sees toad getting in one of the cars, "toad what are you doing?" Mario asked.

"we steal this car"


"I'm driving" toad says.

"But we can't-" but before Luigi could say anything they see police and goombas coming in.

"All right, whatever. Come on! But I'm driving" Mario takes the drivers seat.

"You're the boss Mario" toad says.

"Wait for me. Don't take off" Luigi says.

"OK. Let's see what I got over here"

"Where's the starter on this thing?"

As the bros try to start the car, toad hotwires it.

"Got it. Let's get outta here"

"Security alert. Stand by for special bulletin"

"Mario, look!" They see their faces on the police scanner.

"Oh my-You look terrible" Mario says.

"Hey, You don't look so good yourself"

"Alien species escaping from police detention..."

"Aliens? We gotta deal with aliens too?" Mario says.

"Mario, I think we're the aliens!"

"We are? Whoa!"

"Hey, Mario, you're going the wrong way"

"Trust me I know were we're going"

"You're driving like a maniac. Would you watch it?"

"You wanna drive? I can't control it" he hits a stand with lizard organs and intestines.

They then ride on a ramp and landed on top of a car.


"How are you steering this?"

"I'm not"

"I hope the guy downstairs knows where we're going"

They were in persuade of a police car chase when two police car try to shoot at them.

"Brace yourself!" Mario slows down causing the two cars to get in a crash

Both brothers laughed when toad cheers, then Mario and Luigi did their ritual handclap.

"Which way?" Mario asked.

"Take the Parkway. Right"

"Toad what is this place" Mario asked.

"Well this was once the Sarasaland till the royal koopa family took over, they waged war on the kingdom, killed the king and queen but before the queen died she took the new born princess somewhere far away where the old king koopa wouldn't hurt her, they vowed they would find her again, but after the old king died it was left in the hands of king Boris bowser's uncle to run the kingdom but when bowser's uncle died, he gave the kingdom to bowser so now bowser took over and made some changes"

"Well we did a good job running the place" Mario says sarcastically as he looks around.

"Yeah but only the return of the princess of Sarasaland can restore the kingdom, if she's even alive"

"What I don't get is this, how can bowser be alive we saw him died, you saw him too Mario" Luigi says.

"I don't know" Mario heads straight towards the tunnel.

"But I do know he's not gonna take our sister again"

"What he needs is a queen to rule the land and with the power of a magical crystal from the princess of Sarasaland"

"What does he need it for?"

"He needs it to rule the world and once he has it not only would our kingdoms would be in danger but...your world will come to an end too"

Hearing this shocking news made Mario and Luigi gulped and worried.

"Oh that is not gonna happen" Mario says.

"Hey, watch it! What are you doin Mario?"

"I don't know"

"Warning - leaving power grid. Powering down"




"I can't stop this thing. I can't see where I'm going"

"Look out, Mario! Use the brakes"

"There are no brakes"

"Do something!"

Inside the tunnel was the fungus, "This fungus is going to kill us!"

"We're gonna hit the end of the tunnel!"

They reach the end of the tunnel, they were falling out when the car was caught by the fungus.

"Hey, was that superior driving skills or what?"

Luigi was still shaken, "Let's get outta here before this fungus stuff eats us alive" Mario says.

"I think the The fungus just saved us" Luigi looks at the fungus.

"What are you talking about? It was my driving that saved us"

"It wasn't your driving. The tunnel just squeezed us out and this fungus caught us. That's what saved us"

"Ah! Come on! Let's get outta here"

Luigi looks up from the tunnel, "don't worry daisy, I'm coming for you"

"And Sophia too right" Mario reminded Luigi.

"Oh yeah, right right right right right, I meant Sophia too" Luigi chuckles.

Bowser was taking a mud bath Ursula joining him, when wario and waluigi coming in, they walked in the large vat of mud towards

"Excuse, sir! Excuse me, sir"



"What" he growled.

"I'm sorry, we didn't meant to disturb you but your son is back and he is hurt"

Jr. came walking behind them and bowser was horrified to see jr's cheek was cut and bleeding when he covered his face.

"Jr?" Bowser panicked ad he gets out and attended his son wound.

"What happened?"

"I went to see the super Mario brothers in prison"


"Ursula told me to go to the plumbers"

Bowser turns to Ursula and she sinks in the mud looking nervous.

"What happened?" He hold jr's cheek to examine the cuts.

"I was interrogating them when that toad form the mushroom kingdom attacked me"

"WHAT! That-that toadstool is here"

"the plumbers got away and are in the tunnel. They're on their way to the desert"

"What? They'll ruin everything"

"Ah!" Jr winced in pain form his cut, which concerned bowser.


"Yes sire"

"Get the first aid kit and attend to jr's wounds"

"Yes sire" Kamek flies on his broom to get the kit.

The other Koopalings were playing around, "kids! Go help your brother out"

The Koopalings gathered around bowser jr as Kamek came back worth the medical stuff, he applied some black ooze like tar to jr's cheek as it was some pain relief cream.

And as he applied it, the cut magically healed when bowser turned to wario and waluigi.

"Now as for you two. What are you doing here instead of being in the desert heading them off?"

"That's exactly what I told him, sir. Exactly what I told him" waluigi says.

"Between you and me, waluigi hasn't got a thought in his brain"

"Ah! Ah! He's a liar, sir, Between us, wario doesn't have a brain in his head"

"ENOUGH!" Bowser yelled to stopped them bickering.

"Sire" general koopa coming in, he looked urgent about something.

"Not now" he growled.

"But sire, he's here and he's found it"

Suddenly bowser's face changed he turns to his general.

"They found it"

"Yea sire, it's here"

He rushes downstairs busting through the doors when the koopa guards escorted king boo.

"Bowser, baby, how you been sweetheart"

"I heard you found it, is it true"

"You bet ya baby"

It had the kids concerned when they see bowser and king boo going to private room.

Bowser was in shocked to see a supernatural phenomenon of restorative of black tar.

"I can't believe it, so it's true and all these years I thought it was just a myth"

"And yet here it is: a supernatural phenomenon of restorative black tar, capable resurrecting the dead to those who bathe in it"

"Daddy, what is that" Wendy asked and he turns to see all his Koopalings even bowser jr curious by the boiling black tar.

"This children is the legendary  black tar pit, this is the key to your true mother and my queen, let nothing stand in my way, Ursula , bring me my wife Sophia and have her cleaned up" Ursula stared then him then she left.

"Do you know what I love about mud children?"

"No what dad" jr. asked when he shares glances with his siblings.

"It's clean and it's dirty at the same time and it can heal wounds"

(My apologies to Flashbolt157ninja of making a rip-off of the Lazarus pit, I apologize to all dc fans if you feel offended I make a few changes I hope you can forgive me)

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