Showdown on the Inverted Pyramid

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Then back with the Mario bros, they were cruising in the odyssey, Luigi was exploring the ship, while mario was sitting next to Cappy.

"Wow Mario, this is amazing" Luigi looks outside the window with wonder.

"It sure is Lou, it sure is...I just wish Sophia was here to see this" Mario frowns.

Cappy of course saw and tries to comfort him, "don't worry we'll get them back and stop that overgrown lizard, I know it Mario"

Mario turns to Cappy giving him a soft smile, "wand right now we need to follow that monster's trail, we should heading to the next kingdom soon, capotillo which kingdom are we heading to?"

"Let's see..oh it's the sand kingdom"

"Sand kingdom?" Luigi asked. "Is it like a castle made of sand"

"Well.." Cappy turns to his brother, "not exactly"

But both head outside but when they step off the odyssey, it started to feel cold.

""Huzzah! I declare the maiden voyage of the Odyssey a complete success!" Cappy says.

But Mario and Luigi started to shiver, "yeah that's great But why is it so cold?" Luigi asked.

"Yeah I though deserts were supposed to be hot."

"Huh? The top of that tower is shining! But how could that be?" Cappy says.

"Hmm... There are some ruins there, and... An artifact called the Binding Band that links people a wedding ring!"

"And this Bowser seems like just the sort of creep that would steal a priceless antiquity for his sham wedding!"

"Sounds like bowser" Mario says.

"Come on let's see if we can find any more power moons"

They walked through the village then they came across a purple lake, but before they could step on it.



Cappy and his brother stops them, "what?"

"You almost stepped in a toxic burning lake, you step in it and you'll burn"

"So how are we supposed to get across?" Mario asked.

Luigi looks at capotillo then he gets an idea, "hang on I got an idea" he throws capotillo and he comes back to him.

"You can jump on the caps to the other side"

"Great Idea Lou and when i get to the other side I'll come get you"

"Not a bad idea, ok ready" Cappy says.

Luigi takes capotillo ready to throw him and Mario gets in a running start.

"Alright, let's-a-go"

Mario runs and as he jumps and Luigi throws the cap and Mario jumps on it, they keep repeating, but as Mario was halfway to the other side, Luigi's arm was starting to hurt.

"Uh long do we need to do this?"

"Just a few more Lou"

"Mama Mia, I need to rest"

He gave his arm a break but then he missed and Mario fell.


"MARIO!" Luigi panicked then throw capotillo, he grabbed mario and throw him up and he landed safely on the other side.

They all breath in a sigh of relief, but mario still laughs.

"Sorry Mario"

"See, I'm ok"


"Alright Luigi, ready" mario gets ready to throw Cappy.

But Luigi looks down at the lake, he was terrified.

"I don't know mario"

"Don't worry Luigi I'm not gonna drop you, I promise"

He bumped then he takes a giant leap, mario threw Cappy, Luigi jumps on him then he lands on the other side, but he was too close to the edgy, he tries to keep his balance.

Then mario pulls him safely from the lake, "see, I told you it will fine"

Then they look up at the Inverted Pyramid, "COME on lets go"

they walked inside the Inverted Pyramid and reach to the top, out of breath and tired from walking from steps.

"Who...knew...climbing pyramids...would be so tiring" Luigi says

"Yeah, well...let's just take about Sophia"

But at the top, they see a familiar face, it was one of the broodals: Harriet.

Lookin' for the Binding Band, chumps? Too bad! The Boss has it now! And you guys ain't invited to the wedding!"

"Oh we're getting to that wedding bunny, and there is nothing you can do to stop"

"Ugh, we'll see about that"

She puts on a spiky sunbonnet-shaped helmet, she attempts to throws bombs at Mario using her braid.

Luigi was worried when Mario had to face her, she tries to throw a bomb at him but he threw Cappy at the bomb and it hit back back at her, she loses her spiked helmet and Mario jumps on her head.

"AH! Grr!" She throws her spiked hat.

"AH!" Luigi panicked but Mario throws Cappy at the hat and it hits her back.

She was about to throw another bomb when Luigi snapped.


As the bomb heads towards Mario, Luigi gets in front Mario.

"MARIO LOOK OUT!" He throws his cap and the bomb hits her, knocking her out.

Mario then turns to Luigi, "thanks Lou"

But soon it got dark and the ground started to shake, they turned around to see the Inverted Pyramid floating.

"Uh Mario? Is that normal"

"Huh? How odd?" Mario says.

"The Inverted Pyramid is floating? That can't be right" Cappy says.

"And it's getting more colder" capotillo shivered.

"This is more of that monster bowser's doing"

"Come on, let's check it out" Mario says.

He Luigi and the cap bros followed the floating Inverted Pyramid and suddenly fell down a hole in the ground.


They wake up to look up and see that...they were in a underground temple.

"Ugh, where are we Mario?" Luigi asked.

"I don't know-look out!" He pushed Luigi to the ground when two fist came floating in the air.

Then a giant head....


"AH! Mario what is that?"

"I don't know Lou"

"He's name is Knucklotec, he's the guardian deity and the ring" cappy explains.

"YOU take ring?!"

"What! No! We didn't take your ring" Luigi shouts.

Then Knucklotec slams his fist causing crystals to fall on them.


"I don't think he's gonna listen Lou" Mario says

Luigi tries to avoid getting crushed by the crystals while Mario doges the fist and when his fist hit the crystals his fist hurt, this gets Mario an idea.

"Luigi try to distract him, I got an idea"

"Ok but Mario whatever you are thinking, you better hurry, hey big guy over here...ah!"

The fists went after Luigi as Mario climbed behind Knucklotec's head.

Then once he gets to the top, he gets the fist attention.

"Hey over here" he jumps up and down waving his arms.

Knucklotec panicked when his own fist head towards him and leaves Luigi alone, they came in hot, Mario jumps off and Luigi grabs his hand helping him up.

Knucklotec gets hit so hard he ends up flying then he explodes into crystals and a moon power falls out of him.

"Good thinking Mario" Cappy says.

"Come on let's get out of here before we run into more trouble capotillo says.

Luigi heads out the ruins of Knucklotec and pulls out the moon power.

"Hey, at least he got us this"

He shows them the moon power then they power up the odyssey and the desert is not warm again.

"Whew, it's so hot now...but I do suppose that's what we were trying to accomplish" Cappy says.

"Thea that great but bowser is now gone, if we keep up this pace, we'll catch him in no time"

"Then what are we waiting for...let's go" Luigi says.

Next stop....the lake kingdom...

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