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"Now what shall I do. He won't follow my advice for sure." Divyanshi dumped the cloak and walked in the corridor of the palace. She bumped into a huge person, "You blind motherfu-" she looked at the man. "Oh!" It was him.

"I am sorry." he said. 

"Oh no! I apologise, Angraj. I was being stupid." she tried to hide the fact that she just swore at him. She hoped he didn't hear her. She tried to leave but was stopped.

"Wait!" he held her wrist, "Do you know who does this ring belong to?" he held out a ruby ring.

She was surprised to see her ring, it must've fallen when she was stalking him. 'Oh no! Save me, Lord! He'll know.' "I-"

"Sakhi!" she heard Krishnn's sweet voice, "Here you are! I was searching for you everywhere." 

"I was just wandering here." she smiled. 'Thank you for saving me.'

He smiled and turned to Karn. "What happened, Angraj?" he asked.

"I just wanted to return this ring to its owner but I can't seem to find her, Vaasudev." Karn replied.

"I know who's ring this is." Krishnn said.

'He's going to lie! He's going to lie! He's going to lie!' She hoped.

"It's her ring. Am I right, Sakhi?" he said.

It was almost a dramatic scene. Karn's gaze were fixed at her, she was staring Krishnn and then there was him, who was innocently looking at Karn. "It belongs to you?" Karn almost smiled.

'Why is he smiling?' she wondered, "Yes, it does."

"Is there a problem?" asked Krishnn.

"She came to me in disguise and 'threatened' me to not participate on behalf of Duryodhan." Karn complaint.

"Ok, it was not a threat. I just gave you a suggestion." she defended.

"And why would you 'suggest' me?" he asked. Divyanshi was glaring at him for wrong accusations. An axe was needed to break the tension between them.

"Because she knows the future." Krishnn broke the tension.

"What?" Karn asked, "How is that possible?"

"Why can't it be possible?" Krishnn smiled, "I'll leave you two here." he left.

"So you were trying to protect me? From what?" Karn inquired.

"I can't tell you yet." Divyanshi answered, "I will explain you later."

"Later? When?" he asked again.

"You ask so many question? Just give me my ring back." she tried to get her ring back but he raised it high.

"I'll return it to you when the right time comes." he smirked.

"Not funny. Give it to me!" she stood on her tip toes.

"Not happening." he turned around and walked away.

"Pathetic!" she rolled her eyes.

"You are here! I found you." Draupadi called her, "Where were you?"

"I was just roaming here but I want to talk to you about something." Divyanshi said.

"You must wait, I am sorry. The swayamvar is about to start." Draupadi took her hand and Divyanshi had to follow her.

"It's important." Divyanshi protested but no luck.

They reached, "Sit beside me." Draupadi smiled.

"That's my seat." Drishtadyumn rebelled.

"Can't you adjust for a few hours. You can sit here as much as you want after the swayamvar." Draupadi spoke.

"I will manage but at least listen to me." Divyanshi said.

"Oh! I am sorry I left you there. I was scared." Amruta dragged her away from Draupadi.

"Amruta, babe, I need to talk to her." Divyanshi boiling with impatience but the announcement interrupted her.

The rules were explained. Kings and Princes participated to test their luck but failed miserably. Divyanshi had to sit down, she found an empty seat beside Krishnn and joined him. Watching the Kings and Princes failing was boring, she knew what was going to happen and wished if she could record everything. She spotted five Brahmins and immediately knew who they were. She glanced at Draupadi and she caught her looking at her. Divyanshi smiled playfully and signed at the Brahmins. Draupadi was red.

"I hope he follows my advice." she wished. She looked at the sad face of Duryodhan, who looked at Karn hopefully. 

"Is there no archer who has the ability to fulfill this task?" asked King Drupad.

Everyone looked down, it was Duryodhan who was smirking; he clearly was upto something. He stood up but was cut by Dhrishtadyum, "Yuvraj Duryodhan, you have already participated. You cannot participate again."

"You can say 'failed miserably'." Divyanshi muttered and Krishnn hid his laughter. 

Duryodhan blabbered about the competition being biased. He wanted the competition to be about wrestling, the duo couldn't stop snickering. "Angraj Karn will be participating on my behalf and win Draupadi for me." 

Divyanshi's grin disappeared when she saw Karn actually getting up. "Is he stupid? I warned him."

"He is an 'introvert'. Give him time." Krishnn said.

"Yeah, I can fix him." she glanced at Karn walking to the bow while Drishtadyumn complained about Karn participating on behalf of Duryodhan being rubbish. Duryodhan then asked Karn to win Draupadi for himself.

"You said the same thing about Rishit." Krishnn spoke.

"Rishit was a mistake. I didn't know he would betray me." she noticed Karn picking up the bow. "Why isn't Arjun participating? Why is he not standing there? He should be here."

"Have faith and wait." he smiled.

"Stop!" yelled Draupadi before the arrow could leave the bow.

"Oh please don't do that!" Divyanshi mumbled.

"What happened, Rajkumari?" asked Karn, he was confused.

"I will not marry you." Draupadi spoke confidently. 

People gasped and whispering started. They wondered why did Draupadi say such thing and some assume the reason to be about Karn's caste. 

"Father, you wanted me to marry Prince Arjun. I will only marry him." she said.

"But, Prince Arjun is dead." King Drupad said and Divyanshi grinned at the statement.

"What is going on?" Duryodhan yelled. 

"I will not marry Angraj." Draupadi announced.

'Great start! Now don't insult him.' Divyanshi thought.

"Why is that?" Karn snapped.

"I don't wish to marry you and I don't need to give you a reason for my decision." Draupadi spoke. 

"What is going on King Drupad? Does your daughter wish to stay unmarried for life?" Duryodhan was angry.

"I am not going to marry a sutputr." Draupadi spoke and Divyanshi face palmed.

'Girl, what the hell!' Divyanshi screamed internally. She exhaled hard, "You can do this. You can do this. You have spoken in front of people before, they were double the crowd here." Divyanshi mumbled to herself.

"Yes, you can do this." Krishnn supported.

"Draupadi, if I may interject," she started and Draupadi nodded. Karn looked at her curiously, she gathered all courage and gained a smile from Krishnn. "What you said was absolutely wrong." 

"But-but I am your friend." Draupadi gasped.

"Yes, that's why I am correcting you. You shouldn't have judged him based on his background. Everyone present here knows how-" she glanced at Karn, who was hiding his smile, "-brilliant he is. In fact, he is one of the greatest archer of all time."

"Thank you. Thank you for standing up for me." Karn said.

She blushed, her whole was red. She nodded and sat down. "I messed up, didn't I?"

"No, you didn't. He's already looking at you." Krishnn said, "Look, he is still looking at you."

"No, I won't look. It will be obvious." she said.

"I am sorry, Angraj Karn but my daughter doesn't want to marry you." King Drupad said, "I will have to call of this event-"

"No, the swayamvar is meant to be conducted." Krishnn said.

"But how?" asked Drupad.

"If the Kshatriyas aren't able to fulfill the task, we can invite Brahmins." Krishnn suggested.

Drupad nodded and accepted. Everyone waited, Divyanshi was extremely excited to meet Arjun. Arjun stepped forward and walked to the bow. He picked the bow and aim at the fish's eye, he stared at it for a minute and the next moment the arrow had left the bow and hit the fish's eye. 

"Go put the garland around you husband's neck." 

Draupadi did so and everyone cheered except the Kauravs. Karn was somewhat happy looking at the person who stood up for up, he wondered if he would personally meet her again to thank her properly. He wondered if he should present her a gift. Divyanshi was extremely happy and secretly recorded everything with her phone. 

"I am gonna miss you, Divyanshi." Draupadi said.

"It's good to hear that I gained a special place in your heart in just a few hours." Divyanshi held her hands and smiled, she turned to Arjun who was in disguise. "You better take care of her and don't replace me, ok? She is my new friend and-you get it don't you?"

"Yes, I do." he said.

They left and Divyanshi's eyes were filled with tears. "Oh! Who is cutting onions?" she turned to Krishnn, wiping her tears, "So, what now?"

"We'll first meet the Kauravs and-" he smiled brightly and looked at her, "Angraj."

"You know he is not that special for me. He is not even my type." Divyanshi said.

"Not your type, huh? Adopted, childhood trauma, tall and muscular. How can I not mention black, long and curly hair! Also, he is a pet lover." Krishnn teased.

She glanced at Karn, "He's not that bad though."

"As I was saying, we'll first meet them and go to Dwarka." Krishnn said.

"That's great! I can finally meet Rukhmini ji." she smiled.

"Here they come." he said and Shakuni greeted him.

"Pranipaat, Vaasudev. What the girl did was extremely brave. We all would love to know who she is." Shakuni asked.

Divyanshi hesitated, 'Why is he staring at my soul?'.

"She is Divyanshi." Krishnn introduced her.

"Oh! So she is the girl Karn couldn't stop talking about." Dushasan.

"What?" asked Divyanshi.


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