Archer and I went to get ice cream and he surprisingly had good taste. He picked cheesecake flavor and added tiny cheesecakes on top. How cute right? I on the other hand decided to eat a chocolate flavor with brownie crumbs, chocolate syrup, and almonds. Best combination ever.
Before going back to my house, we ate our ice creams as we walked through the mall. You know me and my shopping addiction.
"We are not going to buy frog rings Elizabeth. You can't convince me." We were standing outside a store that had frog rings in display. I repeat, frog rings and they were fifty percent off. Clay freakin frog rings with little pink cheeks and they were so cute.
"Why not? Look at them, so tiny and cute"
"You're tiny and cute and you don't see me buying you."
"What?" Did I hear that correctly?
"That came out wrong." Sure it did Archer, sure it did.
"Funny. And for your information, you are only five inches taller than me." It was an estimate, but a pretty accurate one. Archer didn't reach six feet. He probably was around five eleven while I was five five or five six. Hence my skinny long legs.
Growing up many people were constantly asking me if I was eating correctly or that I should try and workout on my legs. It's always 'love all bodies' until they see a skinny girl, then they think I'm not eating. Sorry Cathy my metabolism is fucking fast.
"I'm still taller and we aren't getting them."
"You're no fun." I said trying to make a sad face, but ended up choking on a bit of almond. Archer didn't say anything, he just looked at me with a blank stare. Idiot.
"Yes brownie. I'm great thank you for asking." I said in a sarcastic tone once I was able to breathe correctly.
"You were still breathing so I didn't think it was necessary for me to ask about your well being." How nice of him.
"I'm getting comedian vibes from you."
He didn't respond and that didn't surprise me. He just walked away from me and I internally rolled my eyes before trying to catch up with him. I jogged rapidly and kind of jumped on his shoulders almost making us fall on the floor, but what happened was ten times better. He laughed, he didn't chuckle. He laughed and it was so cute. It wasn't like that weird dry laugh some guys have, nop. It actually has a sound.
"Oh so we can't buy our frog rings, but you can buy more books. Thats fucking rude."
"If I remember correctly you wanted me to read you a book, so I suppose we have to buy one cause last time I checked I don't have magic powers that make a book appear any time I want one."
I hate it when he's right.
"That would be fucking awesome." I'm referring to the magic powers. Not the book reading.
"Shut up." He said through his smile and grabbed my hand intertwined our fingers together.
I shouldn't feel so nervous right?
We walked inside and the smell of books filled my nose quickly. However, when someone says books smell bad they have never smelled a book or entered a bookstore.
"So what book did you have in mind?" He asked me letting go of my hand. I internally pout missing his grasp on me.
"I'll pick one out randomly." I looked for the bottom row and made my way through the titles until I read one that got my attention quickly. Raising my hand to grab it, I suddenly feel his presence behind me. His hand was placed on my waist making me feel instantly warm and safe. He grabbed the book for me. He lowered his head and placed it on my ear as he whispered.
"I know you reach, but I really wanted to do that." I tilted my head not realizing our proximity. We were so close that one movement would cause our lips to crash into each other. I lowered my gaze to his lips. Pink and they look soft. I looked back at his eyes only to find his eyes fixed on my lips. I licked my lips and grabbed the book from his hand feeling too much tension and electricity from us.
"They both die at the end. Interesting title. It can't really mean-" Archers chuckle answered my question. "You can't be serious."
"I'm very serious Elizabeth. Let me pay for it so we can leave."
"Nice house stranger."
"Thanks. Do you want something to drink?" I opened the fridge to see what I could offer him. "We have soda, juice, milk."
"I'm fine."
"Cool. My parents should be home, but their car isn't in the driveway. Probably went out, so we have the house to ourselves. Lets go to my room."
We walked to my room. I was really hoping I left it clean this morning. Luckily past self was smart enough. My room looked decent. I wasn't one to have my room perfectly clean, but I didn't like having a mess either.
"Do you mind if I change into something for comfy?" I was still wearing the dress and heels so I really just wanted to put on some shorts with a sweatshirt.
"Go ahead. I'll wait outside." Not wanting him to wait too long for me, I quickly stripped and changed into a baby blue sweatshirt and some black shorts. I took my contacts out and put on my glasses. A girl can only wear contacts for so long.
"Come in." He had taken off his jacket and had opened some extra bottoms of his shirt.
Why was my mouth suddenly so fucking dry.
"Oh. I didn't know you wore glasses. They look nice."
"Yeah. When I go out I put on my contacts." He looked down at the floor and the air shifted to an awkward state. "You can sit on my bed if you want."
He sat on the edge.
"I really like how you look with glasses. I'm not saying you look bad when you don't wear them cause you don't. You always look really pretty, but you look prettier with them." I tried to hide the smile forming in my face. Key word: tried.
"Thank you brownie. We'll have to read in my room. Not everyone has cool balconies they can sit on."
"Funny Elizabeth." He took the book from the bag as I sat, my back against the bed. I softly patted the space next to me hoping he got the hint to sit next to me.
"Do you want me to-"
"No fuckery shittery Archer." He of course raised his eyebrows. He was still getting used to my beautiful curse words. "Yes I do Archer."
"Cool." He moved to where I was.
"You might want to get closer so I can read the pages too."
"Of course." He scooted over a bit, but there was still space. Not knowing why the need to be close to him took over my mind, I moved closer to him so our shoulders were touching. His muscles tensed for a second before relaxing.
"Let's start."
From the very beginning the book was beautiful. Not only the writing, but the font and every detail. Only a few chapters in, I decided to be bold and place my head on his shoulders. Not long after he wrapped his hand around me and started playing with my hair. I looked up at him only to find a smile on his lips as he read.
He read and I passed the pages.
Archer makes me feel safe in his arms. The entire universe could be breaking, and I wouldn't care because I know he would protect me. I was the candle and he was the flame, and no matter if the wax melted right into my hand, I would let it burn me.
Do you think he thinks about me too?
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