February 2017 prompt

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Okay, for our first story, I thought I'd keep it reasonably simple. I want us all to write a story about some kind of scam, or fraud, (which is defined more or less as the crime of obtaining money from someone by deception.) It could be a very small-scale fraud, (kids on the playground conning each other out of small change, for example) or it could be something bigger (someone promising to provide a service and then disappearing with the money) or it could be on a huge, international scale (think Bernie Madoff!) It could be someone faking their own death in order to defraud the insurance company. It could be written from the point of view of the fraudster, or the victim, or someone else entirely. It could be any genre, so long as someone tricks someone else into giving them money, (or tries to.) If you need inspiration, watch The Sting. (If you don't need inspiration, watch it anyway - it's a great film!)

There's no word count. As long or as short as you like.


That was the task - here are the stories.

So many questions chrissylovesbooks gives us a tale of a man who bumps into his dead wife in the street one day. The title seems appropriate. 

Jackpot My own effort is a story set in a refugee camp. (It might change as I do more research.) 

Wolf Man JCScraba took the prompt in a somewhat unexpected direction, as you may be able to tell from the title.

The Mary Hotel willtran42 has this rather wonderful little story about a working girl scamming her clients - but it doesn't end up where you (or she) expect. 

I tried to paste links to the stories right here, in the body of the chapter, but it doesn't seem to work. So I'll paste links to the stories in the comments underneath this chapter. (Yeah I know they're all in the comments anyway, but this way, they're all in together in the same comment.) 

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