Chapter 38

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"I can't believe it's actually here." I say as I pace around backstage. "Kyle, we're graduating." He comes over and puts his hands on my shoulders, stopping me in my path. "I know, you've told me like 6 times. Now, stop pacing, you're making me nervous."

I sigh but oblige him, instead wringing my hands in front of me. My stomach is churning, oh god, I can't do this. "Whatever self deprivating thoughts you're thinking, cut it out." Kyle tells me," It's not worth it. Your speech is great and you'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask, as I hear the principal mount the stage in the background. "Absolutely positive." He says with a smile. He squeezes my shoulder and gives me a little push towards the stage. "You're going to be great."

"And now I'd like to invite your valedictorian, Dylan Matthews, to join me on the stage and give us a few words of wisdom." I take a deep breath, Kyle's hand still on my back prodding me forward. I take a step forward and then another, mounting the stage and crossing quickly to the podium.

I give the crowd a smile and, with another big breath, I start to speak...


Your life can change in an instant.

One thing, may it be quite small or quite large can change the course of your existence forever.

Your life can change in an instant.

In one instant your life can change forever....No matter how you put it those words are powerful, in a way they define us.

Your life can change in an instant.

Here, let me give you an example. She's the most popular girl in school, everyone worships the ground she walks on. That is until a nasty rumor gets started and she goes from the top of the social hierarchy to the very bottom.

Your life can change in an instant.

Now you're probably thinking that I'm nuts and this speech sucks. That I've given you a stupid high school scenario when in just a short while we will no longer be high school students. That in just a short while, that social hierarchy that we've been clinging too will no longer matter. And I would have to say that you're probably right so how about we try another example.

Your life can change in an instant.

You work in a large office building in some far away city. You've been there for about two years and recently have been working your ass off for that next big promotion. You get called into your boss's office and you think 'Finally, I've gotten to where I'm supposed to be and all that hard work payed off.' You get in there and he starts to talk, telling you about how the company needs to downsize and they just really don't have the space for you right now so they're going to have to let you go. You should probably go collect your things.

Your life can change in an instant.

You're running a bit late for work. You're not speeding or anything but you're not paying as much attention to the other drivers around you as you might normally do. You get to a traffic light, it's green so you keep going, what you don't see is the teenage girl texting and driving who's about to run that same light. At least, you don't see her until she runs into you that is. You wind up in the hospital and lose your left leg.

Your life can change in an instant.

    Yes, your life can change in an instant but what you do with that instant can change your life.

    Instead of letting that rumor get you down you decide to start an anti-bullying club at your school. A girl came up to you today and told her that you saved her life. She had finally stood up to her tormentors and today was a good day.

    You lost your job but instead of complaining you keep your spirits up. One day a letter comes in the mail, a job offer at the company you always wanted to work for. It's your dream job! You take it and end up meeting the love of your life there.

    Instead of becoming depressed and shutting everyone out after the loss of your leg you start an organization. You work to raise awareness about texting and driving as well as helping out the victims and the instigators.

Your life can change in an instant but what you do with that instant can change your life.

So don't let that instant define you. Roll with the punches and keep your chin up because no matter how hard things get you never know when your life will take a turn for the better.

Follow your dreams but don't forget your past. Learn from your mistakes and take pride in what you do. Find your niche, find your place and change the word because if you put your mind to it you can do anything.

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