Chapter One - The Begining

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My name is Tick Tack. I am a killer. People have told me what I do is wrong, but I don't understand what they mean. It doesn't feel wrong to me, in fact I find myself laughing when I kill. I didn't used to be a killer though. A long time ago I never would have guessed I would turn into the person I am now. I used to be a normal boy named Kuro, but never again will I go by that name. Why you ask? I will tell you. Here is my story.

~The beginning~

My grandfather had told me when my mother was pregnant with me she wanted a girl. She never wanted a boy so she had to learn to love me, or at least put up with me. I noticed my mother was changing when I was only 6 years old. Up until then I thought my parents loved me. Well, at least I thought my mother loved me. My father was an alcoholic and couldn't really be considered a father. But one day I was sent home from school because I got into a fight, but it was  because The person I fought with was being a bully and hit me first. I had gotten in trouble at school before because of this bully. I'm always the one getting caught So my mother started to think it was my fault and that I was starting it. When my mother got me from school she was furious. But parents get mad when their children get into fights right? That's what I thought. When we got home I tried to explain what had happened. "Mom That boy started it, he was calling me names" I said. Suddenly my mother pushed me down. "You lying little brat!" She said. My father was in the other room passed out from drinking. When he woke up my mother told him what had happened, except she said I started the fight at school and that it was my fault. My father was furious. He took his pocket knife and managed to slice my nose, So I have a scar there now. Since that day, My mother had been abusive towards me and my father couldn't really be considered a father because of his drinking. One day I was walking by the living room when I heard my parents talking, so I eavesdropped. My father just happened to be sober at the time so my mother was able to have a conversation with him. "Why did I even give birth to that boy, I wanted a daughter, I wish he would just disappear!" She cried. "Yes, Our lives would be so much better without him, but we are stuck with him." My father agreed. Just then he saw me. "Why are you eavesdropping??" He asked. "I-I.." "GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T COME OUT FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!" My mother screamed. "But-!" "NOW!" That night I didn't get to eat dinner. I ended up crying myself to sleep. Eventually I started to lock myself in my room. My favorite thing to do was play tic tac toe, so I would play it by myself as sort of a comfort. (This is part of how I got my name.)

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