Author- san Talking! : hey guys! I do own this story and I don't own the characters of Voltron okay ^^ but I do own my own characters witch is Talisa and other character etc I made anyway enjoy the story *smiles* also can we stop and look at this awesome Picture ( Pic above) I love it 1970 Chevelle SS Blue *dies* I wonder I can get this car for my 12 Formal next year...any enjoy the story! -3-
Talisa POV:
What is this dream? I was standing in this pitch black dream then suddenly the dream or a memory.. I don't know I gonna find out.. I saw the young girl with long blue dress with long raven hair smiling at me then running away from me, wait is that me? " W-Wait come back. Can you tell me where I am?!" I chase after the young girl who looks like me, I was confused... I somehow I recognize this place I was in the kingdom with in beautiful Castle. I was in the throne room with full of two different kind race. one race people who have long fluffy cat ears with purple skin also their eyes is full yellow and the other race with people with long elf ears with blue marks also the skin is like mine?. I walked around the throne room and the one of royal guards shout out to the people to get the attraction then said " The Royal empire Keith and his husband King Lance also the young princess Talisa has arrive."
I watching the royal family the both kings walking down the stairs, waving to their people smiling. The first king is a tall man with long dark hair in ponytail with beautiful blue-gray eyes also the Purple skin. The other king with white hair with blue mark on his face their Daughter the princess Talisa somehow looked like is me?.I walked near the throne chair and watching royal family and the townspeople dancing, smiling, talking. I was very confused why I am dreaming about this.. was this just a dream or a memory? I kept thinking until everyone say Happy birthday to the young girl and she look like 3 is old and it her birthday, king Keith got her first Galra sword ( like Keith knife in the show with Blade of Marmora) looks like her father purple sword that he brought her and I realised that sword she got is like my sword now! few minutes later after thinking of what happening the castle shook like a big earthquake. I ran to the window and see all the town on fire and people dying and there was the battle cry between the two different race. I turn around and saw the young me holding me on my leg crying and when the people running through me and my younger self running over her and screaming out to her both fathers.
"Father, Papa!?" I was running over to her but seeing the people screaming and dying in front of me. The young princess was hit by the wall and blacking out slowing, hearing screaming and guns shooting everywhere and then I saw this lady with black dress with no face but long white hair and someone standing beside her I saw...the blue king? walking to young girl I tired to run to the girl but I was stuck in place. " Send her to earth also Wipe her memories and change her into a hideous human like her human father ." The blue king said while grinning. Human father? I was into thinking. what does he mean by that? " Of course Your highness." the white long hair women bow to the king. Everything was turns pitch black and the same old women stared at me with glowing yellows eyes, I started running as hell. the feeling of cold and darkness around me then I heard the lady's evil Laugh coming from everywhere.
Beep, beep, beep
I woke up tried sweating and thinks to my self and calming down. " Clam down Bella, its just a dream or a nightmare." I shake my head a focusing on my breath slowing, while the stupid alarm went off then I pull a pug from the wall to make the clock stop beeping then I got out of bed and went for shower and get change into blue rip jeans, a black shirt with black and red jumper around my wrist. I look at my mirror and took my long black hair with red tips on the bottom and put into a high pony tail.
stop right there...yeah I know but I want you guys to know about me hey guys just a quick one My name is Bella ( this is a fake name since she doesn't remember her memory) and I am 18. I've been was living with my adopted parents and my sister Sam I don't know my real family I lost my memories when I little. I am in senior at Garrison high I am gonna be the next generation of astroexplorers, you want know why I want to become the next generation of astroezplorers because I have been big fan of the story legend of the hero of the Voltron but I think I just a legend and not real but I am big fan of the hero Voltron hero of Shiro, Keith, Lance, Paige and Hunk disappearance during the battle between fighting Zakron fleet for earth but that was years ago, the Garrison was responsible for publicly claiming that the spacecraft had crashed while conducting their own clandestine investigation into alien transmissions detected nearby. When Shiro returned on Earth a year later inside a Galra escape pod the battle between Zakron and earth. The leader of Voltron and my adopted father James Griffin help each other helping saving earth along with Voltron after I read the books about the Galra and Atlean battle on earth? I mean how cool was that but that not the thing that I want to talking about anyway the reason why is I want to explore the space study about it.. okay back to the story.
"Okay, my summer is over and here it come my senior year at the Garrison." I sigh and I went down downstairs to kitchen then I saw my adopted Parents and mean my sister Sam. I wave to them and say good morning to them.
"hello sweetheart, how are you" Dad smiled and hug at me while I poured myself some cereal
"hello everyone and I am fine dad I just got a nightmare." I say eating my cereal , then I grab my lunch bag and put into my black and white bag along I grab my guitar and put it around my back. " Bye Dad....mum." I say look back not looking at my mother, I gave her glare ( if you don't understand. here she doesn't like her mother and her sister because they abused her when her father isn't around)
I walked through the font door and I saw my baby 1970 Chevelle SS Blue with white strips.. let say my family is rich -__- . I put my things in the car, as I was hop into my car but I heard a loud music comes from the 1960s British sport car which is one the most popular girls in school and they driving to my house and they saw me with a jelly in their eyes because I am even more beautiful than them. The girls in the car, the driver with long black with small thin wrist that is Paulina and next to her is a girl with mid-length blonde hair is Monique.
"OMG Bella! it's been such in along time girl....not nerd!" Paulina said then the two girl laughing.
"Oh nothing much!" I growled at her. I heard a footsteps ran behind me and ran past me.
"Omg girl. How are you!" my sister she said to Paulina then hop in her car also turns to me. " what are you doing here...shoo." she added.
I rolls my eyes then I turns to my car and hop in then drive off to my best Friends house Malissa yes she is my only best friend in the world when we were little, she always be there for me like when I am alone or sad he will always cheers me up. she like a big sister to me. I stop at Malissa's house and beeps the horn to get her ass over here or we will be late to school. I see Malissa walk out, her outfit is simple outfit is a more like a school outfit but its was plain yellow shirt with orogen jumper, black rip jeans with brown work boots and plus her yellow hair headband.
" Okay! I am coming! jeez girl " Malissa laughs and hops in my car with her yellow and black bag
"Hehe, sorry...not, serious why you always take long time to get ready." I said, punch Malissa arm.
"Ouch! what was that for?! why?! because I want boy to notice me" she said in pain and rubbing her arm up and down and make a face -3-.
" Right of course boys. We gonna be late for school!" I laugh at my best friend and drove off to school.
(time skip - driving)
There I see the school with the font Garrison high. I pulled my car in the parking lot next to the high school. Malissa and I grabs our thing from the my car. Then we both walk to front of the school then we look at each other.
"Ready for our last year of school and also out senior life?" Malisa said while she locked my arm then the school bell rings.
" Yeah let hope this years going be awesome instead last year, Let go!" I said pulling Malissa left arm to entering the door of Casper high.
Finally Done chapter 1 - Strange Dream, I hope you like it *smiles* I hope you enjoy the. I will write the chapter 2 in Voltron 2... Also I hope you have heard Tik Tok before and you wanna know what my account is @bella_fluffytail16. Bye Form VOLTRON!
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