Junk Lord and Roger found a loop around Roger's living situation, it wasn't much but Roger never complained and seemed happy to have a place to stay in the first place even though it was only when Junk Lord's mother was at work. A lot better than being homeless...
Roger began staying at Junk Lord's house when his mother left for work, at first Roger was hesitant cause she knew how much Junk Lord liked being at the Junk pile with his cats but Junk Lord said the cats would be fine and he'd visit them anyways. But during these days when Roger would spend hours at his house he'd feel something, well he always felt something when he was around her but now that he's here more often the feelings are more intense.
Today she was working overtime at her first job so she left at 6am meaning Roger got an extra hour at Junk Lord's house.
Right now Roger was eating a few snacks Junk Lord's mother brought from her last pay check, she wouldn't mind as long as they're not gone too quickly right? They had begun splitting their food so that Junk Lord's mother wouldn't get suspicious about there suddenly being no food "Tom"Roger began as he finished eating his snack "Hm?".
"When are you gonna tell your mom about me?" Junk Lord nearly jumped at the question, he had never thought of properly introducing Roger he was also trying to avoid his mother from finding out Roger had been sneaking in her house "Oh uhh, gosh I never thought of it...Well one day, later on she doesn't know about us yet..."Junk Lord didn't notice the way he worded the last bit, but Roger did and she was blushing up a storm "Oh, I understand, perhaps your mom is homophobic"Roger joked. "But uh, Roger, we're not dating".
Roger jumped back in shock and blushed in embarassment, now he was really feeling embarassed. He couldn't even remember when he thought her and Junk Lord were actually dating, the way they were so close just...Made him think it. Now just how was he gonna explain himself?
Junk Lord didn't notice the embarassment from Roger, he simply looked out his bedroom window not realizing Roger wasn't speaking.
While Junk Lord was looking out the window, what Roger said finally hit him. "R-Roger did you think we were-" "I-I'm sorry! I just thought- Forget I said anything, please..."Roger spoke quickly with humiliation hiding his face with his red poncho.
The awkwardness was eating the both of them up, Roger didn't speak and Junk Lord didn't speak.
After rubbing his neck for a little while, thinking hard. Thinking hard about his words and thinking hard if the thought was something he actually liked.
"Well...If you really want to then maybe we can change that...".
Roger felt his face light up, Junk Lord turned to him and out of shock and embarrassment she blushed red and threw herself back hiding her face with his red hood. Tom was almost laughing but gave her a moment.
It took a moment for Roger to calm down and slowly lift himself up "Sorry about that...But umm, yeah that would be great actually! Haha now we can really see if your mom is homophobic hehe..." "Roger please, let's enjoy the moment and not think of the bad possibilities..."Junk Lord plopped himself down and shifted himself over to lay down facing the opposite direction of Roger, unsurprisingly Roger did the same only this time his face was to Junk Lord's back. He spent a whole hour staring at him from behind longingly.
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