Twin flames

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As Harry pulls Dudley inside He and Mari share a look. Aunt Petunia fusses over Dudley Uncle Vernon Chews Harry out, "What did you do to him boy?" He starts stocking towards Harry.

Mari tries to stop him, "Uncle it wasn't Harry's fa-" They are interrupted by an owl flying in and dropping a letter before flying away. They all are frozen as the letter flies into the air and starts to speak, "Dear Mr. Potter, The ministry has received intelligence that at twenty three minutes past six this evening you performed the Patronus charm in the presence of a Muggle." Harry and Mari glance at Dudley still shaking on the couch. "As a clear violation of the decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft & wizardry. Hoping that you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk."

Vernon Cheers, "Finally, you get what you have deserved for years. Now go to your room, boy."

Harry, still in shock, walks slowly to his room and Mari glances back at Vernon and Petunia who are doting on Dudley before quietly grabbing the letter and following Harry upstairs.
Harry throws his jacket onto his bed and sits fuming.
Mari leans against harry's desk reading over the physical letter, "It says you have a disciplinary hearing on the 12th. They can't destroy your wand until after the hearing."

Harry throws his hands up in anger, "What use does a wand have without Hogwarts and my friends."

Mari shrugs sitting next to Harry on the bed, "I'm sure Dumbledore will figure this out."

Harry lays back, "Yeah whatever just leave me alone." Mari looks hurt but stands and moves to her bed.

About an hour later Aunt Petunia knocks on Mari's door, "Just saying good night sweet heart and reminding you that your uncle, Dudley and I will be gone for the next week."

Mari nods and smiles, "Yes Auntie,I hope you have a good trip."

Petunia nods and smiles, "Have a good night Mari." She walks away closing the door and Mari falls asleep.

The next day Mari wakes up to a quiet house and walks to the kitchen to start on breakfast for her and Harry. About 30 minutes later Harry walks downstairs and slumps into a chair and without a word takes a plate of breakfast that Mari offers his scarfing it down.

Mari sits across from him looking at him sadly knowing that this is how the next while would go, still unsure of how they are supposed to get Harry to the hearing. As Mari predicted Harry was in a foul mood for days.
Mari sits looking over the back garden as the sun sets two days before her aunt and uncle are set to be home and she hears whispered voices and turns pulling her wand out and shaking. Harry awake. They silently watch as their door unlocks itself and opens to reveal s group of 5 people a familiar face amongst them, "Professor Moody? What are you doing here?"
Moody smirks, "Rescuing you two of course." They gather what they can quickly and follow the group; the purple haired woman introduces herself as Tonks and the tall quiet man as Kingsley.
Harry follows, confused, "Where are we going the letter said I've been expelled from hogwarts?"

Moody, limping faster than the twins could walk, looks back, "Well you haven't been." Mari and Harry look confused. "Not yet. Kingsley take point."

Mari and Harry turn to look back at Kingsley Harry grows frustrated, "But the letter said-"

Kingsley steps to Harry's side, "Dumbledore has persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion waiting for the disciplinary hearing."

Mari smiles, "See Harry I told you so." Harry shoots Mari a glare.

Tonks looks around the street, "Don't worry we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters."

Moody hushes Tonks, "Not here Nymphadora."

Tonk's hair turns red, "Don't call me Nymphadora."

Moody ignores her and taps his walking stick, a broom flying over to us one in front of each. Moody gives a concerning speech and the group is off flying towards who knows where. They land in an old neighborhood.

As they land Moody does a spell causing a hidden house to appear. The group walk into a gloomy looking place as the adults walk forward into what looks like a meeting and the Twins see Sirius and some others and Harry waves at Sirius and Mari gives a little wave and as they are about to step closer Mrs. Weasley steps in front of them. "Aww my two favorite Potters! Dinner will have to wait after the meeting. Go straight upstairs Harry first door on the left Mari on the right." They try to look back at Sirius but the door closes and Mrs. Weasley ushers them away before they can.

They walk upstairs and hear mumbled complaining, "Merlin, why did they have to bring her with them? She is just obnoxious."

Hermione huffs, "Oh shush Ronald at least you don't have to share a room with her."

Harry opens the door revealing his two best friends, Hermione running over and hugging him.

Mari sighs and walks over to her room to give them time. She lays on her bed watching the sky through her window before falling asleep. Around midnight there is a soft pecking at the window that wakes up Mari. She looks over to see a pitch black owl staring at her from the window with a letter in its mouth.
Mari stands glancing at the sleeping Hermione and quietly walks over, opening the window and taking the letter and whispering to the owl, "Thank you." It puffs up happily before flying away. Mari moves to her bed and sits opening the letter, her eyes widening.
Dear Reader,
If you are still alive while in contact with this letter that means
        you are the lost daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord

        Voldemort. You were taken my the Order of the Phoenix as a
        baby and have been relentlessly looked for all these
        years. Please respond promptly.
     Your Father
Mari drops the letter shaking. Taken?? Is this why she has always felt out of place? She quickly grabs the letter and stands ready to go confront the order and freezes as she hears quiet whispers outside her door.
"She can never know. We need her power."
Sirius sighs, "I just hate treating the daughter of my friend's killer as a loved one."
The first voice that is now known as Dumbledore, "you'll need to deal with it. She has the blood of Slytherin in her and we need all the houses to take control."
Sirius groans, "Yeah I know."
Dumbledore nods, "once we get what we need we can get rid of her."
Mari stays frozen as the voices get farther away. Mari quickly gathers her stuff before sneaking away to the floo fireplace and whispers, "Knockturn alley." Throwing down the powder and disappearing away from Grimmauld place


1144 words

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed my story so far. Im working on it as much as I can while in enjoying so there is a good amount out!


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