Chapter 17

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Y/n's pov
"Marry me." Peter says into my ear. My eyes open as wide as they can. I turn to see him. He looks at me with his chocolate eyes locking with my mine.

"Wha-what!?" I say getting up from the bed and sitting on the chair I was sitting on before still looking at him.

"Please Y/n, I can't imagine my life without you. Ever day I wake up for one reason and it's you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and make you smile and laugh. I want to grow old with you and have children with you." Peter says getting up from the bed. I look at him not finding the words to say to him. I see him getting down in one knee and I gasp softly at his actions.

"Y/n, I don't have a big shiny ring to give you or a ring in-fact but I can give you all of my love and I hope that's enough for you. I wasn't planning of proposing to you in a hospital room but I can't bare to not making you mine. So Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" He says I just stand there frozen as a statue but I can't live without him either.

"Yess!!" I say excitedly. Peter getting up and putting his arms around my waist and lifting me. I put my legs around his waist and kiss him passionately. He sets me down and our foreheads against each other.

"Pete?" I say softly. "Hmm" he responds. "How are we going to tell the rest that we are now engaged?" I ask him. "We will figure that out later." He say softly. We lay on the bed, my head laying on his chest and we fall asleep.

"Awww how cute!" I hear someone say. I open my eyes and see Yelena sitting on the chair.

"Yelena?! What are you doing?" I say confused

"Having a conversation with your fiancé." She says with a smile. I turn to face Peter with a confused face.

"You told her?!" I say with mixed emotions running through my voice.

"Yes only because I woke up two hours earlier than you and she came in so we talked." He says looking at me with a small smile.

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone or I will kill you Yelena. You can't even tell Nat or your cat." I say looking at her.

"You have a cat! I thought their was a rule about no cats because of Mr. Thor's allergy's." The boy says confused

"Their is but if you tell a single soul I will and trust me I will make your life a living hell." Yelena says threatening Peter. "Do you understand Parker?" She says again in her threatening voice. The boy nodes in terror and I hear someone walk through the door. We all look up to see everyone walk in.

"Oh Peter! Your awake I..... I thought I lost you." Tony says with tears in his eyes. He walks towards the bed and I stand up so he can hug him. The hug and they both cry. Tony brakes the hug and steps back.

"WE SHOULD CELEBRATE FOR THE MAN OF SPIDERS." Thor says loudly. We all agree and decided to get shawarma. Bruce said that Pete can go back to his room to rest.

Peter's pov
I have just proposed to Y/n! She is the most amazing, caring, selfless, loving person I know. We decided not to tell anyone....yet. She's sleeping right now she looks so peaceful like all the worries in the world just vanished. Mr. Bucky told me to write down things that are bothering me or if I just need to get something off my chest but I don't want to tell anybody, so I'm trying it out. The last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster! First Y/n and I get kidnapped by HYDRA and she gets mind controlled. Mrs. Romanoff has reunited with her sister Yelena. Y/n and I had our 17th birthday party and we'll didn't go so well. Anyway she runs away, I get into a car crash and here we are now.

Sincerely, Peter:)

I hear someone walk in and I look up. I see Yelena frozen in place with a confused expression on her face.

"whe-when did you wake up!?" She asks me confused in her Russian accent.

"I woke up 35 minutes ago." I say giving her a small smile. She returns the smile and looks down at note book in my hand.

"What do you have there Parker?" She asks me still looking at my note book. I pause for a second.

"It's uh note book...just a regular note book." I say she looks at me and then at Y/n.

"Okay how are you both doing." She says looking back and forth at Y/n and I.

"Great actually." I say softly looking at Y/n.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask her and she nods.

"I proposed to her but please don't tell her. We both agreed not to tell anyone just yet but I can't help it. I needed to tell someone and your here." I say to Yelena moving my arms around the air.

"What!? And stop moving your arms like that your going to wake her up....anyway tell me everything!" She said quelling at the end. She sits on the chair next to the bed and I tell her everything that happened.

5 weeks later
It's 4:38pm it's a nice day outside. Y/n took Tessa for a walk. Mr. Banner says I can do more things than just rest and maybe I can go to school with Y/n. Mr. Stark told everyone at breakfast that he has an announcement later today. I still haven't gone to school yet, Mj and Ned have been bringing me my homework to work so on. May has been calling me everyday to make sure that I'm okay she has even brought food for me a few times. Yelena knows that Y/n is my fiancé...well told her but still. I have to go now it's time for the meeting.
                  Sincerely Peter:)

I finish writing on my note book and head downstairs to the meeting room. I walk down the empty hallway and see someone in the kitchen so I go in.

"Hello?" I say trying not to sound scared.

"Shit! Peter you scared me I was about to throw this knife at you." Yelena says waving the knife around making me nervously chuckle.

"We have a you know where everyone are?" I ask her

"Oh yes they are in the main room. Tony Stark didn't want to announce his announcement in a meeting room so he moved it." She say turning back to finish cutting up the watermelon.

"Oh you need any help with that?" I ask her

"No no Peter Parker you go on. I will be there in a minute." She says walking to the cabinet to grab a bowl. I nod and head to the main room. I see everyone already there sitting on the couch, chair or on the floor. I look at Y/n and gives me a small smile and I go sit next to her. Mr. Stark looks around the room and looks at me.

"Is Yelena coming?" He asks me I open my mouth to speak but then hear somebody else talk.

"I'm right here Tony Stark. I just wanted to bring some snacks. I brought watermelon, popcorn, chips, blueberries and strawberries." She says setting the food on the coffee table and then sitting next to Mrs. Romanoff.

"Thank you for the snacks Yelena." Mr. Steve says and Yelena nodding back to him with a smile.

"Okay now I will tell you all what the announcement is. We are all going on a trip!" He say everyone gasps of excitement.

"Really! Where are we all going!" Peitro says eating popcorn.

"We are all going to Disney Land in California!" He say everyone goes wild.

"When are we leaving?" Mr. Bucky asks him

"We are leaving in two days." Mr. Stark say

"Two day!!" Y/n screams before running down the hallway. Everyone else scatters and run to their rooms as well.

Two days later Y/n's pov
Tony told everyone two days ago that we are going on a trip to Disney Land. And hell yeah I'm excited. He texted everyone in the Snapchat group that we are also going to stay at their hotel but we all have to share a room with and stay with when we go to Disney Land. It's about 3am and everyone is a getting into vans to the airport. In car one Tony is driving, Pepper is in the passenger seat, Sam is on the left seat in the middle row, Loki in the middle seat of the middle row, Nat in the right seat of the middle row, Thor in the right seat of the back row and Clint next to Thor in the back row. In car two my dad is driving, Steve is in the passenger seat, Wanda is in the right in the middle row, Peitro in the middle of the middle row, Vision in the left of the middle row, Scott in the back with Peter. In car three Yelena is driving, Bruce is in the passenger seat and I get the entire middle row to myself. I call that a win-win in my eyes. We finally get to the airport and we all get out and get our stuff out the trunks. We all walk in and go to the VIP waiting room.

"Alright we are all going to be partnered up. Heads up I did not make these partners Pepper did so if you don't like your partner you know who to blame. The partners are Wanda and Scott, Peitro and I, Clint and Sam, Yelena and Y/n, Nat is with Bucky, Capsical your with Bruce, Pepper with... really?! Pepper is with Loki, and our group of three Peter, Thor and Vision." Tony says everyone walks towards their partner or partners. Two hours later our flight is called and we get on the plane. We all sit next to our partners. One hour into the flight and everyone is asleep so I close my eyes as well.

Authors note: Y'all thanks for 219 reads! Sorry that the chapter is some what sort I just have test all week at school. Love y'all 3000❤️

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