Chapter 14

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(Still Peter's pov)

"It's Y/n!" He said. My hart dropped instantly when cap said that. I ran to where Y/n was. I saw Y/n on the floor and Mr. Banner next to her. I ran to her but Natasha is blocking my way.

"Someone please get Peter out of here!" Mr. Banner yelled. When he said that Natasha tried to get me out of the room, but I refused.

"No I'm not leaving her!" I snapped back. Everyone went silent, Natasha got out of my way and I started to walk towards her.

"What happened is she okay?!" I asked Mr. Banner

"She's okay, on the cameras they saw her passed out. She just needs rest so I'm going to bring her to the hospital side of the compound. Tony just wants her to have her ankle bracelet at all times. You can also come visit her. Since I don't know how she will react only Bucky, Pietro, Wanda, Natasha and you." He said getting her on a bed.

"Now if you excuse me I have to dring her to the hospital." He said. I watch him walk away with her.

5 days later

I haven't left Y/n's side. I've only left for food or to take showers. I've been reading her favorite poems. I at least read her one each day. I sit next to her in a wooden chair. Today I decided to read her favorite poem by Shakespeare.

"This above all:
To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." Shakespeare

"That's beautiful Peter... um by the way pizzas here." Somebody said. I look up and it's Wanda.

"Oh uh it's Y/n's favorite poem by Shakespeare and I will be out in a bit." I said giving her a small smile. I stand up giving Y/n a soft kiss on her forehead. I walk to the door and take one look at Y/n. I walk into the kitchen Mr. Falcon, Mr. Steve, Mr. Stark, Mr. Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Pietro, Loki, Mr. Thor and Mr. Bruce are all playing Monopoly.

"Hey Pete, come get some pizza we saved some slices." Mr. Bucky said giving me a smile.

"Thank you." I replied and him nodding back.

"So you all are playing Monopoly." I said eating a slice of pizza.

"Yeah, we're playing teams. Wanda and Vision, Sam and Bucky, Steve and I, Stark and Banner and last but not least Thor and Loki." Pietro said.

"So how is that going?" I heard someone say behind. Before I can turn around, everyone gasped. I turn around and I see Y/n getting a slice of pepperoni pizza. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Ow Pete that hurts." She said

"Oh sorry." I said ending the hug and stepping away.

"It's okay." She said smiling. Then Mr. Bucky comes from behind me and hugs her.

"Oh Y/n I'm... I'm so so so so sorry. I-I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I should of saved you from Hydra and The Red Room. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from that hell of a place." He said tears leaving his eyes.

"Oh dad it's okay, I'm sorry I caused you so much pain, everyone I'm sorry I caused so much pain." She said separating the hug from her dad.

"So where is Yelena or Tessa. I don't remember what happened to then." She asked

"Natasha is with Yelena and we found Tessa in the park near the tower." Mr. Steve said.

"And what about Tessa?" She said looking at me.

"She's in my room." I replied

"Can I see her?" She said looking at Mr. Banner. He nodded and I took her to my room. When we made it to my room Tessa jumped at Y/n.

"I guess she's excited to see you." I said as I chuckled.

"You think." She said petting Tessa. She got up and somebody knocked the door. Y/n opened the door and Wanda appears.

"Hi Peter um... can I have Tessa." Wanda said nervously.

"Uh sure but if you don't mind asking why do you need her?" I asked her

"She just helps with my anxiety... you know." She said looking down

"Yeah I get it, just know if you need to talk you can always talk to me okay." Y/n said pulling Wanda for hug. After that hug she put Tessa on a leash and Wanda took her. Then Y/n turned around. Each other looking into our eyes them we both started to lean in. Her soft lips against mine. We land down on my bed and watched Gossip Girl. Until she fell asleep in my arms.

Y/n's pov

I wake up and in a room I don't recognize. Fuck I'm at Hydra again, but I can't. I thought. Then I heared a voice I recognize... It's Pietro voice! I stand up my bare feet touching the cold floor. I ripped the the wires that had me hooked up to many machines. I start to walk to what looked like a kitchen. I hear Pietro voice and I follow it. I hear Pietro tell Pete about the teams and Monopoly I guess. After he's done talking I say.

"How that going?" I asked grabbing a slice of pizza. I hear everyone gasp, then Peter turns around. He runs towards me and hugs me tightly.

"Ow Pete that hurts." I said

"I'm sorry." He said ending the hug and stepping back.

"It's okay." I said giving him a smile. Then I see my dad behind Pete making his way to. His eyes watering up.

"Oh Y/n... I'm so so so so sorry. I-I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I should of saved you from Hydra and The Red Room. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from that hell of a place." He said, his tears dropping onto my shoulder.

"Oh dad it's okay, I'm sorry I caused you so much pain, everyone I'm sorry for putting you all in pain" I said. After awhile I said.

"So where is Yelena or Tessa, I don't remember what happened to them?" I asked

"Natasha is with Yelena and we found Tessa in a park near the tower." Steve said.

"What about Tessa?" I asked looking at Peter.

"She's in my room." Peter replied

"Can I see her?" I said looking at Bruce. He nodded and Peter showed me to his room. When we made it to Peter's room, he opens the door and Tessa jumps up at me.

"I guess she's excited to see you." Peter said chuckling.

"You think." I said petting Tessa. I got up and heard someone knock Peter's door. I turn around to open the door and find Wanda standing there.

"Hi Peter um.... can I have Tessa?" She asked him nervously. I can see her messing around with her hands and looking down at the floor.

"Uh sure but if you don't mind me asking why do you need her?" Pete asked her.

"She just helps with my anxiety.... you know." She said looking down

"Yeah, I get it just know if you need to talk you can always talk to me okay." I said pulling her for hug. After that I put Tessa in her Spiderman leash, Peter got her and Wanda took her. Then I turned around staring into Peter's chocolate eyes. Then Peter started to lean in and our lips against each other. We lade in his bed and watched Gossip Girl.


The next morning I wake up next to Peter. His arm around my waist holding me close to him. His messy curly hair everywhere.

"Morning beautiful." Peter said in his sleepy voice and he gave me a sleepy smile aswell.

"Morning handsome." I replied. I got up and headed to the bathroom. Turns out that Peter and I share a bathroom again. So I look inside my closet and pick some blue jeans, a plain white tshirt and a jean jacket. Also with my favorite brown boots. I met Peter in the elevator and we both walked to the kitchen and see that everyone are already eating breakfast.

"Lovely for you to join us sleeping beautys" Tony said holding the eggs.

"Tony stop teasing them." Sam said

"Aww Sam that's nice of you to say." Nat said

"Sure, yeah whatever." Sam replied taking the eggs from Tony.

"Y/n, Peter we have news!" My dad said. I look at Peter nervously and he returned the look.

"Since we didn't get to celebrate both of your birthdays we are having a party tomorrow and Y/n your starting school with Peter and don't worry Wanda and Natasha got you clothes yesterday at the mall." He said with a huge smile across his face. While Peter and I nodded back. After breakfast I left to my room, the out of nowhere Wanda and Nat come in.

"So we have to go shopping for tomorrow." Wanda said smiling.

"What why." I asked her

"Really, you don't remember your's and Peter's 17th birthday party is tomorrow. Your literally said it at breakfast." Nat said

"Okay, fine we should go now then." I said playfully rolling my eyes. We took one of Tony's cars and his credit card that I asked for. We arrived to the mall and we instantly headed for the dress stores. After 2 hour Wanda and Nat already found their dresses but I still haven't.

"Okay what about this one." I asked

"It's not my favorite, but it's a pretty color on you." Wanda said

"Yeah I agree with Wanda." Nat said. Then I went to the dressing room and put on my second choice.

(Pick your favorite and sorry if you don't like any of them)

I came out and Nat and Wanda gasp in amazement. I wake towards then.

"So what do you think?" I ask them.

"You look gorgeous Y/n!" Nat said jumping out of her seat.

"Um hello have you seen my best friend!?" Wanda said looking around. We all laughed at her comment.

"I'm glad you all like but let's go check out. It's already 2:30 and we left at 10 or something like that." I said heading for the self check out. We went inside the car. Wanda driving and Nat in the front seat.

"So what else should we do?" Nat asked us.

"I'm hungry, let's go get food." Wanda said.

"Sure, we should get Chick-fa-A." I suggest

"Sure let me just get in the drive thru." Wanda said. We all ordered and got our food. Then Wanda drives back to the compound and when we found everyone and I everyone on the couch or on the floor in the living room. Drooling in boredom.

"Okay what happened here!?" Nat asked

"Nothing we just don't know what to do." Sam said

"What about mission?!" Wanda asked

"None." Tony said counting the fur on furry carpet.

"Okay how about we do karaoke?" I suggested

"Yesss!!!" Peter shouted jumping off the couch.

"Okay, but what do we do?" Nat asks

"What do you mean?" Sam asks her

"You know like do we do teams or are we on our own." She said. We all look at each other until Tony said something.

"Yes we should do teams. Two per team and we will pick teams out a hat." He said and we all agreed. After we all picked a partner from the hat the teams are. My dad and Loki, Wanda and Steve, Bruce and Sam, Vision and Thor, Pietro and I, Tony and Peter and finally Nat and Pepper. Some of the other teams were a little nervous. Especially my dad and Loki... I would be surprised if they don't kill each other after.

"Okay now that we have teams Pietro and I will go first and when its your turn you have to pick a paper from the hat and that is the song you and your partner are doing."  I said

"Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus." Pietro said

"Okay the bold words are for Pietro and the skinny tilted words are for you." Bruce said

" So I put my hands up. They're playing my song and the butterflies fly away." Pietro sang 

" Noddin' my head like"yeah". Moven' my hips like  "yeah". I got my hands up." I sang nodding and swaying my hips to the music. After our song was done.

"Yess you both rocked it!" My dad said

"Y/n your voice is beautiful might I say!" Wanda said

"Aww thank you Wanda but Pietro did pretty well." I said, then Pietro scoffs.

"I think I did amazing." He said making Wanda roll her eyes playfully.

"Okay now it's Peter's and I." Tony said picking a sound from the hat.

"Umbrella" by Rihanna and JAY-Z." Tony said

"Kk, Tony your the bold words and Peter has the skinny tilted words." Pepper said

"When the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'll be here forever." Peter said dancing his iconic dances he does

"Said I'll always be your friend, Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end. Now it's raining more than ever. Know that we'll still have each other." Tony sings doing the moon walk. Then it was my dads and Loki's turn. Loki picks a paper.

"Hungry Eyes" by Eric Carson." Loki says dropping the paper on the floor.

"Yessss I love this song!!" My dad shouts in celebration.

"Loki has the big works, bucky you have the little words." Sam says

"With these hungry eyes, One look and I can't disguise!" My dad shouts doing his iconic dances.

" I've got hungry eyes, I feel the magic between you and I! " Loki sang twirling around the room. 

"Thank you dad and Loki for whatever that was." I said speaking into the microphone. After everybody else has gone we all left to our rooms. Peter and I went to my room and watched 2 episodes of Gossip Girl until we fell asleep.

Author note: OMG!! 169 PEOPLE ARE READING MY BOOK. Y'all thank you so much!! Love y'all 3 thousand!❤😁

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