You're strong! You're gonna be alright!

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4 weeks later
I was getting ready for a friendly match against arsenal. Gavi was watching in the stands. I think that's very sweet of him. I was putting on my kit and ate a banana real quick. I don't really like eating much before a game. It needs to be at least 2 hours before a match or training or otherwise my stomach hurts.

I was in the starting lineup. I like that it just gives me some confidence. I walked into the tunnel and went up to Jana, Aitana and Alexia.

"Heyy! Where's mapi?" I asked

"With her girlfriend ofc!" Alexia said. I saw Ingrid and mapi talking. There a really cute couple.

"Yeah dumb question!" I said as they laughed slightly. I was a bit nervous but that's something I always am before a game.

I walked out onto the pitch. We lined up and shook hands with the opposite team. When I was done giving everyone a hand I walked to my position. I saw Gavi in the stands and he waved to me. I smiled back and focused on the game again.


It was the 78th minute. The opposite team had the ball. I wanted to take the ball from a player but my knee went double and I felt an intense pain in my knee. I just went down and laid on the grass holding onto my knee.

"Are you okay!?" Aitana asked holding my hand while I cried.

"No! My knee! It really hurts!" I said.

Pablo's pov:
I saw her going down and my heart just dropped. I was really worried because she didn't stand up. Most of the girls where standing next to her. The medical staff ran towards her. They where just looking at her knee. She was put  onto the stretcher and got off the pitch. I stood up and walked towards the medical room where she is. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"I'll leave you 2 for a bit." A lady said and walked away.

She was crying not as much as she was on the pitch but she still was and that was just heart breaking.

"They think that I tore my ACL" she murmured.

"Ohh." I didn't really know what to say so I just openend my arms for her and she took the offer. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. She was just crying in my arms leaving my shirt soaking wet but I couldn't care less at the moment. I was just drawing circles on her back hoping it will help her calm down. It did work a bit. My mother used to do that to me when I was young and crying.

The game finished because some of her teammates were slowly walking in the room.

"It's gonna be okay!" Aitana said trying to comfort her.

"But why did it have to be me!"

"You're strong! You're gonna be alright!" I comforted her.

"Your gonna come back even stronger!" Keira said

"We'll help you! It's gonna be alright! Jana, Lucy and I went through the same thing!" Alexia said. It's actually very sad that this injury is so big in women's football. There really needs to be done something about that.


We're at Pedri's house. We decided that it's best that she's gonna live with Pedri for a while. I mean if she needs help with something he can help her instead that she needed to call someone to come over at her house.

"It really hurts her" Pedri said

"Yeah, I feel sorry for her."

"But it's gonna be alright"

"Yeah I know. She's a strong girl she's gonna comeback even stronger!" I really believe in that. But it really pains me to see her like this.

"Your right!"

"What are we gonna eat?" She asked limping of the stairs.

"Pasta bolognese! I'll start cooking." Pedri said. He laid down the things he needed and started cooking.

I was just on my phone while Juul was reading a book. I made an come back stronger post and posted it on insta as many people did. An half hour passed and I was bored by now. I hope pedri's food is almost done by now cause I'm starving.

"Pedri are you almost done!?" Juul shouted

"Si! Just five minutes!" He shouted back. We waited for surely more than five minutes but I can't complain because I don't need to cook.

"Foods done!" Pedri shouted

"That was time" Juul replied. We ate our pasta and it was delicious. I think Pedri is a good cook if I'm honest. I never really said that to him, because that'll grow his ego and he already has enough of that!

"The food was delicious!" Juul said.

"Gracias!" Pedri thanked her

"Is there ice cream?" I asked

"I don't know maybe in the freezer." Pedri answered. I stood up and went to the freezer. I opened all the drawers and there was no ice cream. Who doesn't have ice cream in the summer!?

"And?" Pedri asked

"Nope! There's no ice cream!" I said disappointed.

"Who has no ice cream in the summer!?" Juul said confused.

"That's exactly what I thought!"

"Well I don't" Pedri said unbothered.

We put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen.

"I think I'll go now!" I said

"Okay! See you tomorrow!" Pedri said

"Bye!" Juul shouted from her room.

"Adios!" I shouted back and left.

Julia's pov

Gavi went home and I was just chilling in my room. I was reading a romance. I just love romances if I'm honest. I guess I can buy more off them now I don't have training for a while.

I went on my phone and looked at instagram. I saw many people with sweet posts about me. Even Gavi! I reposted all of them on my story and went to sleep


I woke up whit pain in my knee. This injury really sucks. I'm probably out for 9 to 11 months.

I stood up brushed my hair and took my crutches. I limped downstairs and grabbed a pain killer. I took the pain killer with a glass of water and went to the couch.

"Buenas dias Hermana!" Pedri greeted me.

"Buenas dias" I said back

"How are you feeling?"

"Horrible! My knee hurts, I'm tired and sad!"

"I understand! But you'll get through it! I also got through my hamstring injuries!"

"Yeah but it's gonna take so long!" I complained. It's really gonna be a long, tough and painful journey.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes if that's alright with you"

"Yeah sure!"

"How late is your training?"

"11 am!" It's now 8:30 so we have time. I'm going with him because I need to be checked up on and then my surgery will be planned. I'm actually scared because I've never had an surgery.

"Pancakes are done!"

"Okay!" Pedri brought the pancakes to me and they were delicious! Pedri is a good cook! I have cooked for Pedri sometimes but I'm more often at pedri's house than he is at mine. And now I'll live here for a while so he can take care of me.

I finished the pancakes and limped upstairs to get ready. I put on a crop top and a straight legged jeans. I don't really like tight jeans if I'm honest. I mean jeans need to be pretty but also comfortable.

I brushed my teeth and did my hair in a slicked back ponytail. I limped downstairs again and put on my shoes.

"I'm ready!" I said as I walked to pedri's car and got in the back seat so my leg would be straight.

"Okay!" Pedri said as he went in the car. We where driving there and just listening to some music.

"At what time are the girls training?" Pedri asked

"From 7:30 to 9:30!"

"Maybe there still there at the time we are there!"

"Yeah probably, why though?" I asked not sure why he would care

"Maybe one of them can come with you!"

"Ohh yeah!" I actually never thought of that. I hope Jana, Alexia or Lucy are still there, because they have been trough the same. We arrived at the training ground.

"Bye!" I said

"Adios, success hermana!"

"Thanks!" I walked towards the women's chancing room. I opened the door. Luckily most of the team was still there showering and chancing.

"Hola!" I said as I walked in.

"Hola!" Everyone said back. I went up to Alexia who was almost done.

"Hola" I said

"Hola, how are you feeling?" She asked super sweetly

"I'm fine! It still hurts a lot and a bit sad. But I think I'm accepting it slowly"

"I understand! The moment after the injury is the worst! And your gonna have way more hard moments But accepting it and working on the recovery is very important!"

"Do you want to go with me to the doctors here?" I asked not sure if she wanted to and beside maybe she had other plans.

"Of course! I'll help you with your recovery!"


"Come we need to go then!" Alexia said

"Adios!" I said to the rest

"Bye!" the ones who where still here said back.

Alexia and I walked to the medical room. We walked in and I sat down on the bed.

"Hola, how are you?" The lady asked

"Hola, I'm alright still hurts a lot though." I said back

"Where gonna plan the operation!" She said

"Okay" I said

"We want to do it as soon as possible! So what about next week Thursday?"

"Yeah that's okay!"

"Okay then that's settled!"

"Okay see you soon!"

"Bye!" She said

"Adios" Alexia said

"Thanks for coming with me!"

"No problem! Do you want to go to my place?"

"Yeah! Sounds nice" we walked to the car and I got in the backseat. We drove to her house just talking and listening to music. When we arrived we went inside and sat down on the couch. I texted Pedri that I was at alexia's place

Im at alexia's place!
I don't know when I'm
Going home!

Okay! Have fun
See you❤️

See you❤️

"Should we watch a movie?" Alexia suggested

"Yeah sure!" We chose a movie and grabbed some snacks. We watched the movie and just talked while watching it.


"I think I'll go home!" I said

"Okay! I'll bring you!"

"Thanks!" I put on my shoes and went in the car. We drove to pedri's house that was 5 to 10 minutes away so the ride wasn't that long.

"Will you be at our next game?" Alexia asked

"Ofc! I need to support my team and my best friends!" I said

"Great! I can't wait to see you there!" Alexia said exited. That's something I really like about her. She's super sweet and caring but can also be very excited and passionate about things.

We drove further and just chatted about the upcoming season.

"Here you are!" Alexia said as she drove into the driveway.

"Thanks for coming with me!"


"See you!" I said

"Bye! Love you!"

"love you to" I said and rang te doorbell. The door opened and to my surprise gavi opened it. Well actually I wasn't really surprised because Gavi is here all the time.

"Heyy!" Gavi said as he let me in.

"Hola" I said back

I took off my shoes and walked into the living room.

"Hi!" Pedri said

"Hola!" I said as I limped up the stairs. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried my body and put on my pyjama's. I brushed my teeth and braided my hair. I made my hair a bit wet so that I have some curls tomorrow. I have naturally straight hair so if I want curls I have to curl it with an curling iron or with braids.

I went to my room and put the crutches next to my bed. I turned off the lights and went to bed.

I was laying in bed for I while but I just couldn't sleep. I needed to sleep on my back with my leg on a pillow. The only problems are that my knee really hurts and that I sleep on my stomach or my side but just never on my back. After some time I finally got comfortable and tried to sleep again.


Heyy guys
Sorry for not posting for so long I just didn't have any inspiration
I was also really busy and had some personal stuff going on

I hope you liked this chapter!

Also do I need to write more in others persons povs like I did with Gavi's pov

This week I'll probably don't post because I'm going on vacation!

Love you all❤️

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