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Chapter one hundred eleven: "Clouds"

"Aye bitch, let's see the ring!" Yara excitedly said before pulling me by the hand to check out my engagement ring

After having a nice dinner with Cloud, me and the girls decided to have a small slumber party in one of the hotel rooms

Mira, Daisy, and Alice leaned forward to check out the ring. Nikki flipped her hair "I helped him find a design that you usually like because the designs he chose are so... What's the word... Too much for the eyes" she chuckled making me smile
It's true that I don't like things that are too much, for me, my taste is just something simple yet pretty

Alice squealed happily "I can't believe you're engaged!"

Daisy looked left and right "Wait a minute, where's your baby?"

"Oh, he's with Will and the guys. They're gonna have a slumber party of their own"

I admired the ring on my finger as it shines under any light, sometimes it is almost as if it sparkled on its own. To count how many rings we now have, each of us has 3 rings

The first ring is the ring that I have on my pinky finger and he has the thumb ring, the theme was the red string of fate

The second ring is almost like the first ring but both of us now have it on our ring finger. Now our rings are the engagement rings

"You gotta be kidding me, that ring is so pretty!" Cara practically held my hand near her face to gaze at the diamond

Brie and Ella grabbed both of her arms and pulled her back away from me, Adeline crossed her arms at Cara "Go buy your own ring, you have money"

Cara is in the middle of building her business slowly but gradually which was impressive since she only started right before graduating from college. She rolled her eyes at Adeline "Since he is a Marshall, he's gonna pick the finest and shiniest diamond so of course, I have to drool about it"

Mira moved closer to me so she could whisper in my ear "Your sister is insane"

"Don't say that out loud" I whispered back
If Cara ever heard what Mira whisper to me then she's dead meat, literally

Well, Cara is aware she is a crazy bitch but it's different when a person pointed out the obvious

"Are you sure you are ready to be his wife?" Natalie asked me
Even a dumb person with eyes could see that I'm happy with Cloud but of course a big sisters concern is different

I grinned up at her with my head filled with many things I could get married to Cloud "I'm more happier than I've ever been"
And that's a fact

Cloud's POV

Nick opened a champagne bottle and then cheered "Congrats to you pal"

I scoffed at him then rolled my eyes "You never called me pal, it's always Cloudina"

Will drank from a beer can while feeding his son some milk in a bottle. I smiled to myself in happiness

I did it Meg, I finally proposed

Wallace and Ken gave me a bro hug, while everybody enjoyed the slumber party there was also Aiden at the corner of the room who saw look at him by accident

He walked up to me "Cheers to your future Mrs. Marshall"

I chuckled "Yeah"
No matter how much Aiden hides it, his every move was carefully thought of so Angel wouldn't be uncomfortable

In my eyes, I could see he still loved her but remained a distance

But I can't give her up just because of pity

"I wonder how you guys would name your future kids since your name is Cloud" he joked before grabbing chocolate on a plate and throwing it in his mouth

"Beats me, my mother named all of my brothers like any normal name. Don't know why she came up with the idea to name me Cloud"

"It's because she was hungry" Dad spoke out of nowhere while being busy watching a hockey game on TV

Liam and Noah snorted after he said that

I furrowed my brows at them "Why on earth would she name me due to hunger?"
Pregnancy cravings are weird

Without looking at me because his eyes are glued to the TV, he answered "It's because she craved eating clouds while having you. In fact, she was craving it so much that she accidentally put it on your birth certificate"

"Is that even possible?" Oliver looked at Mason who shrugged at him in response

Aiden cleared his throat trying not to laugh "Why didn't she just eat some cotton candy?"

"I tried but she was stubborn and wanted to eat the clouds that are up in the sky"

No matter how much money we have, we can't just grab a Cloud and stuff it in my mother's mouth like it's food

Brian and Nick were entertained at the whole ordeal where my name originated from "Sucks to be you man" Brian spoke after setting down a plate with different pizza slices

"God forbids that Penelope's craving would be eating the sun" Peter laughed out loud, he was seated next to Will on the couch so he could play with Mace the baby

I stood up and exited the room to escape their laughs and chuckles about my name because of my mother's cravings
Maybe I should check out what Angel is up to

My feet brought me to the front of the hotel room where all the girls are having a slumber party, it's not like we own the hotel nor do I care about the opinion of the guests who are inside their hotel rooms but goddamn these girls are loud

Before I could knock on the door I overheard their conversation by accident

"Are you serious?!" I could tell by the voice that it was Nikki who must be in shock

"Yeah, I did like Cloud before I just don't want him to know because I thought he would laugh at me. Silly thought isn't it?"

It's not a silly thought but it made my heart skip a beat knowing she liked me before she ran away

I went back to listening but all of them went quiet
Huh? Did something happened inside?

Before I could lean my ear fully to the door the damn door opened and I fell at the person who opened it

"And here I thought a stalker or a pervert was peeking at us" Angel spoke while looking down on me who almost fell if she wasn't quick enough to hold me

The girls inside laughed at me which made me feel my ears burn red from embarrassment. I stood up immediately and acted like nothing happened to save face and not embarrass myself in front of her "So uh, want some snacks?"

She blinked two times and said "What? Cloud we already have snacks in the room, your Mom bought them for us remember?"

That made me scratch the back of my head
Quick Josiah think of a way out! NOW!

My eyes landed on the time on my watch "Would you look at that, looks like I gotta get my coffee machine from the coffee...wait uh"

One side of her lips quirked up, she slowly walked up to me and fixed my collar "Sure, you go get your coffee"

Cara and Nikki cackled at me after I walked out of the room with a head full of embarrassment

Once I turned right around the corner, I found out that all the guys from the hotel room came out to peek at me

"Shut up" I pointed at Nick who was ready to roast me with a face full of mischief

Dad laughed at me with no hesitation "Great job, you are now officially a pervert in front of your sister in laws eyes" he clapped while laughing that he had to hold his stomach

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