Author: Hey guys, remember that I said I would be doing an extra chapter for something you would like? You read the title. Time for the blooper reel! *Throws fists in the air*
/Beep/ 🎬
Chapter 1
Sabriye: *falls from portal* Ahhh! *crashes on the ground* OWW! CURSE THIS!
Author: Cut!
/Beep/ 🎬
Sabriye: *sees Protect with shock* That... was... AWESOME!! *Throws fists in the air*
Author: Cut!
Fang: Again?! That's the third time you fangirled over this!
Sabriye: Sorry, I couldn't resist! Can you blame me?!
/Beep/ 🎬
Chapter 2
Fang: Wait, don't tell me, I've gotten more popular now. *Smug laughter*
Sabriye: *sweatdrops* *sarcasm* Yup, you have.
Fang: *star-eyed* Really?!
Sabriye: *deadpans* No.
Fang: *glares at her and pouts*
The rest of the gang: *use air horns*
Sabriye: *puts on shades and smirks*
Author: Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA! That was a good one, Sabriye! HAHAHAH! Cut!
/Beep/ 🎬
Sabriye: Hmmm... Depends on your definition of 'popular'.
Fang: *glares* What's that supposed to mean?
Sabriye: It means you lost the popularity contest back home! That's what!
Author: *coughs* Chapter 3 spoilers. *coughs*
Sabriye and Fang: *eyes widen*
Sabriye: Oh. Oops.
Author: Cut!
/Beep/ 🎬
Fang: What's with the smirk?
Sabriye: Oh nothing. Just thinking that now you became the forgetful one.
Fang: Hey, at least Boboiboy is more forgetful than me.
Sabriye: *nodding in agreement* Yeah, but still, wasn't that a bit out of character of you to forget? *Smirks wider*
Fang: You're telling me. Blame the author here.
Author: Hey, I need the banter here. Besides, I did tell the readers that you guys would be a little out of character in this.
Sabriye: *crosses arms* Well, there's no one else to blame, besides you.
Fang: She's right, you know?
Author: Fine, I get it. Let's just get back to the scene.
Sabriye and Fang: Fine.
/Beep/ 🎬
Sabriye: Wait, isn't it better if we meet up at the arena? I still have yet to explain and I need more than just your group. I need Admiral Tarung, Commander Kokoci, Captain Kaizo, etc and I don't think we can fit in this small space here.
Fang: *eyebrow raised* Wanna bet?
Shielda: *gives deadpanned look* Fang, this is not the time for bets.
Fang: *ignores Shielda* I bet 5 red carrot donuts that they will fit in this space.
Sabriye: *looks at him weirdly* I expected money but... red carrot donuts?
Fang: Don't judge me.
Sabriye: Okay, fine. I bet 20 ringgits that we won't.
Sabriye and Fang: Deal. *shook hands*
(A few minutes later)
The gang and the higher-ups: Hey! Stop squeezing me! / Get your hands off my face! / I can't breathe! / Why did we agree to meet up here?!
Fang: *turns to see Sabriye smirking and glares at her*
Sabriye: Looks like I won the bet. Now, pay up, sucker! *Reaching out her hand*
Fang: *groans* Fine! *Slaps money onto her hand*
Author: Luckily, I got that on camera. Looks like we learned a lesson here, folks: you could never beat Sabriye in bets.
Fang: *pales slightly* Never?
Author: Never.
/Beep/ 🎬
Chapter 3
Sabriye: Let's just put it simply, I'm a fan of you guys.
The gang and higher-ups: *eyes widened*
Fang: Ha! Looks like I got more popular than you. *points at Boboiboy and smug laughter*
Sabriye: *sweatdrops* Oh please, there was even a popularity contest back in my world and you lost to Boboiboy. Boboiboy Thunderstorm, to be exact.
Fang: *glares at Boboiboy* Is it possible to have another popularity contest?
Sabriye: Yeah, but I know for sure that you're gonna lose to Boboiboy again. Besides, I already have someone in mind.
Gopal: Who?
Sabriye: *smiles* Boboiboy Quake.
The gang: What?! Why?
Sabriye: That's because he's my favourite Elemental.
Fang: *mutters* Darn, I thought she was gonna vote for me.
Sabriye: I heard that.
/Beep/ 🎬
Chapter 4
Admiral Tarung: Are you sure, Sabriye? Fang might be right.
Sabriye: *raised eyebrow* No offense, but are you getting overprotective of me?
Admiral Tarung: *brings Sabriye closer to him and hugs her with one arm* I may have known you for half an hour but if anything were to happen to you, I will eliminate everyone else in this room and then myself.
Sabriye: *blushes madly* What the heck?!
Boboiboy: *gets nervous* I'll take that as a yes, then.
The rest of the gang: *nod in agreement*
/Beep/ 🎬
Sabriye: *kicks Thunderstorm in the face*
Thunderstorm: *looks at Sabriye with Sabriye's shoeprint on his face* Ow!
Sabriye: *covers her mouth and gasps* Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kick you that hard. I'm so sorry.
Thunderstorm: *Looks at her with wide eyes* Wow, didn't take you for the type to apologise a lot.
Sabriye: *pouts*
Thunderstorm: Hey, I'm just teasing. That was a good kick, though. *Pets Sabriye on the head*
Sabriye: *blushes and tries to brush his hand off* Hey, stop petting me! Cut it out!
Author: Huh, didn't know you're both tsunderes.
Thunderstorm: *raised eyebrow* What's that?
Sabriye: *sighs* Basically means someone who acts all tough but can be a real sweetheart.
Thunderstorm: *blushes* What the?! I'm not a sweetheart! *Looks away*
Sabriye: *smirks* Really? Because, the fact that you're blushing kinda says otherwise.
Thunderstorm: *glares at Sabriye*
Sabriye: *chuckles* Hey, I'm just teasing.
Thunderstorm: *sarcasm* Oh, so now you use my words against me. Great.
Author: *mutters* Darn, just when I ship Gopal and Sabriye!
/Beep/ 🎬
Blaze: *getting hit by Hydro Pump* *struggling noises*
Author: Umm... I think that's enough! He's gonna choke on the water!
Water: *eyes widened and stops Hydro Pump immediately*
Blaze: *spits out water* Sabriye, how could you?! You just ruined my favourite jacket!
Water: You almost choke on water and you're more concerned about your jacket?!
Blaze: *glares at her*
Water: *raises arms* Fine. Sorry. Can't you just dry yourself up using your powers? You know, like set yourself on fire?
Blaze: *snaps fingers* Good idea. *Sets himself on fire too much* HAHAHA! I'M THE GOD OF FIRE! BOW DOWN TO M-
Fire alarm: *sets off*
Water sprinkler system: *sprinkles water everywhere*
Blaze: *gets wet again and slumps shoulders with a pout*
Gopal: *wears shades and uses trumpet for sound effects* Dun, dun, dun, duuun.
Water: Guess you just got unlucky. Cut!
/Beep/ 🎬
Chapter 5
Admiral Tarung: We were wondering if you would like to join TAPOPS.
Sabriye: *eyes widened and started shaking*
Sabriye: *starts fangirling and jumping up and down* YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!
Sabriye: *realisation hits her and starts blushing while covering her face*
Fang: And that is why they call you Bun Bun. *Smirks*
Sabriye: *glares at Fang*
/Beep/ 🎬
Sabriye: Well, it depends on my parents, though.
Sabriye: *realisation hits her and starts panicking* AAAHHH. I DIDN'T TELL MY PARENTS I'M HERE!
Gopal: *grabs her shoulder and starts shaking her* PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. YOU'RE BEING HYSTERICAL!
The rest of the gang and the higher-ups: *face-palms*
/Beep/ 🎬
Author: Hey guys, hope you guys liked this blooper reel. Sorry, if it's not funny enough. I tried. Also I'm going to cut it short since I wrote a little too much, I guess. There'll be a Part 2. I can promise you that.
Sabriye: Don't worry, guys. You have her word. *Smiles brightly*
Author: Yeah! What she said. Stay tuned for Part 2 and I'll see you then. *Winks*
Author and Sabriye: Bye! *Waves*
Boboiboy: /Beep/ 🎬
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