the spring moon ch 2

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(Cres's P.O.V.)

   I couldn't believe my eyes when I had turned around to see her standing there asking me to walk her to A.P. history. Now we were there and since we could sit where ever she was sitting by me.

"Aviva, can I see your schedule?"

"Yeah," and she handed it to me, I looked at it.

"You have the same classes as me!"

"Awesome!" Aviva smiled the whole class.

(Aviva's P.O.V.)

It was lunch tome I put in my books that I had just gathered during my morning classes. I felt someone watching me from behind, it was probably Cres he said he would wait for me when he was done at his locker. I turned around to find a boy with short blonde hair staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Just admiring," was all he said and walked away. Just admiring? What the hell was with people around here? I say this again, I miss Nevada!  Cres then came walking up.

"Hey Cres," I said.

"Hey," he replied with a smile.

We walked into lunch and everyone stared. Ugh! Stupid people turn your heads. We sat at a table in the corner, alone.

"Do you always sit alone?"

"Yeah, I'm more of a loner."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

(Cres's P.O.V.)


I didn't need anyone's apologies or pity. God I hated that look. Like it must be tough being excluded, but I honestly don't care.

"I don't need your pity."

"I didn't mean..." is all I heard, I left and went to the bathroom. I'd apologize and excuse myself when I get back. Right now though, I need to cool down. Poor Aviva, it was her first day and already I walked away from her like everyone else. Unlike everyone else though, she truly was sorry for me.

(Aviva's P.O.V.)

Whatever his problem was I didn't care and I didn't need his little attitude there. Gosh, people here are way messed up! I moved over two tables from ours, because nobody was sitting there. Cres was coming back from the bathroom.

"Aviva, I'm sorry. People always tell me "sorry" all the time and never do anything about it. I get annoyed with theirs lies. I know you not like that I can tell. Please forgive me."

"I don't know... I mean look at all the friends that I have. I think I could spare one," I say seriously, then add, "although I'm being nice today, so I'll give you a second chance."

He starts laughing and sits down, "I'm glad you're having a good day, I really thought the chair and table were going to take my place."

"Don't pick on chairy he's very sweet," I act offended and wink.

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