A Demon Army and a Deadly Triad

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They stopped for a moment and looked around, "Kinda stupid to have a mountain trail that ends half way up the mountain, huh?" Yusuke stated with a sigh, "I guess they don't encourage much camping around here."

"Yes, the stronghold is very well hidden." Botan said, looking at her compass, "But we should be able to find it eventually by following Yukina's energy."

"Why are you still using that compass?" Kuwabara asked, "Just follow my way. The Red Pinky String."

Kagome shook her head, "Anyone else think he's completely lost it?"

Yusuke raised his hand as Botan just stared in confusion, "The what?"

"The moment I saw her. My love stretched out and tied us together." He held his pink in the air and smiled in triumph, "You see? Let's follow the thread of destiny tied to my love!" They watched as he started running in the direction he pointed his pinky finger at.

Kagome turned to Yusuke and nodded sagely, "Paint chips with lead in them."


"Yukina!" Kuwabara hollered as he was trying to decide where to go.

"Wait, Kuwabara! It's this way!" Botan yelled out to him when he went the opposite way of where he should've been headed.

"Yeah, but I just got a really bad feeling. Let's go around." Kuwabara replied.

"My compass says to follow the path. We don't have time for detours." Botan said before moving over slightly.

"Botan, wait!" Kagome yelled, but it was too late.

When she moved, she stepped on some sort of tripwire and ended up being pulled into the air and getting stuck in a giant web.

"Botan!" The cousins yelled together as they stared up at the girl.


Kagome sighed, "This is why we listen to people who have heighten Spiritual Awareness and their bad feelings."

"A little help?" Botan asked as red eyes gleamed from the darkness. She looked over and screamed when she realized that it was a spider demon.

"What a nice catch!" The monster said with glee.

"It's a spider this time." Yusuke commented.

"Hey, let her go!" Kagome shuddered, "Deja Vu on the Naraku vibes."

"Go? Now, why would I let her go if I'm planning to drink her blood?" The demon asked, laughing, "If you want to save her. You'll have to come and fight me in the evil spider's lair!"

As soon as he finished talking, Kuwabara attacked the web with his sword, "Sorry to mess up your plans, but no one's getting between Yukina and me!"

Kuwabara sliced the web like crazy, releasing Botan who fell straight down.

"Yusuke!" Kagome yelled, but he had already rushed over and caught the bluenette before she could hit the ground, "Nice catch."


"You can't possibly be human!" The spider cried.

"Yup!" Yusuke replied.

"We just happen to be really, really tough!" Kuwabara added.

"Do you mind?" Kagome notched an arrow as she looked at Yusuke, "I'd like to exorcise a personal demon from my past."

"Go right ahead."

Just as the spider came flying down, Kagome pulled back her bow string and smirked, "Don't worry. I'll make it quick!" She released the arrow and the Spirit infused shaft went right through the arachnid, dropping it to the ground.

"Nice shot!" Botan said happily.

"Yeah, if this Miko thing doesn't work, maybe you can try exterminating." Yusuke said, patting his cousin on the back.

They decided to set up camp for the night and get some rest. No telling what else this search and rescue had in store for them.


"How is it going?"

A dejected Koenma looked up as Kurama walked into his office, "It's going. Did you locate Hiei yet?"

"No," Kurama looked concerned. "I'm afraid he never came back." He glanced at the screen and only barely managed to mask the smile he wanted to give at the sight of who he saw on it.

Koenma's face fell. "Well, it was just a matter of time before he found out about the mission, I guess."

"Uh, do you mind if I ask a question about that sir?" Jorge asked, "Why does Hiei's sister being kidnapped have to be a secret? Doesn't he have the right to know?"

"Moron!" Koenma glared. "Once Hiei knows, he'll barge into the compound slashing his sword at everything in sight. He'll no doubt feel the need to execute everyone, including the servants and the family dog."

"Oh." Jorge nodded sadly.

"The family dog would indeed be unfortunate, but the humans..." Koenma shuddered. "It's a serious crime for demons to take human life no matter what the circumstances. You know that."

Kurama tore his eyes away from Kagome warming her hands around the campfire they'd set up in the woods. "It's best not to worry. Even if Hiei is heading for the compound, I'm confident he will work with Yusuke."

Koenma gave him a skeptical look. "I'm surprised you're so calm, Kurama. If Hiei does harm, you'll be punished along with him."

Kurama laughed nervously. Koenma yawned and jumped down from his chair. "Well, you'd better come tuck me in. We'll record the rest on tape."

Kurama kept his eyes on the screen as he walked out. He should probably ask Koenma about his past, but he was worried that he wouldn't tell him anything. Stating that he wasn't allowed to know. He shook his head. He was drawn to Kagome in such a way that it hurt. Almost like they were meant to be together. He agreed with her about starting as friends and trying to work in the present, instead of what happened between them in the past. It didn't mean that he wasn't curious about things. Not only between him and her, but with the Taisho family.


"Did you hear something?" Botan asked as the group got up the next morning.

"No, would you get up Kuwabara?" Yusuke asked, waiting for the love sick teen to drag himself to his feet.

"Yeah, numbskull." Kagome chuckled, "Don't you wanna find Yukina?"

"Let's go!"

The closer we got to the house, the more demons they came across.

"Piece of cake." Kuwabara said as he defeated another demon.

"Why are they even bothering with all these wimps?" Yusuke asked.

"They're desperate. We're very close to Yukina." Botan replied.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Kuwabara said as he tied a bandanna around his forehead.

"What in the world are you tying to your head?" Botan asked.

"The Great Fighting Headband of Love!" Kuwabara replied.

"Right." Yusuke said, exchanging a look with his cousin.

The next group of demons came running up, "And all those guys there hate love." he snarled. "They want to keep me from my Yukina!"

His Spirit Sword cut through the two demons that hurtled from the sky.

"Honestly, I feel redundant." Kagome shrugged as she watched, "You two are doing all the fighting."

"We'll save you for when we need you." Yusuke powered up his energy, "Besides, I enjoy all the one-on-one fighting. You don't."

"True." She nodded as he joined in.

He turned to the largest demon. "You're not going to be the only hero!"

He sprang up, turned over in the air and with a roar, aimed his spirit-powered fist at the gigantic opponent. He uppercut the beast six times in the blink of an eye, taking him out with ease. "Giving me the bigger target. Awe, thanks!"

They got through the forest and stopped at the edge of the ridge, seeing the mansion come into view, "There's the stronghold!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"It's the same as the video. Yukina must be up in that tower." Botan added.

"Hold on my darling! Your brave man is coming!" Kuwabara said puffing up his chest as he continued on.

The cousins shook their heads as they started to follow, but Botan grabbed their shoulders to halt them, "Take care of him. The compass is getting interference from three very strong demons. Don't let him rush in blindly. I'll go airborne and try to get a sneak peek. Don't worry about me." She summoned her oar and flew off in the direction of the mansion. They waved at her as they rejoined the lovesick teen..

"What do you think?" Yusuke smiled lazily at Kuwabara. "Botan says it's going to be three nasty demons against little old us."

"It sounds good to me. This mission's felt different from the very start. It's like I've become invincible." Kuwabara replied.

"Let's not get too cocky." Kagome warned with a smile, "I do want a chance to fight, though. Will you let me?"

Yusuke looked down at her, "Let's see what their power levels are first, then we'll decide if we want to risk you."

"Fair enough."

"Well, let's go."


As they got to the front gate, land mines started going off around them. They combined their Spirit Energy to form a barrier in order to protect themselves from the blasts.

They could hear Botan calling for them as they walked through the fire. Once they cleared it, they could see the Reaper floating above, happy that they were alive. Yusuke gave her a thumbs up and she joined the trio as they headed inside.

Kuwabara and Yusuke nodded at her and pushed open the front door. They took a few steps into the building and looked around the quiet halls.

But there was someone waiting for them.

"Hello there, intruders." Blocking their path was an attractive female demon. "My name is Miyuki. How would you like a fight?"

With a horn sticking out of the top of her lavender hair, Miyuki almost looked human. Almost. She ran her hands down her body seductively and flashed a smile at the boys. "Which of you strapping lads will I have the pleasure of fighting first?"

Kagome opened her mouth to reply, but Kuwabara shook his head firmly. "No way! You're a girl. We can't fight girls. It's against my code. Come on, Urameshi. Let's just walk past her."

Miyuki rolled her eyes. "Oh, a gentleman." She sighed. "A pawn of insecure males seeking to own their women."

Kuwabara raised his hands defensively. "Woah, woah! I don't know anything about that, ok? Guys just don't fight girls."

"That rule doesn't apply to me, though." Kagome smirked, "I'll happily take her on. I've come across a few female demons in the past who thought down grading a man's honor put them at an advantage. Pathetic."

"Hang on, Kags. I'll fight her!" Yusuke stepped forward.

Kuwabara looked stunned. "Urameshi, are you serious?"

"She's a fighter and she's trying to get in our way." Yusuke shrugged. "I don't care if she's a girl or a baby or somebody's grandmother. I'll still knock her out."

Miyuki's smile widened. "I love your style." She purred and raised her arms to fight. "It's an equal playing field, and anything goes." She turned away from Kagome. "Looks like you'll have to wait your turn, princess."

"Priestess." Kagome retorted, "And trust me, honey, this Miko would be more than happy to purify your tarted up ass."

"Well, let me check something first, just to make sure!" Yusuke launched himself at Miyuki as she sprang towards him. The two met in mid-air. Kagome laughed when she saw what he did as Miyuki's face went red.

"You pervert!" The demon landed, clutching her chest. "What was that?"

Yusuke dusted off his hands. "Now I know."

Kagome looked at her cousin, smiling. "Well, you had to check!"

"Hey, uh, I don't get it. What just happened?" Kuwabara looked totally lost.

"Hey, Lady! You've got no chance of winning this fight!" Yusuke yelled.

"Oh, shut up!" She carefully removed a strand of her hair and swung it out with a flick of her wrist. The thread turned into a whip, like Kurama's rose. She slashed it at Yusuke who leapt out of the way only to have the whip curl around his neck.

"You never would have done that if I were a man!" The demon hissed as she pulled on the rope.

"What does she mean by that?" Botan was confused.

Kuwabara's face dawned with comprehension which immediately became a snarl. "Oh my gosh, I'm pretty sure he grabbed Miyuki's... uh..." He frowned as he looked at the struggling Yusuke, "Well it serves you right to get choked, Urameshi! Ow!"

"I'm going to pinch you every time something stupid comes out of your mouth, dimwit." Kagome glared as she looked back at her cousin.

Without breaking her hold, she jumped up into the air, dragging Yusuke behind her and punched a hole in the ceiling. She perched in the roof cavity and swung him back and forth. He had a bit of leeway by pulling the noose slightly away from his neck, but it was a struggle.

"Maybe he should try apologizing!" Kuwabara said pointedly, "Ow!" He glared down at the Miko, "Seriously?!"

"Maybe if you'd shut up I'd stop!" Kagome pulled out her Chakram and infused her Reiki into it. Yusuke started swinging his body back and forth, quickly gaining momentum.

"Yo, cuz!" She called, getting his attention, "Incoming!" He nodded in understanding as she threw the blade out, slicing through the rope and freeing Yusuke from Miyuki's grasp.

He had managed to propel himself straight through the ceiling where Miyuki lay in wait. With the demon distracted, Kagome was able to grab the cut end of the tether in her free hand. Miyuki lost her balance, and she fell back.

Yusuke leapt into the air inside the space and as he landed on top of her, Miyuki came crashing through the ceiling to the ground. With a growl, Miyuki stood up and took a swing at Kagome, who caught Miyuki's arm and flung her towards Yusuke in time for him to land a solid blow in the center of her chest.

Kuwabara stomped his feet in shock. "Urameshi, how can you keep hitting a girl like that?! I mean, you even hit her in the ta-ta's!"

"Give me a break!" Yusuke scoffed. "You want me to just stand still while she reams me?"

"I don't know!" Kuwabara yelled. "All I'm saying is that boys aren't allowed to hit girls!"

"Do I look like a boy to you?" Kagome was bemused.

Kuwabara shook his head. "Well, no, but that's different. It doesn't count."

"We're both fighters, why the hell does it make a difference?!" Yusuke was staring at Kuwabara in disbelief.

At that moment, Miyuki recovered and rushed them from behind. Yusuke turned and kicked Miyuki headfirst into the wall; hard enough to leave a hole.

"You yell way too much." Yusuke said to Kuwabara irritably.

Kagome nodded, "Right. You remind me of Inuyasha." She frowned before shrugging, "You'd think I'd be used to it."

Kuwabara ignored her and raised his fists to Yusuke. "Ok, that's it. You and me have to duke it out right now so I don't get nauseous! Even if she was attacking you, you don't have to knock her head through a wall, you bully!"

Yusuke sighed. "Fine. I wasn't going to tell you this because I still don't think it matters, but look closely. It turns out our missus is a mister."

Kagome laughed as the other two just stared at him.

Kuwabara's jaw dropped. "But... how did you know?"

"I knew I saw you do that!" Kagome shoved him as she calmed down.

He shrugged, "Well, uh, I really couldn't help but notice..." he held up his hands to demonstrate, "Ok, I admit it. I was curious. Things didn't seem right up top, and well... you know... the family jewels have not been stolen."

Kagome started giggling again at the confusion on their faces.

Kuwabara cocked his head. "So, fighting girls actually does bother you, but you gave her a check-up instead of attacking her. You're kind of a weird person, aren't you?"

Miyuki extracted herself from the wall debris. "You think I'm a freak, don't you?" She hissed. "That's why you're attacking so violently. What, you're afraid I'll rub off on you? Why can't you treat me as an equal?!"

"SHUT UP!" Kagome seized Miyuki by the hair. "If you're gonna be a man, then do it all the way, not halfway." She used the hair and swung the demon against another wall, "I could care less about your gender, you bitch. We're fighting you because you won't let us save that girl. It's got nothing to do with anything except kicking your ass!"

"Are you two positive about this?" Kuwabara asks, leaning around them to check the girl out. "She looks so-I mean he looks so-uh-pretty." He bent over, as if to look for himself, but Botan hit him with her oar.

"You jerk!"

Kagome just rolled her eyes and held up her right arm with the mini-crossbow attached, "I'm covering our bases here. She might be down, but she is definitely not out." She squinted, "Yep, major evil aura from her." She shrugged, "Oh, well." She shot the arrow out and hit the demon in the shoulder, causing it to smoke.

"Hey!" Kuwabara asked, "Whatcha wanna cripple her shoulder for?"

"I'm not. Look." They watched as Kagome's Reiki hissed out of the arrow and purified the demon, "Don't have to worry about her anymore." She looked at Yusuke, "You should've let me do that from the beginning."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He smirked at her, "I would've, but it takes away all of my fun. Gotta get my kicks in when I can."


"Hey, look. A camera." Kuwabara pointed behind them as a security camera was aimed at them from the wall.

"Two more and we're coming after you!" Yusuke winked.

The four of them smiled and flashed the peace sign, then resumed hurrying down the hall towards their goal.


"I've been thinking about what you did back there, Urameshi," Kuwabara said as they ran. "The way you checked Miyuki. What would you have done if it had turned out to be a girl you were touching?"

"Think about it, stupid!" Yusuke groaned. "Like I would've complained!"

Kagome giggled, "Why am I not surprised?"

Kuwabara shot a cunning look at Yusuke, "Bet Keiko's not going to like hearing that, Urameshi!"

Yusuke skidded to a halt and grabbed Kuwabara by the collar. "You wouldn't dare tell Keiko that for real!"

"Well, there's this new CD that I want and I haven't had enough money to buy it..."

"Oh, and you want me to buy it for you?!"

The boys began exchanging punches. With a sigh, Kagome and grabbed them by the ears, pulling them apart, "Ow! Ow! Let go!"

"Will you boys knock it off!" Botan hollered. "We're supposed to be rescuing Yukina!" Kagome let go and they straightened up.

"That's right! I don't have time for this!" He adjusted his headband and stretched out his pinkie. "Ok, here goes. By my Red Pinkie String I'm led to my heart's content!"

The others three just shook their heads at him and followed. They reached a dead end and had to decide to go left or right.

Botan looked down at her compass and pointed to the right. "This way." Just as they were about to follow, Kuwabara pushed them to the sides.


Whatever Kuwabara had sensed, it shot a thin ray of light out, narrowly missing all four of them, but cut Kuwabara's headband off.

Kagome felt like they were being watched, "Someone's here."

The air around them seemed to ripple from behind them. A new demon appeared in a flash of light, his face obscured by a mask.

"Demon Two of the Triad. Inmaki." He said in a low voice. The blades wrapped around his hands glinted in the light. "I'm sorry I missed."

Kuwabara fumed, "You just tore up the Great Fighting Headband of Love. You're dead!" He charged at Inmaki, who vanished in a flash of light.

Kagome stood protectively in front of Botan as the demon flashed around in circles around the two boys, "Can anyone sense where he's hiding?"

"Nope. He's too fast." Kuwabara frowned as his eyes darted back and forth.

Inmaki appeared behind Yusuke and raked his blades into into the teen's shoulder.

"Yusuke!" Kagome yelled.

Yusuke rose, clutching his shoulder. "Let's

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