Chapter 6: Fast Enough

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2029 July 24

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Mark, Sarah and Alberto just stood in awe as electricity zipped around the room, setting up some food on silver platters on the table.

"Breakfast's served." Edward said as he came to a standstill.

"This smells amazing." Alberto said as he took in the scent of the food.

"Okay." Sarah said with a smile. The food on the table consisted of croissants with melted cheese inside, blueberry muffins, coffee and some pancakes.

"Let's dig in." Alberto said. He took a croissant, he took a bite, his eyes widened with excitement for he had been sent to flavour town and he said, "This is delicious!"

"Yes I know." Edward said with a smile.

"Edward what's this all about?" Mark asked, as he took a plate and put some food on it.

"Well it's to celebrate, my victory over Nathan and my friends." Edward replied.

Edward's Air Force Base

Mojave, California

Projects Vault

The Projects Vault is a secret bunker where the US military is testing new technological advanced weapons. A man with a moustache, in a military outfit walked in and then a soldier approached him.

"Major Williams, sir." the soldier said in a salute position.

"Why did you call me down here, Lieutenant Rhodes?" Major Williams asked.

"Remember the body that we uncovered in our expedition in the Scandinavian region of Norway?" Rhodes said. 
"Yeah I remember correctly." Major Williams replied said.

Rhodes opened the tarp that was on the table, he opened it revealing a man who was in some sort of black clothing and he said, "I checked this person's body and it's in a constant state of cellular regeneration..."

"Where are you going with this?" Williams cut in.

"I took a sample of the person's hair and he is 1300 years old." Rhodes said.

"Get the defibrillator ready. We're gonna electro shock his ass." Williams said with a stern voice.

Back at Los Angeles CA

La Teclena Restaurant

Edward and Sarah were going out on a date. Edward was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie, black long trousers and white pair of Nike Air Force sneakers. Sarah was wearing a black dress, a gold Rolex watch and black high heels.

"Thanks for bringing me out. Even though it's an early dinner and I didn't have time to prepare." Sarah said.

"I'm a millennial and that's how I roll." Edward said with a smile and Sarah just smirked.

"Okay I'm not gonna say no to a date." Sarah said, and Edward touched her hand. A waitress walked up to them holding a tablet.

"May I take your order?" The waitress said. Sarah looked at Edward.

"Don't worry it's on me." Edward said.

"Can I have three burritos and a glass of red wine." Sarah said.

"Can I have four plates of your spiciest tacos and some wine." Edward said.

"Coming right up." the waitress said as she walked away.

Two Hours Later

Edward and Sarah were having fun as the two were telling each other jokes and Edward was already done eating his food. "You lie that didn't happen." Edward said.

"Yes it did. Alberto almost shot Mark with an energy rifle." Sarah said with a smile.

"Yeah right?" Edward said as he rolled his eyes. When he rolled his eyes, he caught sight of Kylie stepping out of a lime green Lamborghini Huracán and he couldn't stop looking at her. Sarah followed his gaze.

"Having second thoughts about our dinner date?" She inquired.

"Nah." Edward replied as he snapped out of his trance.

"Okay if you say so." Sarah said.

"How about we go to the... We're going to the Grand Canyon." Edward said.

"Wait, what?" Sarah asked. Edward touched her shoulder.

"It's gonna be fun." Edward said and he wooshed them away before Sarah could even contest his idea.

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice, HQ

Level 100

Edward and Sarah came inside eating ice cream from ice cream cones. Edward couldn't help but notice that Sarah was grinning from ear to ear.

"With that grin, I take it the date went well?" Edward asked.

"Yeah it did actually." Sarah replied while she licked her ice cream.

"Cause I aim to please." Edward said with a smile.

"Flattery will only get you so far Mr Justin." Sarah said with a smile.

"Oh really?" Edward asked as he looked into her hazel sparkling eyes and he kissed her. Sarah was still perplexed that Edward kissed her on their first date. But she liked it cause it was. Bold!

"How... about... I run us...a nice and warm bubble bath?" Sarah asked.

"Sure." Edward replied, and then Sarah walked out. Edward looked at the suit that was on display.

"Sir." JAY said as he appeared.

"What's up?" Edward asked.

"Ms Jones is on her way." JAY replied. Edward pressed the button that was underneath the table and then the capsule that contained Edward's suit went down similar to how an elevator goes down.

Kylie walked inside, and Edward asked, "Hey. What brings you here?"

"I came here to see you." Kylie replied. Edward looked puzzled as to why Kylie would come all the way just to see him.

"Me. Why me? I thought you were here to see Mark?" Edward asked.

"Him and I are taking a break and so I decided that I... We would hang out." Kylie replied.

"Okay l-let's go." Edward said totally forgetting that he has something else to do.

4 hours later

Kylie parked her car near Phoenix, and Edward as he was about to head out. "Thanks for the movie."

"Edward wait." Kylie said. Edward closed the car's door.

"What's up?" Edward asked.

"What do you guys actually do here in Phoenix? More importantly what does Mark do for a living?" Kylie asked.

"Uh well I..." Edward started to say.

"Edward I'll know if you're lying." Kylie cut in.

"The thing is... I... I think you should ask Mark that and not me." Edward said as he stammered a bit.

"But I want you to be honest with me." Kylie said.

The two leaned in close to each other, Edward just simply traced his hand on her face and said, "I can't..."

"Edward..." Kylie said.

"KY I-I have to..." Edward said and at that moment he wanted to tell her everything.

"Edward I just think that I'm with the wrong guy." Kylie said and that moment Edward's heart just wanted to burst out of his chest.

"I-I... Kylie you and Mark love each other. You guys should talk." Edward said as much as it pained him to say that to the love of his life.

Edward's Air Force Base

Mojave, California

Projects Vault

Time: 22:00 pm

Three medical soldiers were operating on the body.

"Electro shock the body!" Major Williams said.

They injected some cables on the body and then they pressed a button and a electrical discharge emitted from the cables. The man suddenly opened his eyes. The military officers aimed their guns at the awakened man.

"Who.. What are you?" Rhodes asked.

The man suddenly moved of the table very fast. "Shoot him now!" Major Williams exclaimed.

The soldiers fired their guns at the adversary, the man dodged the bullets at very fast paced motion and the strangest thing was that as he dodged the bullets his body trailed red electricity.

The man stopped as the soldiers were out of ammo. The man looked at the soldiers and he said, "To answer your previous question. I am Ezra, but you can call me Quick." Ezra ran around the room at superspeed, he came to a standstill and then he looked at the soldiers who all dropped dead due to Ezra snapping their necks.

Los Angeles CA

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 100

Edward walked inside just thinking about Kylie and then JAY appeared.

"Sir a distress call has been sent from Edward's Air Force Base in Mojave." JAY said. Edward nodded, he pressed the button under the table, the capsule that contained The Speedster suit appeared and he quickly sped off while wearing it.

Mojave California

Edward's Air Force Base

The Speedster sped inside, and he looked around the place which was turned upside down.

Projects Vault

The Speedster was walking around then he saw a red blur heading straight for him, and the blur passed him. The speed the blur was running at knocked The Speedster over but he quickly gained his balance and he ran after the blur.

"What the hell was that?" The Speedster muttered.

The Speedster quickly sped off. Edward finally caught with the blur but his face was like DAMN! This guy's FAST!!!

Edward was still going at it but then when he made a sharp turn, Ezra tackled him to the floor with a massive spear and Edward rolled a few times.

Edward looked at his foe with a bit of fear.

"I am Ezra but you can call me Quick." Quick said and then his body stopped vibrating. Quick was wearing a black suit with no mask short brown spiky hair, he was 6ft4 and his eyes were green.

"What do you want?" Edward asked as he still groaned in pain.

"I am a speedster like you. Why haven't you brought this world to its knees yet?" Ezra inquired.

"I'm nothing like you." Edward said. Ezra took a few steps towards Edward, and then he smirked.

"There's something about you that's very peculiar. I will see you soon." Ezra said and then he sped off.

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