The Return Of Quick

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2030 November 24

Outskirts of Los Angeles


The ground rumbled and then a blue spiral portal formed. The portal formed in the middle of the street, a man in black came out with a huge grin on his face and it turns out it was Ezra A.K.A Quick.

"Its good to be back." Quick said excitedly.

The next day

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 100

Edward ran around the room setting up a huge flat screen TV monitor on the wall and he stopped.

"Woah." Alberto said.

"Where did you even get that flat screen?" Sarah asked.

"Well Kylie bought it for us since we can't always be using Al's phone to check for crimes and other stuff." Edward said.

"Which reminds me Ed let's go buy the coffee beans." Alberto said.

The two walked out of the room leaving Sarah all alone in the facility.


Edward and Alberto arrived at the bistro and found a line full of people who were waiting in line for their coffee.

"Let me go to the back at superspeed and take our coffee beans and get outta here." Edward said.

"Nope." Alberto said.

"Why not?"

"When was the last time did you ever not use your speed?"

"Since the day I found out that I was a meta."

The door opened and a beautiful brunette walked inside the bistro, the brunette was in blue jeans, grey sneakers and a black jacket. The brunette was almost Edward's height and Alberto couldn't stop looking at her.

"Dude! Dude!" Edward shouted.

Alberto finally snapped out of his state of trance.

"Are you okay and who's that?" Edward asked.

"Detective Lindsay Bush." Alberto replied.

"What I've never seen her by L.A.P.D."

"That's because she just transferred from N.Y.P.D"

"And how do you know that?"

"Cause I took a part time job as a junior assistant of NYPD's IT department."

"Let me guess you have a crush on her?"

"Well I just haven't found the right way to ask her out."

"Alberto you are a Mechanical engineer and a guy who can shoot vibrational energy blasts from his hands and open portal..."

"Scratch that cause I haven't figured out a way on how to open portals..."

"Which isn't the point all I am saying is that you can do it man I believe in you."

"Look I appreciate you trying to pump me up but there's no way..."

"Here's your chance hermano."

Lindsay approached the two and embraced Alberto with a hug and asked "You've been a stranger why haven't you visited the station?"

"Sorry I was a little bit side tracked."

"And who is this?"

"My best friend Edward Justin."

Lindsay held out her hand and shaked Edward's hand.

"So you're the infamous Edward Justin he couldn't stop talking about."


"Alberto tells me you went to M.I.T."

"Yes that's very correct."

"Who is the smartest between you two."

"Al is."

"He is lying I mean he did build his own Artificial intelligence."

Edward gave Alberto a stern face then it dawned to Alberto that he had just revealed something confidential.

"Sorry I probably shouldn't have told you that."

"Don't worry I can keep a secret."

Lindsay walked out of the bistro.


"I am sorry for revealing about the A.I.'

"I am still angry about the Jay part but why didn't you ask her out?"

"I was but my mind hit stasis lock."

"Really so you're now Optimus Prime now?"

"Easy Bumblebee."

Edward was about to answer but he was interrupted by Al's phone. Alberto took it out, "Mission alert at Tannhäuser Industries." Edward sped out of the room and ran straight for the crime but before taking a detour to Phoenix to grab his suit.

Hollywood Hills

Tannhäuser Industries

Tannhäuser Industries is a huge company that manufactures weapons for NASA and the government. The entire building was on lockdown because of a security breach. The Speedster sped inside and got a few people out.

"Edward go to the east wing of the building." Dr Ratchet said via The Speedster's ear-communication devices.

"Roger that."

The Speedster ran inside the building and reached the east wing of the building.

"Who ever you are please get outta here." The Speedster said.

"Well, well what do we have here." A familiar voice said amongst the shadows.

The Speedster couldn't believe what he was hearing right now and the voice stepped out of the shadows revealing it's self.


"Hi Speedster."

"I thought I got rid of you."

"How did you escape?"

"It doesn't matter what matters is that I am back."

The Speedster was about to answer but Quick ran so fast that he punched The Speedster and ran away.

Thirty minutes later

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Edward held an icepack on his jaw.

"Justin what do you mean Ezra's back?" Dr Ratchet asked.

"That he is back." Edward replied.

"So Al anyway we can track him?" Sarah asked.

"Remember we recalibrated the satellite to stop tracking for tachyon particles and recalibrating the satellite to track them will take a full day or two." Alberto said.

Edward put the icepack on the table and stood.

"Where are you going?"

"I need a change of scenery."

Edward ran out of the room.

"Al how about you use your powers to try and track Ezra?"

"Josh it doesn't work like that they just come without warning."

"I can build something that can help with that."

"You wanna fry my brain?"

"It would be an improvement."

"I like that line from Rocky but no we'll just recalibrate the satellite."

Calabassas CA

Kylie's Mansion


"So Quick's back?" Kylie asked.

"Yes." Edward replied.

"How did he ...?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"Did you choke?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Cause I can see that a bit of burn marks starting to fade on your jaw."

"Yeah he punched me with a lightning punch."

"I am sorry I know it has been tough letting go of your anger."

"I have to go find him and send him back."

Kylie wrapped her arms around him and massaged his shoulders to calm him down.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it KY?"

"Since you know we've been kissing a lot and you're here most of the time... I think it's you moved in."

"Kylie I don't think now it's the right time I mean Quick just came back."

Kylie looked at him with hurt and crushed by Edward's answer.

"I understand."

"But that doesn't mean I don't want us to be official."


Kylie removed her hands from his shoulders and she asked, "Is this about me not saying the L-word to you yet?" Edward wanted to say yes but he took the coward's way out and he replied, "Not in the very least."

Kylie stood up, "What something to eat?"

"I feel like spaghetti and meatballs." Edward replied.

"Let's go make them."

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Dr Ratchet punched the table in frustration.

"This thing is taking forever!" Dr Ratchet yelled.

"Told you." Alberto said.

"This would have been a lot easy if you would just use your powers."

"I already told you that I don't want."

"And why is that?"

"Because I am not like Ed."

"What's supposed to mean?"

"Your Chain Reaction released a huge amount of dark matter which caused my meta genome to give me these powers."

Dr Ratchet just left the room.

"Al why don't you wanna use your powers?" Sarah asked.

"I'm scared Sarah what if I fail the team."

"You have never failed the team and you ain't gonna start now and I think that was a low blow you did to Ratchet back then."

"I will go apologize."

Hollywood Hills

Tannhäuser Industries

East Wing


The storage room had a lot of futuristic technology all around. Quick held the CEO of Tannhäuser Industries hostage. She was a blonde with long hair, grey eyes, 5ft9 and she looked like she was in her early thirties.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Quick said.

"What do you want with me?" She asked.

"Well I need your help."

"You're Quick right?"

"In the flesh."

"But you're supposed to be gone."

"Well I am back."

"But doesn't make any sense because at the last scene of you and The Speedster there were high levels of tachyons."

Quick smirked, "You're very smart."

Quick glanced at a huge device that looked like the tachyon prototype he used to wear.

"Then after that you started experimenting with tachyon particles. Am I right?"

"Yes but the machine doesn't work.

"I am a thousand and three hundred years old and ever since I came back I've began teaching myself about this technology of yours so with my help it will work. Get to work."

"How about I sit on my ass?"

Quick grinned, he vibrated his hand faster, he stepped closer to Dr Tannhäuser and stopped his vibrating hand on her chest.

"I guess you know what happens if you don't help me."


Calabassas CA

Kylie's Mansion

Edward and Kylie were having dinner, Edward enjoyed the food as usual but Kylie wasn't I mean she had barely touched her food and her glass was still full of wine. Edward drank his glass of wine and he said with a smile, "This is amazing. I know we can both cook but together we make a mean team." Kylie was unresponsive to Edward's comment about their cooking.

"Kylie are you okay?" He enquired.

"What. I am great." She replied snapping out of whatever she was thinking.

"I mean you barely touched your food."

"Nah I am just not hungry."

"Are you sure?"


"Is it about what I said?"

"Not even in the least."

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 125 Storage

Alberto walked inside the storage and found it dark which was a bit odd because the lights are always on.

"Hey Josh I came to say I am sorry."


Alberto turned back and a deep garbled voice said "Alberto Rodriguez."
Alberto got petrified and this triggered his powers and his vision started a bit dark and hazy then it was clear and he saw Quick murder Dr Tannhäuser and he caught a glimpse of the time. The vision stopped.

"What ever you are you've picked the wrong guy to mess with."

The lights switched on and it turns out it was Dr Ratchet all along.

"What the hell Josh? And how the fuck did you make that voice?"

"I used a voice altering device."

"I know what Quick's gonna do."

"Call Ed."

"I am on it." Alberto said while he took out his phone.

Calabassas CA

Kylie's Mansion

Kitchen sink

Edward ran around doing the dishes at superspeed and he stopped when he heard his phone ringing. Edward grabbed, "Al what's up?"

"I found Quick."

"I'll be right there."

Kylie walked in on Edward, "What's going on?"

Edward sped away with Kylie.

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 100

Edward sped inside the room with Kylie.

"Where did you find him?" Edward asked.

"Al used his powers and found him at Tannhäuser Industries." Dr Ratchet replied.

"You finally used your powers."

"Nope Ratchet scared the shit out of me so that kinda triggered them so here we are."

"I am going."

"Edward wait."

"I can't afford to waste time."


"Alberto saw that Quick kills Dr Tannhäuser."

"And I also saw the time."

"What was the time?"


"What's the time now?"


"You have exactly twenty five minutes."

Edward didn't waste anytime he just wore his suit and sped off.

Hollywood Hills CA

Tannhäuser Industries

East Wing- Storage

The tachyon prototype activated and it emitted a blue light.

"Is it ready?" Quick asked.

"Yes just waiting for the portal to open." Dr Tannhäuser replied.

The Speedster sped inside, he vibrated his hand at the control panel of the device and it caused it to fry. The device shut down.

"Get out of here Dr Tannhäuser." The Speedster said.

Dr Tannhäuser ran out of the room leaving the two rivals.

"You're going down Ezra." The Speedster said.

"I don't think so." Quick said.

"And why is that?"

"Because we are intertwined Edward because it's destiny and I know of the event that's about to happen in about twelve years called the 'Calamity'."


"I know you hate me for your mother's death but I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"I hate you."

"Speaking of hate I know you are never strong enough to kill me."

The two speedsters sped out of the room within a matter of seconds they were already in Los Angeles. The two ran back and forth on a bridge, people got out of their cars running for their lives and The Speedster stopped.

"Guys this bridge is coming down."The Speedster said via his ear-comms.

"Edward you need to get the people out of the bridge." Alberto said via The Speedster's ear-communication devices.

The Speedster ran around the bridge back and forth saving the civilians from Quick's harm and he stopped. Quick stopped and punched The Speedster. Quick ran back to the bridge and it collapsed with the great intensity he was running at.

"Guys what do I do?" The Speedster asked via his ear-comms.

"Edward what if you jump all the way across the other side of the bridge." Dr Ratchet said.


"But you will need to run at precisely Mach3.3 but only for three seconds."

The Speedster's eyes showed a crackle of lightning, he ran so fast that he jumped in the air passing Mach three. The Speedster fell on Quick, the two continued to roll back and forth and after a few seconds they stopped. Quick stood up first, he was about to go for the kill but he was blasted by a vibrational blast at the which knocked him out. The Speedster saw it was Michael and he picked up Quick's unconscious body.

"What took you saw long?" The Speedster asked.

"I had to pass somewhere." Michael replied

Thirty minutes later

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 100

"Where is Quick?" Sarah asked.

"Michael took him back to the realm." Edward replied.

"Congratulations your speed limit has increased to Mach3.5 almost close to hypersonic." Dr Ratchet said.

"Where is Kylie?"

"In the hallopad."

"How much of my conversation with Quick did she hear?"

"All of it. So do you really wanna kill Ezra?"


"But what he said in the end about was very twisted."


Kylie just stared at a few buildings with a bottle of tequila and a glass on the side.


Kylie looked back and saw Edward.

"Wanna join me for a drink?" Kylie asked.

Edward ran and came back holding a glass and he approached Kylie. Kylie poured the tequila in her glass and Edward's glass. The two drank at the same time.

"So the team tells me you heard every bit of my conversation with Quick."

"Yeah I heard everything."

"Kylie I am sorry-."

"Do you really wanna kill him?"

Edward poured himself another glass and drank it a little bit too fast for a normal human.

"I will always hate him. A part of me knows that I don't have the strength to take a life."

"I sense a but."

"But it doesn't mean that I forgive him from what he took from me."

"I know you can't forget but try to let it go"

"Who knows if things turned out differently?"

"Edward I am here for you if you want to talk."

"Let's do this."


"Let's make this official."

"You serious?."

"Yeah I am. So what do you say girlfriend?"

"I agree boyfriend but first we gotta make this Insta-"

Edward sped next to her and planted a kiss on her.

Kylie and Edward hugged for a while and then they kissed.

"So are you coming home?"

"Technically it's your house-"

"You are such a dork."

"I am coming home to answer your question."

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