Running To Standstill

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2030 November 4

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Edward ran inside the building at super speed and he stopped by Level 100

Level 100

"I noticed that the are few guys repainting the building." Edward said.

"Yup."Alberto said.

"So any new tech arrive yet?"Edward asked.

"No and why."Alberto replied.

"Just that I sent all the tech we will need to Steveburg."

"Which reminds me we're going to need a new cyber desk."


"Where is Sarah?"

"She went back to finish her job at R.T.R Labs."

"Didn't she leave the job?"

"Well she said that since you ain't paying us so she will need to keep her job for a while."

"Yeah I am going to ask Steveburg about that."

Alberto's phone rang, and Edward rushed to him.

"Uh we have a problem in Level 12."

"Is that breach energy?"


"Let's go check it out."

Edward ran himself and Alberto to Level 12.

Level 12

Edward sped himself and Alberto inside Level 12. A blue spiral breach opened, a man wearing black stepped out and he had long black hair, with grey eyes and he was about 5feet 9inches tall.

"Where am I? What Earth Dimension is this?"the strange man in black asked.

"Buddy have you gone cuckoo?"Alberto asked weirded out by the stranger.

"I guess I will have to find it out myself." the man said.

The stranger raised both his hands,small bubble like things shot out of his fingers, Edward noticed this and quickly tapped into his speed but he was caught by one of them slowing him down. Alberto raised his hand ready to blast the stranger.

"Let me go or I will age your friend a thousand years." the man said.

Alberto put his hands down and let the man leave. Edward was out of the forcefield.

"Where is he?"

"He's gone."

Ten minutes later

Level 100

"So anyway we can close the breach in Level 12?" Edward asked.

"Not that I can think of." Alberto replied.

"This guy slowed me down.It was as if he took my kin-."

"Kinetic energy."


"Those bubbles he sent throughout the room when we engaged him I think they were kinetic energy forcefields that can either offset or speed kinetic energy in someone."

"Okay that's a new one."

"I have been working on making a velocity serum that offsets his powers-."

"Like the power dampeners."

"But I have been wracking my brain to find a catalyst."

"Why don't you pay Sarah a visit?"

"Great idea."

Alberto stood up from his chair.

"What about me?"

"Watch the place and do a bit of recon to check if there's no one snooping where they shouldn't."


An hour later

Edward was already asleep because of how boring the place was without any TV.

"Edward!" Nicole yelled.

Edward jumped out of his seat.

"Nicole hi." Edward said excitedly.

Edward and Nicole hugged.

"How are you doing?" Edward asked.

"I am good and I am sorry for not coming at your mom's funeral." Nicole said.

"Water under the bridge."

"So what have you been up to?"

"Well I have been trying to get back to the city's good graces."

"So you and KY?"

"What about us?"

"I mean the fact that you guys... you know you... are more than just friends. Right?"

"I have no idea actually."

"Kylie loves you and why aren't you taking initiative?."

"Well I am sorta waiting for the right moment."

"Dude! You two have known each other since you were both sixteen that's like a decade of friendship."

"I will do it when the time's right."

"You better not waste time Speedster."

"You got it."

"I have always wondered. What is it like being The Speedster?"

Edward grinned, "The ability to run around the city at superspeed and plus the part where I feel like the world is slowing down and I am the only one moving fast."

"So the rush is what you like?"

"You can say that."

Edward's phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and answered it.

"Wassup Al?" Edward asked.

"Facial recognition found Kinetic Man going to LAPD and I am on my way with the serum." Alberto replied.


"Do you mind staying for a while?"

"Sure." Nicole replied.

Edward ran around the room wearing his Speedster suit and sped off to the danger.

Los Angeles Police Department

The entire police officers were all in the kinetic forcefields, and The Speedster sped inside.

"Kinetic Man!"The Speedster yelled.

"Is that what you are calling me?" Kinetic Man asked.

"Let them all go your quarrel is with me."

"Only if you can standstill."

"Great."The Speedster whispered to himself.

Kinetic Man raised his hands, multiple kinetic bubbles spread across the room, The Speedster began running around the room dodging them around the room even across the ceiling and walls. Alberto came inside and blasted Kinetic Man with a vibrational blast.

"Catch Ed!." Alberto yelled.

Alberto flung the injector gun to The Speedster and he caught. Kinetic Man caught Alberto in a forcefield.

"Try anything and I will turn your friend into a baby."

"Look you don't have to do this I can help you."

"I don't need your help Speedster."

The Speedster ran around the room and stabbed Kinetic Man with the serum.

"You're done hurting innocent people." The Speedster said.

The causal factor of the serum sent a pulse that made everyone in the room walk normally.

"Speedster! Speedster!" the police shouted with joy.

Thirty minutes later

Phoenix Foundation Of Justice Headquarters

Level 100

"So what did the serum do to him?" Edward asked.

"Well the serum neutralized his powers and I put him into the last set of power dampening cuffs." Alberto replied.

Nicole and Kylie walked inside the room.

"Edward meet me by Level 120." Alberto said as he excused himself out of the room.

"Kylie I will wait for you in the car."Nicole said as she walked out of the room.

"Can we talk?" Edward asked.

"Yeah sure." Kylie asked.

"Kylie I have always had feelings for you since the day we met."

"I know?"

"So what I am saying is that can we give this a shot?"

"Edward can I be honest with you?"


"The day you came back I was so happy to see you I mean like my heart was pounding because I missed you."

"I sense a but coming."

"No buts."

"So we are cool?"

Kylie grinned, "We're cool."


"I am gonna let my actions speak for themselves."

Kylie and Edward leaned in close to each other and they kissed.

"So we're dating?"


Level 120

Edward and Alberto walked inside, Kinetic Man was in power dampening cuffs and he turned around.

"What did you do to me?" Kinetic Man asked.

"We synthesized a serum to dampen your powers." Edward replied.

"So where are you from?" Alberto asked.

"Los Angeles-" Kinetic Man said.

"We have no records of you in any database around the world." Alberto said.

"I meant Los Angeles Earth Dimension Two." Kinetic Man said.

"What do you mean Earth Dimension Two?" Edward asked.

"There are multiple dimensions or universes across infinite measure."

"The theory of the multiverse."

"Not a theory on my earth."

"So how did you open a portal to our world?"

"There are multiple doorways from my dimension to yours and even on your earth."


"And the best part is that I am not the only one coming to this universe."

"Why did you come here?"

"A Speedster arrived on my Earth a few years ago and he told me to come here and destroy you."

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