Dakota- Fitting In

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---- 3rd POV ----

"Ugh, useless! None of these textbooks say where the moonstone is hidden."

"Win the wolves' vote, win the election: easy."

I had left the library to go find Zed and Eliza only to find them approaching the wolves. I was nervous for this interaction, mainly because I had no idea about what could down. I wanted to be there in case I needed to step in and stop something.

"Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful."

The group had looked at Zed as though he had just grown a third head. My heart started to start beating faster just a tiny bit.

"When zombies first came to Seabrook, zombies were outsiders too. Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you. We'd be honored if you guys joined us."

"Our pack is our pack. We don't need anyone else." 

"Well, we might be the connection between something you want that you don't have the resources to get. Wouldn't be nice to have friends to get you something you want that you couldn't get on your own?"

The wolves stared at me, well not me necessarily, but rather my hair. They were probably weirded out by some sort of knock-off Elsa talking to them and I would be to. They took a pause before their leader started talking to Zed again.

"We're nothing like you zombies."

"You sort of are. Your necklaces are powered, right? Kind of like an organic Z-band."

"You're smarter than he looks."

"The necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out, right?"

"The opposite. Our moonstones make us our true wolf selves."

"So without it, you'd be human?"

"No, we'd die.  We'd be nothing."

"Imagine how alive you'd be if you didn't have to tamp things down. Hold back your true selves."

"Actually, I've got this theory that zombies have evolved beyond their needs for Z-bands."

"Z-bands are great! They help you fit in. And I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you just followed in our footsteps. Join a club, play football. I'll even teach you how to tackle."

The wolves appeared to not be having it. They all looked at me before the ran off. I ran over to Zed and Eliza and we ran back to school.

"Yeah, that went badly. No way is Zed getting the wolves' vote."

We had walking around school talking about Zed's poll numbers when we came across a publicity shot of Zed that made him look almost human, showing almost no qualities of Zed being zombie.

"Yeah I look a little human, but that's because people are lumping werewolves and zombies together."

"I mean, is that so bad? Sure the werewolves are a little rough around the edges, but you're both monsters. Reclaim the word 'monster' and use it to your advantage. Something like, 'Be Yourself. Be Unique. Be a Monster.'" (A/N: Yes, I stole this from Monster High lmaoo). He seemed to take this into consideration before shaking his head.

"I gotta show people that I'm nothing like those furballs."

I see Addison in the hallway and she signals me to come to the gym for cheer practice. I run into the gym and drop off my stuff before falling in line next to Bree. Addison blows the whistle signaling cheer practice to start.

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice! Together, we can do anything."

Bree fearfully points towards the stand before Addison starts exercises. We both look towards the stands and we see the wolves sitting in the stands, like a predator eyeing its prey. 

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only."

The one they call Wynter stands with her chest puffed out.

"Ha! Just try and get us to leave."

The one they call Wyatt gets up and grabs Wynter. I hadn't even noticed it before, but he's really cute and I had felt like I had seen him before. I just could feel something pulling me to him; I just didn't know what it was.

"No, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Show us what you can do." 

I felt my heart drop. I was interested in a guy and yet again, Addison managed to somehow get to him. Yes, I liked Zed but that faded into a friendship. Now, I was interested in Wyatt and he's into her.  I will always be second best. Always.


She had started coughing and wheezing while her eyes went in and out of yellow.

"Well done Addison. With werewolves on cheer, this election is in the bag. "

Addison rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Bucky, cheer isn't about politics. I always just felt like cheer could unite."

"You are going to make a great cheer captain."

Addison gasped in surprise.

"Guys, I'm going to be cheer captain. Guys, I'm thinking that cheer could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program."

Bucky immediately stops Addison in her tracks.

"Woah, woah, woah. I decide what cheer is about. And it's about winning."

Addison looked upset after this and I decided that wasn't gonna cut it with me.

"Bucky, there is more to cheer than winning. Cheer is about unification and working together as team to achieve a common goal. Sure, a trophy is nice, but that isn't forever. The blood, sweat and tears that went into the routine is what matters and Addison is right; starting an outreach program to help those who can't cheer and teach lessons using cheer is an amazing idea because it will be beneficial, unlike the trophies that sit on top a stand that never moves."

The entire gym went quiet. No one stands up to Bucky; not even his own family. But I have been compliant for way to long. It was time that he finally heard my voice.

"I..uh..um. Acey's!" 

He called upon his minions and stormed out of the gym. Suddenly, all eyes were on me, both cheerleaders and werewolves.

"Dakota, you..you stood up to Bucky!"

Bree and the others were celebrating while Addison, Wyatt and Wynter just stared at me. I walk over to the tiny group.

"Addison, Dakota, You guys are leaders. But of something greater than cheer." 

Although I was mentioned, it was obvious that this statement was targeted towards Addison. It seemed that they were having a moment and I thought of Zed. This situation looks a lot different than what is actually happening and I would hate for Zed to see such a situation.


And I stand corrected; fate will always make the guy/girl see what's happening.  Addison ran after Zed and Wynter went with Bree, leaving Wyatt and I alone together.

"Dakota, I meant it; you and Addison are leaders."

"See, just saying my name doesn't mean that you actually think that. I think you mean Addison is a leader but because I'm always with her, you don't want me to feel excluded and include me. I mean c'mon, I literally saw the way you were looking at my sister. Anyone dumb enough wouldn't have seen the look but I did. So excuse me for not believing you."

I stormed off, going back to the library to hide in the corner. Nothing could hurt me here.

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