Addison and I were sitting on a bench at school when Bree came up to us.
"Zed took the necklace and made the wolves lose trust in us. "
Bree looked shocked but honestly, I wasn't. I knew Zed didn't want Addison to become who she could be because that would shift their relationship. Then, the alarm went off warning that there was monster activity happening at Seabrook Power.
"That's them! That has to be the werewolves. We need to help them!"
"Bree, would you-?"
"Of course. I'll always help."
"We can't do this alone, we need to rally everyone."
"You're trespassing werewolves."
"How can we be trespassing on our own land?"
"This is werewolf territory!"
"We can take them."
(Imagine that Addison is Dakota A/N: even though Dakota is an OC, she is Addison's fraternal twin which means that they are twins without looking like each other so if you have an image of Dakota that could be looking like yourself or someone else, use it)
"You got to stop the demolition Dad. I know how hard you worked to get this job, but if it's gonna hurt the werewolves then you gotta stop it."
Zed's dad seemed to think this over and it was there that I would be ready to lay down my life for the wolves. Werewolf or not, they were my family.
"You're right. And Dakota is right. Stop the detonation. Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But right now, y'all can go home."
Cheering and celebration ensues. We did it; we stopped the demolition and saved the moonstone. We saved my family.
"We did it! We stopped the demo! Hey, what's wrong?"
"Addison, Dakota, I'm going to lose the election and I can't Addison to Prawn."
"It's okay. We can not go together."
"Oh my god, with everything that was happening, I forgot you took it."
"Wait, you knew?"
"Dakota was the one who put the pieces together and then the standoff happened and I forgot I was going to confront you."
"Guys, I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf that I would lose you."
"Zed, that wasn't your decision to make for us." (Dakota)
"But a werewolf?"
"I thought we had finally found where we belonged and you wanted to take that away from us. Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?"
Addison turned away from him before putting the necklace on. We all waited a moment before she turned around and saw that she wasn't transformed into the Great Alpha.
"Oh Addie, you're still the same beautiful you, just not as a werewolf."
Addison looked disappointed that she wasn't a werewolf.
"I'm not the Great Alpha? But I was so sure I was."
She took the necklace off and passed it over to me. Everyone was looking at me and I got nervous again. If I wasn't the Great Alpha, then the wolves would be left without their true leader. And if I was, this could cause a rift between me and Addison who, no matter how annoying and perfect she was, was still my best friend in the whole world. She was my twin. I looked over at her and she just stared at me. I looked over at the wolves and they looked at me with a pleading look. I took a deep breath and put the necklace on. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a bright light illuminated from me and the necklace. Fangs sprouted out of my gums, my nails had sharpened and became the claws of a predator, my eyes become a beautiful sun yellow. I looked around for a moment before laughing. I was laughing because the wolves were howling and celebrating and I was laughing because finally, something I wanted didn't go to Addison.
"Oh my god, I'm the Great Alpha!"
Wyatt ran up to me and hugged me, spinning me around as he did so.
"Well, you were who I thought you were."
"I'm glad I didn't disappoint."
He then leaned forward and kissed me. My mind went black for a split second before I responded to him. Wolf whistles and howls went off as we did so and finally, I was happy.
"What? I just want to know how Dakota is the Great Alpha. She shows no characteristics of a leader."
I looked at Addison for a moment before responding. I knew she didn't want to hurt my feelings; she was just confused as to why she didn't get to be the Great Alpha because she wasn't the main character for once.
"Addison, all my life I've had to deal with being second best to you. I actually wanted to be cheer captain, but, as always, everyone wanted you to do it and who I was to stop you? When you joined cheer, I joined it to because just maybe, someone would pay attention to me. I was friends with Zed, Eliza and Bonzo first; hell, I even had a crush on Zed. Then, you came along and took that away as well. But, who would I be if I tore down my sister's chance at happiness? But, finally, this is about me and sister or not, I'm not going to let you ruin this for me. I love you Addison, forever and always, but it's my turn to shine now."
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