Witness for the Prosecution

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Witness to the Prosecution


New Message from: Cousin Betty

Hey, Nicolette! Charles was wondering if you'd like to be involved in his FBI training program? He's adamant that you participate even if Jughead can't. Please? Call me back when you can hopefully with a yes.


"I-I'm not sure Charles is trustworthy, Elizabeth." I told Betty over the phone on my way to class, "Just, showing up at your house unannounced with pizza and FBI equipment doesn't sound like..."

"Starlet has to call you back..."

"Excuse me... Nicolette if you..."

"I told you to stop messing with me." I snapped at Brett, "Betty. I'm really stressed right now with the trial. Are you sure FP said it was safe for me to testify because I really don't want to... Hold on... I gotta go. Bye."

"Who was that?"

"None of your business... Jughead!" I called, "I need you to lie for me."


"Before you say no, your dad told me to ask you. I'm testifying against my father and here's hoping he won't kill me. So please, just tell everyone I'm sick or getting an abortion or whatever..."

"I can't..."

"Thanks Juggie!" i said, kissing him on the cheek and entering the classroom, "You really are the best."

"I never-"

"I can't talk to you right now. We're in class."

"But I-"

"Fine. How about I-"

"Hey, Forsythe, I thought Starlet was your ex-girlfriend? How would Betsy feel about..."

I gave Jughead a warning look. He shot one back at me.

"Betty." Brett said triumphantly, "How would Betty feel..."

"Yeah, Forsythe." Donna chirped.

"I think I saw her number on your phone and..."

I shot up, "Stay away from my cousin."

Jughead smirked, "Easy, tiger. You're beginning to act a lot like Cheryl."

"If she were here I believe she'd say, 'jughead jones. How convenient that you run off and take my favorite cousin with you to corrupt her with your overdramatic ways.'"

"How'd you sound just like her?"

I leaned over to him, "She talks to Jason."

His face went pale, "I'm sorry what?" He said aloud, "He's dead. They buried him."

Brett began to speak, "Who's dead?"

"No one."

"No, Forsythe. Who's dead?"

"She talks to him? How do you..." Jughead ignored Brett.

"I'll tell you later..."

"Does Betty know?"


"Cheryl needs..."

"The thing is... she knows I know."

Jughead quirked an eyebrow, "How the hell did she-"

"She told me. Sent me a photo."

"And you didn't tell my dad?!" He whisper yelled.

"I am not telling your dad that my cousin is having a psychotic break, Jughead! And neither are you."

Mr. Chipping came in and asked us to present our stories. Mine was about Edgar Evernever and his organ harvesting.

"He ascended, she had said, as if a shot to the chest excused all the terror he'd put us through. As for his wife, she's still out there preying on the next dysfunctional family to spin a web of lies with."

"Why didn't you tell me?" was all Jughead said, "I could saved you two."

I looked to him, "You don't get it, do you, Jughead? He tracked Betty and I like we were his property. I didn't want to drag you into it. After prom night, he offered and..."

"Focus on the story please."

Brett raised his hand, "Mr. Chipping, I think this Edgar guy sounds a little cartoonish. Maybe we need to learn a bit more from the author."

"All you need to know is what I wrote. That's the truth, nothing but the truth. I stand by that. Maybe you need to learn what your truth is before you go questioning everyone else's. Your story was superficial and reminds me of one of our current president's speeches. But, hey, it's not your fault all you know about is lying to get to the top. You're welcome."


~ R I V E R D A L E ~

~ R I V E R D A L E ~

~ R I V E R D A L E ~


"Class!" Mr. Chipping seemed particularly chipper today and I wondered if it had anything to do with the literary legend standing before us. Beside me, I felt Jughead vibrating with excitement, "This is the originator of the Baxter Brothers franchise."
"We're looking for the next ghostwriter to carry on the franchise."
All of us cheered. "These are the class of our generations newest writing sensations."

"Brett, Joan, Jonathan, Donna and our newest additions, Jughead and Starlet."

The author eyed us suspiciously, "Jughead, Starlet? Those are nicknames, I presume."

"Yes." Jughead spoke for both of us, "We are honored to meet you, sir. We didn't have the best home lives growing up and this franchise really got us through it."

All of a sudden everyone's gaze shifted to me. Even Jughead was staring at me intently, as if he himself knew our childhoods weren't the exact same. I was utterly confused. Naturally, I decided to question the reason why I was being eye fucked, "I- Why are you guys all looking at me? To elaborate on what Jughead just said, we may not have had the same childhood but we were each other's family even if I was all the way on the other side of the country. Books kept us together."

The author nodded in approval, "Many of my greatest friendships began and flourished from a shared love of literature, Miss Starlet. We're looking for a future Baxter Brother's author."

"Or... a Baxter sister." I mused aloud.
"And you'll choose one of us?"
"Or... maybe a girl..."
Brett rolled his eyes, "Keep it in your pants, Jones. And you, Starlet..."
I gave him a warning look, "Just let the men handle this..."
From my other side, Donna scoffed at him, "Excuse you?"



"Hello..? Mr. Sourberry..? I already said I'm testifying against him!"

"We have a statement from you already, Miss Lodge."

I looked at Jughead, "What? Where?"

"Hiram published it himself."

"What do you... No? No! Oh my god no!" I practically ran into Jughead's room.

"Jug!" I flipped on the lightswitch to Jughead's dorm room, "Juggie!"

Brett groaned slightly, "Some of us are trying to sleep!"

Nevertheless, I persisted, "Jughead! Jughead! Get up!"

"I'm reading." I took the book from his hand as if to say 'not anymore.'

"Well can you hurry up. I kinda need your bike."

"For what?"

I smiled nervously, "The trial."


"What do you mean 'no' Jug."

"I mean it's not safe."

"He has it Jug. Christ! HE HAS IT MY LAPTOP! THAT SHIT HAS ALL MY FILEs in it!"


"I left it at the prison and he sent his guys to look for it and my bullshit statement from when he threatened me... I just found that he... he published it. Look..."

"Nicolette Woodhouse pleads for... You need to go..."

"I'm taking your bike, Jug!"


"What do you mean 'no' Jug."

"I mean it's not safe without me."

"Oh I'll be safe," I said triumphantly, "There they are! Goodnight, Jughead!"

It was a good thing I'd told Mr. Chipping about Hiram's trial sooner rather than later so I could get permission to go home for three days from the headmaster.

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