Fast Times at Riverdale High - 02

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I woke up with a start the next morning, my eye swollen and purple. Most people would have half a mind to wear concealer over it but I had the perfect pair of oversized sunglasses. My room or "suite" as the guards called it, was painted purple and had posters of me from my days on Rumor Mill that made me want to gouge my eyes out. The version of me in those posters was innocent, uncorrupted, had never met her father. The girl I see in the mirror is lost and quite frankly looks like a human Barbie doll. Speaking of, I was in dire need of a salon or something because my hair was all frizzy and gross.

"Good morning, father." I said as I went out onto the yard where he was working out with other prisoners. They all stared at me intently.

"Good morning, mija. You sleep well."


"You going to school?"

"Yes but, daddy, I-" his eyes snapped up and met mine, that same warning look present. I continued anyway, "I need to get my hair done. I know you're upset right now but-"

"I'll make an appointment for you, mija." he said, "And what's this I hear about Archie Andrews picking you up for school this morning?"

"I- uh-" Shit.

"I have your cafe con leche. I'll go get it and-"


"Archie Andrews is picking me up." I confessed, "It's the second day of school and I haven't seen since Fred's funeral. I just-"

A single slap silenced the whole yard. I was on the ground now, bleeding and my father was towering over me.

"Daddy, please. I won't say anything. I promise! I-"


"I gotta take this... Hello?"

"Nicolette." Jughead. Of course.

"Yes? What is it, Jughead?"

"I've been trying to figure out why you'd want to go to Stonewall so badly but now I think I know." My blood ran cold. How did he even know about my living arrangements?


Did he really know about my living arrangements? He shouldn't. No one should. Veronica never should have even seen me. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"I have no idea what you're-"

"Veronica saw you at the prison. With Hiram. She told me. We can't do anything about it but-"

"EXACTLY. So leave well enough alone, Jones and tell Archie not to pick me up here."

Hiram smirked as I hung up on Jughead. I'd finally lost to him. I'd officially sold my life to the devil incarnate.

"Let's go, Carl. Lenny." I said, "I have stuff to do. Oh, and Daddy? I'm going to Archie's after school. Don't bother stopping me or I'll contact FP Jones. My ex's dad and the goddamn Sheriff. So go ahead and continue to abuse me but as soon as Jughead or Betty gets suspicious they'll say something. FP will kill you, Hiram. But I gotta get to school."


"... Another Bulldog?" I heard as I burst into the boys locker room. I kissed Archie on the cheek and slung my left arm around Mad Dog's waist.

"Starlet." He said, "Sup?"

"Nothing much Maddy."

"That's your name son?" Coach Clayton interjected, "And yes, Andrews. There's always room for another bulldog."

"Monroe. Monroe Moore." Mad Dog smiled wildly. Mad Dog took off my sunglasses, "I wanna look into your eyes, Nicol-"

Of course, Reggie Mantle had to be there to interrupt, "Starlet. What the hell happened to your face? Starlet... Talk to me."

"Nothing Mantle." I said, "Mad Dog, can we just get to class. And never do that again, dude."


"Mad Dog."

"Colette." Archie tried.

"Stop it, Andrews. Please." I said, "Some idiot freshman elbowed my eye during Vixen tryouts." Lie. "God forbid freshman girls could get off their middle school cheer high horse!"


Click. Click. Click.

"What the-?"

"KeKe Woodhouse? Is it true you joined a gang after quitting Rumor Mill?" a photographer said.

Another one said, "Your father Hiram Lodge? Is it true you framed him and lied to the police?" Click. Click. Click. Jesus, it happened to Veronica yesterday and that's why she visited Hiram. But it seriously had to happen when I was trying to be normal.

"Starlet?" Mad Dog and Peaches caught up to me with Betty.

"Blue and Gold. Now."

"Wait... what the hell just happened?" Peaches was clearly confused.

"Just lock the damn door, Peaches!"

"Betty... I can't talk to you right now. I need..."

"What I'm about to tell you three could either save or kill my mother." That shut all three of us up, "Charles and I have been looking for mom. And we found out Kevin was talking to Fangs and we're setting him up for..."

"Wait... What? Betts?" I said, "They all died..."

"They're alive and while we were at the Farm my mom told me all the sales and papers she signed were faked... so all we gotta do is..."

"We gotta find Auntie and get her to verify that Hiram faked the papers."

"You aren't living with-" Betty paused, "That's why you didn't come to the Pembrooke two nights ago. Your dad. You were with. And Archie told me you had a blackeye."

"Andrews." I sneered, "Damnit!"

Peaches glared at me, "Hold up, Starlet... I think you need to think of this as a good thing."

"You can stay with me, Starlet." Mad Dog offered, "My grandma and my brother would-"

"I'd love to Mad Dog... but I need to go to make a call first."

"No problem, Starlet. I gotta get to practice anyway."


Peaches' phone blared, "Damn it! Cheryl and Toni want you to meet them in the new principal's office."


"Cousin!" Cheryl beamed, "Mr. Honey. I believe you've met my dear cousin, Starlet. We just wanted to welcome you to Riverdale High formally. Since yesterday was far too hectic for us to-"

"I appreciate the gesture Miss Blossom but I don't like bribes. And it's come to my attention that you're planning a dance which as of now is cancelled."

"For why." Cheryl slammed her hand on Honey's desk.

"Last dance several students were murdered."

Cheryl scoffed. She cocked her eyebrow and smirked. I knew that smirk. It was the smirk that meant she was going to launch into a rant about Jason.

And she did.


"REGGIE MANTLE! GET OVER HERE!" Marty Mantle was heckling his son after practice. Mad Dog was kind of good, better than Mantle the Magnificent. But I still felt bad for Reggie because he had a black eye today. I saw it.

"HEY!" Archie and I yelled simultaneously. Archie launched into this whole soliloquy about how a father SHOULD treat his son. I stepped up to Mr. Mantle and slapped him.

"You disrespectful little girl!" Mr. Mantle said, "I'm sure your father would love to hear about this."

"What did you just say, sir?" I was shocked.

"Your father, Hiram Lodge. He'd love to hear about his daughter running amuck."


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