Chapter 2

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-Tanjirou POV-

"Hello Tanjirou, good evening". When I entered the treatment room, I heard the voice of someone I knew." Good evening, Ms.Kanroji.Oh, Inosuke in here too". I walked to their place, and sat next to Inosuke. He just keep silence. "You already awake. How is your body condition?" , she asked me with a sweet smile. I smiled her back." Im fine, Zenitsu Is the one who carry me along this month". Ms.Kanroji just nodding, understand." Yeah, and he said that you forget our last fight with Muzan, Am I right?". I'am forget about that, seriosly I really don't remember anything about fighting him. And I feel not angry at all. " That's not the big deal, Tanjirou. don't worry. Right now,everything is in the normal situation.Because Muzan is alrady defeated, the strength of the oni's around us is decreasing, and we are trying to save them, including your sister". Ohh.., so that's why Nezuko was taken by them. But why? Why aren't they just cured here?" Okay, so let's start the treatment. I will check your injury first".

After treatment, Inosuke and I were told to have dinner. In the room, I saw Zenitsu pouring miso into a bowl. Hmm? Why does Zenitsu prepare it? Was he ordered to prepare our dinner?" Oh, you guys already finish? How's the treatment?", he put the bowl on the table. I just stare at him." Well, The treatment is going well. Why aren't you treated? Have you fully recovered?", I ask him, sit down in front of the table. He sit beside me, and sudenly he took my palm and stroked it, make me a little shock. He didn't answer my question, only silent, still stroking my palm." Come on, guys, what's with you guys now?" They are both really strange today. Inosuke was silent since the treatment earlier. And Zenitsu ... he is not as enthusiastic as before." Are you okay, Zenitsu?", Im try to cheer him with my finger touch."N-no, Im just....Im just tired", he lowered his head. Inosuke still remained silent, not moving at all." Then, let's start eating", I tried to break the silence." Zenitsu, let's start to ea- Ouch!" He slapped his forehead against the back of my hand." H- hey, what's wrong? I shake my hand. But he still didn't let it go.

Suddenly, he pulled my hand by force. Without any preparation, he kissed my nose.

" Zenitsu?!!". Reflexively, I pushed him. I looked at his face, his eyes closed. "What, what happened just now? What smell is this? When I was confused about what just happened, Zenitsu threw my hand from his grasp." UWAAH, WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING TO YOU??!" He approached me, and then hugged me." Huwaaa, I'm sorry if I did something strange!" What? Why all of a sudden? Does he not realize what he did just now? Did he fall asleep before?" Eh, Zenitsu, you don't do anything weird, just calm down". Zenitsu let go from the hug. There was a few seconds of eye contact with him. Then suddenly, he touched my cheeks." Tanjirou, your face is red. Do you have a fever?". I shook my head." What? Im didn't have a fever. Is my face red?". Really my face red? But, I don't feel sick or hot."Yeah, really red....". I stood up, and immediately stood in front of a mirror close to the door of the room. He was not lying, my face was really red. Some smell suddenly crossed my nose, very strict. I can't breathe properly."L-lets ust eat, It's almost midnight".I sit down back to my place, and try to ignore everything before.

The night breeze blew out the calm, melodious cricket's voice woke up one of the red-haired demon slayer members who was exhausted thinking about everything that he had gone through before.

I woke up from my previous thoughts, an incident where Zenitsu did something he had never done before. I sat on the bed, looking at a sleeping innocent face. The thing that I still don't know, an unknown smell passes through my sharp nose. Im still curious.

That was your first step

I turned to the source of the voice. I did not see anyone. "Who is there?" My feet move from room to room, trying to find a sound that is continuously heard. But I did not find anyone with that voice. " Where are you, stranger? I will not harm you, show yourself". I opened the door to the front garden, and the cool night breeze touched my skin. My hanafuda earrings are waving, making beautiful soft sounds.

Im not in your sigh, you dumb

"Then, where are you? Are you invisible?" I waved my hand, and tried to find the person.

Are you an Idiot? Im in inside your head

"Ooo, inside my head...". 5 second past, and then I relize something." Voice, you the one who spoke to me in my last dream! Tell me what do you mean about what you're saying before." I still remember what the 'voice' said to me. When I was unconscious, the 'voice' told me about the love I had to look for. Before I blurt out a lot of question, the voice was gone, and I woke up from my unconsciousness.

What? You still didn't get any clue?

"What clue? I don't even know what to look for. How can I know if it's a clue?"

Heh, I think you're a smart people. But I guess not

"Why are you suddenly saying that, you so rude"

I won't be rude if you're not like that

"Can it really be like that?!"

A strong wind suddenly hit my skin, making me surprised. I closed my eyes so tightly, trying to stay balanced. When I looked around, plants moved fast like they were swinging a long sword, doing a brutal dance. The door that was opening behind me was tightly closed. My eyes began to hurt. My head is a bit dizzy." W-Wha what happen?!" The wind was getting stronger, the weakness began to come to me. My body ..... why won't you move! I feel all of this happens quickly.

I tried to scream for help, but my mouth wouldn't open. Like a nail stuck in my lips. I can only grunt, still in the place. My feet began to shift back to where the strong wind blows. "Vo-voice! Did you do all this? Where are you?! Ack!". A large branch hit my waist. Where was the sound earlier? They gone? "Hel-help!."

Something that trembled from below felt by my feet. I turned right, and saw what I didn't want to see now. A large stone rolled towards me, ready to smash me. My body went limp, only hoping that the stone would stop, but it was impossible. My brain doesn't want to work as usual, as if knew that I would die.

Am I going to die?

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