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Of course, after almost two weeks of sun and summer heat, at some point it had to rain.

And that was today.

Not even the rooster was awake at six am that morning because the sky was dark and clouded, the strong raindrops were hitting constantly on the windows of the house and the sound of the thunder was scaring Ernie and Doris, who were now awake and crying.
Not a single sun ray showed up that morning and it was really hard to see clearly outside the window, but it was obvious that all the farm was covered in puddles and mud.

I got a little sad that I wasn't able to get to the beach, but I was also sure that Harry wouldn't have gone either.
He can't run on the beach under a thunderstorm.

That morning while Lottie stayed in the little twins room, trying to calm them down, I decided to prepare breakfast only for our parents so they could get to work on time. So, when Lottie put the twins back in bed, she and I went back to bed, letting all of our other siblings sleep in.

There wasn't much to do in the farm while it was raining, apart from feeding the animals.
So the rest of our duties were postponed for another day as we decided to stay in and have a lovely family day.

Which wasn't so lovely.

First because Fizzy burnt our lunch, then Phoebe slipped down the stairs because it was wet and she started crying, Ernie and Doris kept screaming every time they heard a thunder outside and Lottie was running out of ideas to make it easier for them.

I sighed and lifted the twins in my arms, carrying them upstairs, having an idea of how to put them to sleep.

"Do you guys want to hear a story?"

"What story Lou?" - Ernie asked.

"Remember mom's story about how she met dad?" - I asked as I led them to their respectives beds.

They both nodded as I placed the blankets above them, tugging them in.

"Well, I have a new one to tell you. The story of how I met Harry."


Later that day, as my little siblings were taking a nap after my story time, everything in the house was really quiet except for the slow raindrops hitting on the windows, and I was really bored.

The rain had calmed a bit and I wanted to do something to keep myself busy, keep my thoughts away from Harry and our missed encounter today.
So, since Liam and I had exchanged numbers the night he stayed for dinner, I thought right now was a good time to give him a call.

"Hey!" - He answered after the third ring.


"What's up Louis?"

"I'm bored." - I shrugged against the back of the couch even though he couldn't see me.

"Me too. Being alone sucks." - He sighed. - "Maybe I can go to your place and we can hang out?"

"Yes, please." - I laughed.

"Be there in twenty minutes." - He said and we both hung up.

There weren't exactly twenty minutes, there were more like thirty five when he finally arrived. But, who's counting?

He parked his car on the front lawn and got out of it with an umbrella in hand, rushing inside of the house.
I bumped his fist and, after taking some snacks from the kitchen, I led him to the playroom, avoiding Phoebe and Daisy who were in the living room watching a film.

We both sat down on the couch with our drinks and the snacks already set on the coffee table. I turned the console on and gave Liam his joystick.

"What are we playing?"

"FIFA, of course." - I smiled and he laughed.

"Fair enough."

Minutes passed as we were playing FIFA in front of the tv screen, and as neither of us was talking, I thought maybe I could get a little more information about the Styles from him.
I just needed a good approach.

"Have you seen Gemma or her brother lately?"

"Yesterday evening, why?"

"Was Harry okay?" - I asked, trying to sound cool while I continued moving my football player on the screen.

"I don't know. I don't actually talk to the guy." - He shrugged and kept playing, his attention still on the screen. - "Why do you care anyways?"

"I don't."

"Yes you do, you're always asking weird things. When we met you asked if I had seen a green eyed runner, that now I assume it was him, then on the beach you were so awkward as you asked Gemma about Harry too, even the other day you were more interested in the Styles' family than everything else, and now this. If you were intending on hiding your interest, it didn't work." - He laughed.

I let out a little laugh and nodded.

"Well, yes. Sorry. You shouldn't be dragged into my weirdness."

"But why is it? Do you like him?"

I sighed and nodded.
I could do with a bit of advice from him.

"But it's not just that I like him."

Liam pressed pause to the game and turned completely to me.

"There's more?"

"Yeahโ€ฆ it's stronger than thatโ€ฆ but I don'tโ€ฆ I don't know if you are going to believe me."

"Huh? Why wouldn't I believe you?"

"Because it's something that I didn't even believe in until it happened to me." - I shrugged.

"Now I'm even more intrigued to know."

I smiled softly, considering telling him.

"If I tell youโ€ฆ would you promise to not make fun of it? Even if you don't believe it's true. Just don't laugh."

"Yeahโ€ฆ Okay."

"This city has a legend, but I never believed in it because my mother made it seem like a fairytale. She used to tell us the stories to sleep."

"What is the legend about?"

"It's about finding your soulmate. She always said that it was the way she met my father. It has something to do with the sea in this area of the country. If two people that are destined to be together are in front of the sea at the exact same moment, the two of them are capable of hearing each other's thoughts." - I said. - "I didn't know it was true until I experienced it myself. With Harry. I didn't even know who he was, I just heard him one day and it was so weird. But since I understood the sea was the reason, I've been trying to get to know him."

"Wow, okay. Stop there. You think he is your soulmate?"

"I know he is."

Liam frowned.

"You heard what he was thinking?"

"Yes, everytime he and I are there at the same time, even if we're not close, just at the beach. I can hear him inside my mind. Actually that was the reason I fell off my horse the day you found me."

"And you didn't know him?"

"Not a clue of who he was, the only thing I knew was his voice pounding in my head."

"That's nuts."

"It is. So, you believe me?"

"I think so, why would you lie about this? It seems kinda important to you."

"Yeahโ€ฆ I'm still trying to fully understand it."

"But I guess it's working, because you met him already, right?"

"Yes." - I sighed.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Yes, but it's all a bit weird still. I don't know much about him, and I don't know if he understands what happens with me either, plus I have the feeling that he isn't going through a good time."

"He's quite a loner, so I don't know either. When Gemma invites me to the hotel he is always grumpy and locked in his room."

"I figured." - I sighed.

"But maybe you can help him. You're the exact opposite of him."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, maybe you can offer him something to loosen up, maybe you can ask him if he wants to go on a horse ride with you, you know, some activity to actually bond with him."

"Do you think that's gonna work?"

"Yeah. And if I can help with something, just let me know."

"Okay, thanks." - I said, smiling at him as he unpaused the game.

We both turned to the screen again, continuing the football match.


Short but necessary chapter.

Mag ๐Ÿฆ‹

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