Chapter 16

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- Fighting
- Death threats
'I'm gonna say this once.' Began Steve.

'How 'bout nunce?' Sarcastic as ever I see, Stark.

'Shut it down.' Ordered Cap.

'Nope, not gonna happen.' Goddammit, Stark.

'You don't know what you're doing.'

'And you do? She's not in your head?' Bruce gestured at Wanda as he spoke.

'I know you're angry.' Wanda tried to apologize but Bruce wasn't having it.

'Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.'

'Banner, after everything that's happened...' Cap started angrily.

'That's nothing compared to what's coming!' Stark interrupted.

'You don't know what's in there!' Wanda sounded desperate.

'This isn't a game...' Steve yelled.

'The creature...' Pietro cut off his sister by running around the room. When he stopped, he was holding a large cable in his hand.

'No, no. Go on.' He threw the cable to the ground. 'You were saying?' A bullet came through the glass Pietro was standing on and he fell through as his sister called his name.

I distantly heard Clint's voice, but I couldn't hear what he said. I did hear Stark say he was going to reroute the upload, whatever that meant. Cap threw his shield at the monitors to stop him and everyone ducked to avoid the rebounding metal disk. Stark summoned his Iron man glove to his left hand and immediately fired it at Cap. Steve fell to the floor with a grunt and Stark turned so that the back of his suit could attach itself to him. Wanda went to use her magic, but Bruce caught her in a headlock.

'Go ahead, piss me off.' He threatened. I noticed Clint coming up the stairs with a pistol and I left the shadows, jabbing him in the arm and kicking the gun away when his hand spasmed. I created a knife and held it to the side of his throat. Cap got back on his feet and charged Stark again, only for both of them to be blasted back when the front of the Iron man suit attached itself to Stark and fired an energy blast from the central repulsor. Wanda threw Bruce off her by forcing her magic through herself, then turned and fired more of the red mist at the doctor, forcing him further back. The whole thing happened in less than ten seconds.

Thor entered the area from somewhere and jumped onto the cradle. He used his hammer to somehow summon lightning inside the tower. As we watched, he directed the lightning into the cradle. A few seconds after he stopped, something burst out of the cradle, hurling Thor backward.

The something was pink and silver and had a yellow gem in its forehead that was flickering slightly. I was disturbed to find that, like Ultron, I couldn't sense any trace of a soul. I lowered the knife I had at Clint's throat and silently made my way over to Wanda as the creature stood slowly. It looked at each of us, then without warning, leapt at Thor. The Asgardian hurled the being over his head and it almost flew out the window before stopping itself.

I took a few steps forward, placing myself between it and Wanda, but Thor held out a hand to stop me. I narrowed my eyes at the god in irritation but stopped my advance. After a few seconds, the creature turned and started floating towards us, creating clothing as it did, which did nothing to ease my fear. Thor placed his hammer down on the table and I turned to look over my shoulder as Pietro ran over to his sister.

'I'm sorry, that was... odd.' The creature apologized as he landed, 'Thank you.' He nodded at Thor, then fabricated a golden cape and gauntlets.

'Thor.' I don't think Cap was happy with Thor's decision. 'You helped create this?'

'I've had a vision.' The god began. 'A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its centre is that.' He pointed the yellow stone in the "Vision's" forehead.

'What, the gem?' Bruce sounded as confused as I felt.

'It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.' Thor explained.

'Then why would you bring it to...' Cap was interrupted by Thor.

'Because Stark is right.' He's what?

'Oh, it's definitely the end times.' I could feel Celes in my mind vehemently agreeing with the doctor.

'The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron.' That's a great way to boost people's spirits, Thor.

'Not alone.' The "Vision" added.

'Why does your "Vision" sound like JARVIS?' I tilted my head at Cap. Who was JARVIS?

'We... reconfigured JARVIS' matrix. To create something new.' Stark tried to explain himself, but Cap wasn't having any of it.

'I think I've had my fill of new.' Considering the man had been forced into a new decade, that was understandable.

'You think I'm a child of Ultron?'

'You're not?' Cap asked.

'I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I am... I am.' You are what, "Vision"?

'I looked in your head, and saw annihilation.' I turned to look at Wanda as she spoke, then back at the Vision.

'Look again.' He invited. I narrowed my eyes at the stone. It was hard to see, even for me, but it had flickered as she walked closer.

'Yeah. Her seal of approval means jack to me.' I glared at Clint as he spoke.

'Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone.' Thor continued. 'And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side...'

'Is it?' Cap interrupted. He turned to the Vision. 'Are you? On our side?'

'I don't think it's that simple.' He replied evenly.

'Well, it better get real simple real soon.' Clint demanded.

'I am on the side of life.' I couldn't stop myself from wondering what that meant for me. I was dead. Did that mean he would fight against me? Would I be putting the team in danger if I fought with them? 'Ultron isn't. He will end it all.' The Vision continued.

'What's he waiting for?' Stark asked.

'You.' The Vision replied.

'Where?' I looked over my shoulder at the doctor as he spoke.

'Sokovia.' I felt a jolt of fear at the thought of Ultron loose in my city, and judging by the look the twins shared, they didn't like it either. 'He's got Nat there too.' The fear was joined by confusion. I knew Black Widow could hold her own against Ultron, but how had she been captured by him in the first place?

'If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be...' Bruce left the threat unfinished.

'What will you do?' Vision sounded genuinely curious. I looked around the room, my gaze lingering on the twins as I realized that I wouldn't be able to protect them in the upcoming battle. 'I don't want to kill Ultron.' I did. 'He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now, and not one of us can do it without the others.

'Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go.' He turned around and was holding Thor's hammer. The other Avengers looked on in shock, even the twins looked surprised. I watched as he left, still thoroughly confused.

'Right.' Thor left the room after him, clapping Stark on the shoulder as he did. 'Well done.'

'Three minutes.' I turned to Cap as he spoke. 'Get what you need.'

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