The fight

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narrator's pov :
As All might ready his attack on Shigaraki, he quickly hit him at the stage, there was dust all around the area but when the it all cleared up everyone's eyes widen in shock to see Izumi using her psyche to block All mights attack, protecting Shigaraki at the process who didn't even seem to flinch, Izumi was struggling a bit, but her feet were strong in place. "Young Midoriya what are you doing?!" He asked completely shocked. "Saving the man who saved me."

Izumi kicked All might at the stomach, her boots increased her foot strength causing him to land at the ground and to feel a bit of pain. "Kurogiri now!!" She yelled, Kurogiri put up a large dome around the stadium and he was blocking the exit. Izumi whistled and Kiki appeared, Kiki grabbed a bit of blood and hair DNA from All might and returned to Izumi and said. "He's all yours master." Everyone's eyes widen even more when Izumi said that, then Fen's portal opens up behind Izumi and Shigaraki, and came out Shoto, Dabi, Toga, Mei, Kirishima and of course Fen.

Izumi ready her weapons and got ready the others did the same. The hero's were the first one to attack and everyone else did. Izumi was fast thanks to her quirk and boots she took down 15 people with a white wooden katana. Fen brought out his flaming bow and arrow, and his phoenix wings. He created a huge cloud of smoke in the stadium to cover them selves. Everyone could hear the screams from one another no one knew where they were going or which way they would attack.

As the fight went on Izumi felt something sticky wrap around arm it was Tsuyu's tongue, Tsuyu was standing in front of her with Uraraka and Lida standing beside her. "Izumi you don't have to do this we can help you." Uraraka said with pleading eyes. "We can help set you free from this." Lida said with his hand ready to fight. Izumi just laughed and said.

"You think I was forced into this?" Izumi continued to laugh, then said. "I chose this path and there is nothing you can do to change my mind!!" Izumi used her other hand to grab Tsuyu's tongue with her gloves and throws her hard into the ground. Izumi looked at her former classmates and smirked.

"Shoto, Fen now!" Fen and Shoto come out from the smoke and used their quirks. Shoto made a big block of ice and Fen used his fire to melt the ice, turning it into water. Shoto uses his right hand to freeze the water making it very slippery to stand on. Lida, Uraraka, and a few others were sliding everywhere, and since Lida needs to run up to me to use his quirk, it was impossible to do it when you are on ice.

Fen's pov:
I laughed at the sight at everyone slipping and falling from left to right, but we had a job to do. When I was about to hit Kaminari, I got trapped in weird purple grape thing. "Fen please stop doing this I know you went through a lot, you don't have to do this." Kaminari said trying to stay clam. "We can forget you did this, just fight with us not against us." Sato said standing in front of me. "Fine, just take my mask off it's a little hard to breath." I asked and I was smirking under it.

"Sure." Sero said he took my mask off and I breath out fire right in front of him only to cause a distraction. Izumi saw my fire and went to me, she was able to free me from Mineta purple balls. I grab my mask from Sero and laughed. "I can't believe you were gullible enough to fall for that." Izumi whistled for Duke and this time he was a big grey wolf. Izumi got on Dukes back and started to ride him to go even faster, I followed behind them.

Izumi's pov:
As I was riding Duke I was able to knock out 10 more hero's, Kiki was high up in the air Kiki is my eyes in the sky. Kirishima was close to me and I asked if he did his part, he nodded and I smiled at that. I saw Shoto and Dabi having the time of their lives fighting everyone, I saw Endeavor about to hit them with his quirk, I tell Duke to head to Shoto and Dabi. Duke got me there in time and I block Endeavor's attack and making him move back a bit.

"Hey Shoto wanna go talk to your dad?" I ask in a playful tone, he nodded and he and Dabi came to my side. "Son what are you doing!?" He asked obviously furious, Shoto just looked at him with cold and fiery eyes literally, and said. "Something I should have done a long time ago. Standing up to you!!" He quickly released a huge ice in front of Endeavor, trapping him in the ice. I glanced around to see Toga and Mei fighting together. I smiled and continued to fight the rest of the so called hero's.

While I was helping Fen fight, someone shoots him straight at his chest, I sighed and said. "How are you so careless sometimes." I continued to fight then I hear Uraraka's voice. "How could you say to someone who's alr-" she was cut off when Fen kicked her in the gut. "How is he still alive." Another person said helping Uraraka stand. "His quirk is phoenix hunter What did you expect?" I said putting a hand on Fen's shoulder.

Shigaraki's pov:
As I saw my two students fight I smiled and took this opportunity to confront All might, he got ready to use his quirk on me, I could tell his eyes were filled with anger and rage. He charged at me and I dodged all of his moves. "What did you do to Young Midoriya and Young Dorgon." He yelled at me, I just smiled and said. "Nothing really the two chose this path, I didn't have to kidnap them. They both told me they hate hero's with all that they have."

He was in disbelief when he heard that, I took this as an opportunity and used my quirk on him, he only felt some of the pain and he used more of his power. With every attack I could tell he was getting more and more tired. "Whats the matter All might? Running out of time?!" I said he was shocked that I know his weakness. I kicked him in the gut and he coughed out blood, he was finally out of time.

"Izumi, Fen come here now!" I called out making sure my voice was loud enough for them to hear. Fen's portal opened up behind me and they came through it. Izumi looked at All might who was on the floor bleeding, he turned back into his skinny form and was trying to stop the bleeding. "Would you two like to do the honours?" I asked smiling at them, Izumi and Fen looked at each other and smiled.

"It would be our pleasure but, we want you to do it with us." Fen said bring out 2 knives from his pocket, I made huge grin on my face I took the knife from Fen and we all got ready to kill all might. Izumi used souls weapon and brought out two red swords that were from Fen, and Fen got ready to use his flaming bow and arrows.

When we were ready, I ran up to All might threw the knives right through his chest one of them was close to his heart. Fen used his bow and arrow and shot All might at the arms and legs causing him to lose his balance and feeling the burn from it, and finally Izumi ran up to him and cut All might's head clean off. We decided to keep All might's head as a trophy.

"Call them all back." I said as I held All Mights head in a bag, Fen nodded and he brought out his firework arrow and shoot it at the sky. Everyone saw it and the league members left to go on the stage, Izumi whistled out for Duke and Kiki. Kurogiri put the dome down and he opened the portal and we all left. But before I did I left everyone a little message. "Don't worry the hero's will soon fall." After that I went with Izumi who was waiting for me by the portal and left.

Present mic's pov:
I watched as portal closed and I stood there confused on why L.O.V. left. I go to the stage where they left and my blood froze on what I saw. "NEZU YOU NEED TO COME QUICK!!" I yelled using my quirk for him to hear, he quickly came up to me and saw the horrible sight, it was Yagi/All might, his head was gone, there were 2 knives in his chest, and burn marks all around his body, the sight was completely horrific.

The students and teachers came and they all gasped at the very sight at this. "So this is what he meant when he said the hero's will soon fall. Without the symbol of peace the League of Villains will win." Nezu said in disbelief. "And since All might didn't transfer his quirk to anyone yet there will be no new symbol of peace." I said trying to hold back my tears.

The students started to talk among themselves and didn't know what to do. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that it was Eraserhead and he pulled me close into a hug. I didn't know what todo but when I think of the villains I remember the speech Shigaraki said. Maybe he was right maybe hero's are the reason people suffer.

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