Show me a smile

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Fen's pov:
It had been a week since Izumi lost her mother, she been sad almost everyday, I haven't see her smile once, she did so much for me now it's my turn to do something for her.

I woke up early to get ready for the day, normally Izumi was the first person to wake up, but I wanted to do something special for her and try to cheer her up. I got dressed and went to make Izumi her favourite breakfast, when I was finished I was really proud at my work, watching Izumi cook really helped a lot. I go back to our room with the food with me and I went to wake up Izumi. "Wakey, wakey it's time to get up." I said in a soft robotic voice.

Izumi opened her lovely emerald green eyes, then she said. "Fen you're up so early?" She yawned and smelled the food I made for her. "Since you make breakfast almost every morning I thought I would make some for you." She made a small smile on her face and I was glad to see her smiling a bit. "Eat up first then get dressed were going on another stealth and kill mission today." I said messing up her a little bit. "Ok." She said, I wasn't lying about the mission and I knew how much she loved to kill people, I just had a surprise for her after we were done with the mission.

When she got out from our room she was wearing a green crop top shirt, she had a black long sleeve shirt under it and she had some dark blue jeans she even had the necklace her mom gave her. "So who are we gonna kill today?" She asked putting a knife in her bag. "Some rich Ceo guy who has been abusing his family, and has been doing sexual harassment to his young female employees." I said. "Ugh. I hate those kind of guys." She pinching the bridge of her nose of annoyance. "Let me just get our suits it's in the lab. I did a few upgrades on them, you can come see them if you want to." She said as she walked to the lab.

I decided to follow her to lab and see a few the upgrades she did in my suit. When I got to the lab, Izumi pushes a button and a part of the wall goes up and I see my suit a little bit new. It had a hoodie and mask attached that could cover my whole head, everything in it was black and red, Izumi's outfit is the same as mine but her's is all black.

"I made sure the suits our bulletproof, fireproof, electric proof, explosive proof, and water proof." She said giving me my suit and continued. "The mask has a voice changer so when I talk our voices will be more deeper and low, but since you don't actually have a voice I installed a voice box for you., it can also help us speak different languages and we can understand different languages when we wear the mask." I was amazed at what she did and said. "You really out did yourself, your mom would have been proud." Izumi looked down at the floor and frowned. "Yeah, she would."

"Hey she's in a better place now and she gave you that necklace to know how much she loved you." I said putting a hand on her shoulder she smiled at me and said. "Yeah I know I just miss her so much." I grabbed her shoulder to bring her into hug. "Come on let's do our mission." I said with pride. "As soon as I figure out how to put the mask on." Izumi laughed a little and I was happy. She told me I had to push the button on side of the mask and it would go down, when she was done explaining the suits we put them in our bags, grab some weapons and leave.

Master told us where the guys company is and said the Ceo will be in his office at the top floor, we left and I told master we would be back in time for dinner. We went to a nearby alley and when we got there the place was huge it had 25 floors. I stayed focused and Izumi told me we could sneak in the back, we didn't have to worry about cameras, the suits could make us invisible to the camera, but for the guards we have to fight our way through, and it was going to be fun.

We got through the back door and there were no cameras anywhere we brought out our weapons, since we couldn't use our quirks cause it would draw to much attention to us, we had to use other weapons, I brought out my gun and daggers, Izumi brought out her katanas and put them behind her back and knives.

We take a small peak from the door and we saw a few employees and a few guards, Izumi brought one of her sleeping gas and let it roll around the room outside, everyone fell fast asleep and we went through the door and we took the elevator to the top floor, when we got to the top floor we saw multiple guards and we attack them Izumi took out 7 guards with her katanas and killed 3 of the guys with a knife in their head, she seemed to enjoy her time and I took out 9 guards with shooting them straight at the heart and right between the eyes, during the middle of the fight I heard Izumi call out my code name. "Phoenix! Behind you!" I turn around just in time and see a guard and stab him with my knife and he fall down. "Thanks wolf." I said giving her a thumbs up.

When we were finished with the guards we went to the Ceo's office he had 4 guards with him we easily took them out, Izumi took out the Ceo by putting both her katanas straight in to his chest. When we were finished we made sure nothing went back to us.

We made sure there were no cameras in the room, I opened a portal and we got teleported back to the alley we went in, we quickly changed clothes and we leave the alley like nothing happened until we hear sirens going off. We continue to walk along the side walk and I asked Izumi if she wanted to go to the cat cafe nearby I knew Izumi loved animals a lot, and no surprise she said yes.

We got to the cafe and we made an order for our lunch, when we sat down a cute black and white cat came to us I pet the little guy and it started to purr. "Aw what a cute little guy." Izumi said making a big smile on her face when another cat came to our table, the cat was all black, it had one eye on left side of its face, and it seemed to really like Izumi, it was rubbing around her legs. "Aww~" she really likes cats even if she is part wolf.

Are meal came and we started eating the black cat didn't want to leave Izumi it fell a sleep at her lap and Izumi didn't want to wake up the little guy. "Oh Luna seems to like you a lot." We hear the waitress who was refilling our glass. "Her name is Luna? She's pretty cute is she yours?" Izumi asked curious.

"Actually Luna is a stray cat who comes here everyday." Me and Izumi were surprised at this. "I decided to give her vaccine so she doesn't hurt any of the customers. She leaves at closing time and comes back at the morning during opening time." The waitress said taking away our empty plates. "Ya know were closing early today, you can keep Luna if you want to, I never seen her give that much affection to anyone." She said then left. Izumi looked at Luna and said. "Should we bring her home I don't know if master will be okay with it." I thought for a moment and said. "Let me go call him and ask."

Izumi nodded and I left the cafe to make a phone call at a nearby alley, I waited for master to pick up the phone. "Hey Fen, how was the mission?" He asked and I replied. "It went great, the upgrades Izumi made to our suits came in handy." I could hear master chuckling over the phone. "So anything new about Izumi?" He asked I could tell he was worried. "Actually yeah we're at a cat cafe and Izumi found a stray cat inside and a waitress there said we could keep her if we wanted to." Master was silent for a few seconds and I heard him yell something.

"HEY KUROGIRI DO YOU THINK WE HAVE SOME SPACE FOR A CAT?!" I had to move my phone away a little bit. "Uh master?" I said making sure no one died. "Ok having a cat sounds good and Kurogiri said he can pick up some cat food and some cat litter, when he goes grocery later." I smiled under my mask and said. "Ok I'll tell Izumi." With that I hung up the call and went back inside and to see Izumi playing with Luna, I smiled and sat next to her.

Izumi's pov:
As Fen left the cafe to call master I looked at Luna and her one eye. "You must have gone through a lot huh?" I said looking at her right eye it had two scars and they were crossed together. "You must have been betrayed, hurt, and lost some many people." I said, Luna started to pure at me, I could tell she was sad. "Ya know I lost my mom last week, she was the only person that loved for being quirkless." Luna looked at me with a sad eye and licked my hand I smiled and I played with Luna a bit, a few minutes later Fen came back and said.

"Master said we can bring Luna home with us." I smiled and was happy we would keep Luna. "Great!" I said me and Fen played with Luna until closing time, we thanked the waitress and said goodbye. When me and Fen were about to go home we bumped into Shoto, I blushed a little when I saw him. "Hey guys I didn't think I would see you hear." He said then he noticed I was holding Luna. "Who's this little cutie." He petted Luna and she started purring. "Her name is Luna she was a stray so we decided to adopt her." I said looking away a little, Shoto looked at me and noticed I was a bit sad and he seemed to remember something.

"Oh...uh...sorry about your mother Izumi." He said and he noticed my necklace. "This is a really beautiful necklace who gave it to you?" He asked and I didn't say anything so Fen did. "Her mom gave it to her, after she uh..." Fen then whispered something in to Shoto's ear. "killed the murderer." Shoto eyes widen when he heard that, he looked at me and didn't say anything.

"Ya know this cat kinda reminds me of you." I said looking at him in the eye. "Really? how?" He asked and I smiled. "She has a scar on the left side of her face just like you, and it's really cute." He blushed when I said that. "Hey were about to head home. Do you wanna join us? Master said he wanted to discuss something with us." Fen said, He nodded and we all went to the bar.

When we got there Mei and Kirishima were here and Toga quickly came to us and looked at the cat. "Aww She's so cute." Toga may have went to close causing Luna to climb up my shoulders. I laughed a little and put Luna on the counter, she was a bit...timid but I knew she would like it. Luna went up to master and sat down right in front of him, she was just staring at him and master did the same thing.

They were at a staring contest, Luna went to masters arm and started purring. We waited for Master's reaction, we thought he was going to turn her into ashes but instead he started to scratch her behind the ear. "She's pretty cute for a cat." He said we all smiled, then Shoto spoke. "So what did you wanna discuss?" Master looked up and said. "All for one told us that we will be using the sports festival as away to send people the message and to kill all might."

Me, Shoto, Kirishima and Mei looked at each other and Mei said. "So how are we gonna do it?" "Were still planing it, till then will give you an update on the plan." Master said they nodded, after that Kirishima, Shoto and Mei went home and I took Luna to the lab to meet Kiki.

"Kiki I have a new friend for you." I said putting Luna down on the ground, Kiki quickly came flying to me and landed on my table. "Kiki this is Luna she is the newest edition to the family, please be nice." I said and I put Kiki down beside Luna, Luna looked around Kiki and sniffed her a little. Kiki was just standing like a statue and just looked at Luna, Luna was rubbing around Kiki and started purring, Kiki didn't understand what was going on so she put out her wings. Luna just continued to play with Kiki and after a little while Kiki and Luna started playing with each other.

I was happy they got along, I decided to play with them a bit and I started laughing cause Luna got her head stuck in one of my beakers lucky it was empty, so Luna was safe.

Kurogiri's pov:
I was putting the grocery away when I heard something from the lab, the door was slightly open and I saw Izumi laugh with a black cat and Kiki, little Izumi seemed very happy she hasn't smiled or laughed in over a week and I actually missed that smile.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Dabi who was getting a glass of water. "What are you doing." He asked I quietly point him to lab and he takes a look and smiles at the sight. "I'm glad she's smiling again." I whispered to myself, we quietly leave and I go back to putting away the groceries.

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