Joining us

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Narrator's pov:
It has now been 2 weeks since Bakugo was kidnapped by L.O.V. and since Izumi brought Eri into the league. No one knew Bakugo was kidnapped by the league of villains, every time Bakugo saw the memories of how horrible heroes really were, his hate for the heroes would grow.

When he woke up from the last memory he experienced, he saw Izumi sitting in front of him, she brought out 2 pictures in front of him. "Ok Kacchan what do you see here?" Izumi asked pulling out a picture. "Villains." He said in a low voice. "And this?" She asked showing him the other picture. "Heroes." He said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"And what do you think of the heroes." Izumi asked putting the picture down, Bakugo was silent for a minute and said. "I fucking hate them." Izumi smiled then said. "Do you want to take my offer now?" Bakugo was quiet for moment and nodded, Izumi smiled then said. "Good." She then removed the straps from Bakugo and let him stand.

"Oh and by the way your crush on Kirishima is pretty cute." Izumi said putting away the headset, Bakugo blushed bright red then said. "How did you know??" Izumi giggled a bit then said. "It was pretty obvious." Bakugo blushed a bit even more. "Plus you kinda said you liked him in your sleep." Izumi said while tip toeing to take off the quirk cancelling collar on Bakugo neck. His face was so red you could feel the heat from his face. "Relax Kirishima likes you too and I won't tell anyone about this." She said giving him a pat on the back.

Izumi and Bakugo then hear a knock on the door. "You can come in." Izumi said putting away the headset, the door opens and they see Eri in a red and white dress the sleeves were long enough to cover her scars. "Izumi can we go to the park today?" Eri asked holding onto the little bag Izumi gave her. "Ok let me just finish something first." Izumi said picking up Eri.

"Who's this?" Bakugo asked looking at Eri curiously, Izumi smiled then said. "Kacchan this is Eri I brought her in 2 weeks ago, her quirk is rewind and I have been helping her control it." Izumi said putting Eri down, Eri then hid behind Izumi's legs and looked at the man in front of her.

"Eri this is Katsuki Bakugk he is my friend and a new member to the league." Izumi said gesturing to her a bit, Eri walked up to Bakugo and looked at him, Bakugo crouched down to her height, they were in a short staring contest for about 1 min, when Eri started touching Bakugo's hair, his reaction was calm and was surprising to Izumi.

Bakugo and Izumi started playing with Eri. When they were done they all left the room and Izumi announced the Bakugo was finally joining the League.

This may be short but the next one will be longer.

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