A new life

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Deku's pov:
"STOP IT!!!" I screamed as kacchan continued to hit me. "Why should I? You make a perfect punching bag." He laughed after he said that. When he was done he grabbed my notebook. "Hey!? give it back!" I said trying to get it back but he was to tall. "Or what? you gonna cry" he taunted and exploding my notebook in his hand. "Remember you will be nothing but a Fucking quirkless girl that will never be a hero" he yelled staring at me with his scarlet red eyes. "You should just kill yourself already, maybe you can get a quirk in your new life." Walking away laughing.

I picked up what was left of my notebook and started to cry. "Why was he so mean to me?" I whispered to myself. I ran out of the school and into a dark alley, I didn't know how long i was running, so decided to sit down and I started to cry, I threw my burned notebook aside and just stayed there.

A little while later I heard someone's voice, I looked up to see a man with light blue hair, pale skin, black clothes, and a hand covering his face. "Is this yours?" He asked holding my notebook with only four of his fingers. He opened it and saw not only hero analysis, but inventions I wanted to make. "Wow these look pretty good did you make these?" He asked with a creepy grin. "Yes, I really like science." He noticed my eyes were red and a little puffy. " why are you crying little one?" He asked kneeling down to my sitting position. "My friend kacchan bullies me just because I'm quirkless." Holding onto my knees tight he stayed silent for a moment. "How would you like to have quirk?" He asked as I looked up to him. "You wont be treated like dirt if you come with me, you can have a new life too." The man said pulling out his hand. "What about my mom?" I asked wiping away my tears. "Don't worry she'll be fine." He said his grin still creepy but a little bit more sweet. I thought for a moment thinking what would happen, after a few seconds of deciding I took the man's hand.

"My name is Shigaraki by the way, whats your name?" The man asked as he was taking me to a place I'd soon call...home. "Izumi Midoriya." I said holding the man's hand tight. "And how do you feel about heros?" He asked looking at me with a...smile? At least that's what I thought it was. I thought for a moment and remembered what kacchan said and did to me. "I hate them!." I shouted loud enough for him to hear, he smiled at my reply. "Well Izumi from this day on your life's about to change." After he said that I didn't know what to think I just stayed silent the whole time.

We walked in what looked like to be a bar and I saw a man made out of purple mist, with 2 glowing eyes, he was wearing a white buttoned up shirt, a black vest, a black bow tie, and black trousers. He was cleaning a glass and didn't notice us. "I'm back and I brought a new one!" He shouted at the man behind the bar. The purple mist man looked at me and came to me. "Well isn't she cute." He said crouching down to my height. "Hello my name is kurogiri whats yours?" I was a little shy and hid behind shigaraki. "Her names Izumi Midoriya she's a little bit shy, but I think you should look at this." I see him holding my notebook. "A burnt notebook?" He said beginning to question why shigariki would bring it with him. "Just open it!" Shoving the notebook to kurogiri's chest.

He carefully opened the notebook and saw my analysis of hero's but what really impressed him was the blueprints for my invention. "Did she really make this her self?" He asked in amazement. "Yup she is quite smart for a person her age." He said while patting me at the head with only four fingers. "I promised her a quirk by the way, did it come in today?" He asked as picked me up. "Yes it came while you where out." Kurogiri said going to the back while shigariki followed still carrying me. They took me to a lab where kurogiri brought out a suitcase with a vaccines in it, shigariki put me down on a table and told me to wait far a little bit, he walked up to kurogiri and were discussing something.

Shigariki pov (finally):
"The kid has potential she'll be a great addition to the league" I said grabbing a vaccine and preparing it. "Are you sure about this,we don't know what she'll do to us?" Kurogiri asked as he looked at the girl who was looking around her surroundings. "Relax the kid hates hero's, plus with that big brain of hers and quirk to go with it, she'll be unstoppable." I said Holding the vaccine that contained three quirks for the girl. "Are you ready Izumi?" I say holding her wrist. She nods and I inject the vaccine to her veins after a few seconds nothing happens. "How do you feel?" I ask putting the vaccine away. "I feel the same but nothing seems to be happening." The little green haired girl started to look at her arm. "Give it some time we can try your quirk in the morning. Until then welcome to family Izumi." I say giving her hug making a sure my pinkies didn't touch her. I later show her to her room with a desk, a bookshelf, a closet, and a bed. The room was quite big but we had plans in the future anyway. "Get some rest. Tomorrow we'll practice with your quirks." She nodded as a reply I left the room knowing the plan to kill all might will soon come together

The next day I was about to wake up Izumi for breakfast and when I opened the the door I saw her up and ready she had what looked like to be green wolf ears and a tail? She was holding two knives and they were blue she then noticed me and I asked her where she got those. "I got them from you." She smiled when she said that I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Your soul is blue and I took a small part of it and when I did, these knives appeared." After she said that, the knives disappeared and from what I'm guessing she returned the pieces of my soul back to me. I was honestly a little bit scared when she said she used a part of my soul but then again it could be pretty useful. "And what about these?" I asked touching them to make sure they were real. She shrugged and said. "They just showed up when I was a sleep. oh watch this." Few seconds later the ears and tail disappeared. I was honestly amazed at this after studying her quirks a little bit more I take her to the kitchen and we start to eat after we finished I bring her to the training room to practice her quirks.

Izumi's quirks:

Soul weapon:
She can see a person soul colour and can take a piece of it. The colour of the weapon changes based on the original owners soul colour.
Like the name she is immortal and can regenerate broken bones or scars on her body. She can also regrow limbs, but it takes a while depending on the injury.
Wolf charge:
She can change her form into a wolf and can make her wolf ears and tail appear and disappear, she can run as fast as a wolf with getting tired.

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