A class with all might

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Izumi's pov:
It was Thursday, and we were walking to U.A, I was more happy today because I told master our plan to recruit some of the students in U.A, he agreed to it, he said we can take about 3 people only, I was happy because I could convince Mei to become a villain, she's better of as a villain than a hero. While we were walking we see shoto outside the gate. He looked like he was waiting for us. "Hey Shoto!" I called out he looks at me and smiles. "Oh hey Deku, hey Fen." I quickly give him a hug so I can feel his warmth. "Ok lets get to class before were all late." He said looking at me with his lovely two coloured eyes.

When we went inside we notice everyone is staring at us again and start to whisper something, me and Fen over hear some of them and they were very unpleasant.

"Do you think todoroki-kun is dating Midoriya?" "Did you see how he smiled when she hugged him? I don't think anyone has ever seen him smile." "Todoroki-kun never lets anyone hug him." "She's really lucky I wish I could hug todoroki-kun too." I sighed and apologised to shoto about the attention and rumours. He said he didn't mind and said he was use to the attention and rumours, I smiled at him and we all continue to walk to class 1-A.

We get inside class 1-A and notice everyone was staring at us again this was getting old so we all take our seats and I make sure not to go anywhere near that purple pervert. Eraserhead came in and started announcing something. "Ok class today we will be practicing on the field with someone you already know." He looked at the door and rest of the students followed. We see a man at the door with huge grin on his face, and everyone knew who it was.

"Hello class 1-A, it is I all might." Almost half of the class got up there seat and went to greet all might. "Now students settle down now." He asked, as everyone went back to their seat, all might cleared his throat and spoke to the class. "Alright everyone today we will be doing a practice outside today." Every one cheered and was excited but all might wasn't done there yet. "But before we can do so, you'll all need your hero suits." He brings out a remote and pushes a button, we all hear a loud sound coming from the back, we see rows of costumes at the back and we were all amazed.

"Each of your costumes have your name at the bottom of the manikin, so find your costume, get changed and meet us outside." He said leaving with Eraser head. We all get our costumes and get changed I really liked my costume, it had long black ninja like pants with some dark green on the knees, a black long sleeved shirt with some green on the elbows, a red utility belt, and a red scarf to go with it all. It was also fire proof and it's very flexible for me to move in. (I'm making her costume look exactly like the cover.)

"I think I'll keep this when I go back to being a villain." I thought to myself. When I was done I bring out my wolf ears and tail, I tie my hair into a ponytail, I put on my boots and my gloves, and I head outside, a few people were staring at me and I may have winked at them, causing them to blush.

When I got outside I see Fen in his hero suit, it looked it was fire proof just like mine, he was wearing a red sleeveless shirt with a bit of gold on the collar it also had two sized wholes for his phoenix wings, he had black pants, a special headset for his bat ears, and he was wearing red and black boots. "They did a good job with your suit." I said looking at the design, he looked at my costume. "Thanks they did a great job with yours too."

Just then we hear Uraraka's voice. "Hey Izumi, hey Fen." We see her in her hero suit it was pink and black, it kinda looked a spacesuit. "Wow your costume looks great." She complemented, looking at our costumes with a amazement. "Thanks yours looks great too." I said returning the compliment. "Aww your ears look so fluffy. can I touch them? please~" she asked, really wanting to feel them. "Ok" I say feeling like I'm going to regret this, her eyes sparkled and she jumped. "Yay." She immediately touches them and they move a little. "Aww so cute." After what felt like an hour, we waited for the rest of students to get here, and all might started counting us all, he frowned a bit .

"Well this is a bit of a problem. I was planning to put you all in groups of 5 but-" before he could finish Fen spoke up. "Excuse me all might but if it is fine me, Izumi and Uraraka can be a of group 3." All might thought for moment and smiled to the idea. "All right then if that is ok with you, then I'll group the rest of the teams."

Team 1
Kastsuki bakugo
Tenya Lida
Yuga Aoyama
Rikido Sato
Eijiro Kirishima

Team 2
Shoto Todoroki
Momo Yaoyorozu
Hanta Sero
Mezo Shoji
Fumikage Tokayami

Team 3
Minoru Mineta
Koji koda
Asuiji Tyusu
Mina Ashindo
Hanta sero

Team 4
Fenikkusu dorgon
Izumi Midoriya
Ocahca Uraraka

Team 5
Kyoko Jiro
Denki Kaminari
Rikindo Sato
Toru Hagakure
Mashirao Ojiro

After he was done, he started explaining what we were going to do. "Today we will be doing Hero's vs Villains. Team 4 will play as hero's and team 1 will play as villains, team 1 has to protect the bomb inside the building, and team 4 will play as hero's and there objective is to get the bomb before time runs out, the hero's won't know where the bombs is placed, only the villains will know. Are there any questions now?" When he was done he told the villains where the bomb was placed and we got to our positions and we discussed the plan, although Uraraka had some doubts and said. "Are you guys sure you made the right decision with me? I even couldn't save myself from the robots." "Of course we did and you'll be fine." I said trying to giving her some confidence, she smiled and nodded to me.

"Ok since your quirk can only make things flout, you'll have to find the bomb while we distract the rest of the team, they will obviously have someone watching the bomb so once me and Fen take down team 1, We will help you, understand?" I said making sure they understood every detail of the plan, they nodded as a reply and we all get ready. I notice kacchan was glaring at me again but this time with worry which is strange because he never worries about anything, I brush it off and wait for the horn to blow.

I first see kacchan and three others outside the building. I told Uraraka to go and look for the bomb inside, she ran as fast as she can but was blocked by Sato and was about to attack her. Fen opened a portal one up in the air, and one on the ground where Sato was standing and kept falling over and over again. "Get. Me. Out. Of. Here!!" He said falling down from the portal repeatedly. Uraraka continued to run and look for the bomb inside.

"Hey Fen, Kacchan and I have some unfinished business, think you can handle the other two?" I said getting ready to use my quirk. He laughed. "Two agents, one?! This is going to be easy." He said cracking his knuckles and bring out his flaming daggers. "HEY KACCHAN, OVER HERE YOU SWEATY PIG!!" I yelled out, trying to get his attention, and it worked he did have a short temper. He chases after me and Fen took on the other two, Kacchan lets out some explosions and I quickly dogged it by doing a few backflips.

"What the hell happened to you for the last fucking 10 years, where have you been!?" He yelled out. "Inko was worried sick when you didn't come home that day, everyone was looking for you!!" He shouted out, One of his explosions hit me and I start flying into a wall. A few of my ribs broke and my ankle was sprained, luckly I felt only very little pain thanks to my immortality, but it would take some time to heal, I had to stall him long for them to heal, then I got an idea.

"I told you before, that is none of your business Kacchan, I simply started a new life. Somewhere I thought I would never have to see you again, I found people that actually cared about me during my time away, they didn't care if I was quirkless or not, they made me the person I am today. Unlike you!" I yelled trying not show any pain I had. He froze at my words, I smirked and continued.

"You were my best friend, the only friend I had as a kid, you were my idol for almost everything. You said you would always be my friend no matter what, yet you became like everyone else, you betrayed me, hurt me in many ways than I can count, just because I was quirkless! Do you have any idea what it was like being alone all the time?!Feeling like no one in the world would care for a quirkless girl like me."

His face went completely pale when I said that, I got up and smiled. "You said you wanted to become a hero right?" By that time my injuries were fully healed, I secretly tapped the heal of my boots to ground to increase my speed, I got ready to use wolf charge and souls weapon. "Well a real hero would never hurt anyone!"

I come at him with a white wooden katana, thanks to Uraraka, and go full speed on him. He quickly dodged my attacks and I notice he was getting slower and slower by the each attack. I use wolf charge again to go faster, I sneak behind him and hit him at the back of the head causing him to go unconscious. I wrap him in the tape all might gave us. Making him automatically disqualified.

I walk up to Fen to see that he was tying up the other two. They were still conscious but their body's were completely numbed, I'm guessing he was able to find their weak point, he snaps his fingers and the portal, where Sato was still falling into, finally came to a stop he landed so hard on the ground, he went unconscious, we didn't have to worry about him, the speed he went through was enough for him to go unconscious for hours.

Fen's pov:
We run inside the building, Izumi presses the communication device she had in her ear, and contacted Uraraka. "Uraraka where are you?" She asked as we run up the stairs as fast as we can, Uraraka responded with a low voice. "I'm at the 4th floor, I found the bomb but Lida is watching it." "Good we'll be there in 1 minuet." I said using the headset I got for my ears, as we were running I remember over hearing Izumi's conversation with bakugo. I never seen her that upset before, she was really hurt on he did to her, I planned to ask her about this later, after the test was done.

We arrive in time and see Uraraka floating in the air, Lida couldn't catch her since she was floating, he then sees us and comes after us on full speed, I opened a portal and send him outside the building. Uraraka comes down and we all touch the bomb. "TEAM 4 has won the battle!" We hear all mights voice, we helped Team 1 get to the infirmary, I apologise to Aoyama and Kirishima for numbing their bodies. After we were done we head to the control room only to find everyone staring at specifically Izumi, she sighed and said.

"Ok if your wondering, yes I'm the girl that ran away 10 years ago. What I said back there was all true, but that does mean you should hate kacchan. And no I'm not going to see my mother after 10 years." She finishes taking a seat and I sit next to her, everyone was quiet and didn't say a word. They continued the rest of the battles, none of them interested me, until shoto's battle came up, his battle only lasted minutes, I was really impressed by his fighting technique. All might allows us to change and eat our lunch since it took all morning to finish.

Narrator's pov:
Izumi, Fen, and Shoto, were the first ones to leave the control room. "I can't believe young Midoriya is the child that ran away 10 years ago" All might said in disbelief, Eraserhead pinched the bridge of his nose. "No wonder she looked so familiar, she's Inko's daughter. She didn't stop crying for days, and kept blaming her self for not knowing what her daughter was going through."

The students were talking among themselves. "Have you've you all notice that Fen and Izumi are always close to each other?" Momo said, everyone thought for a while and Kaminari said. "Now that you mentioned it, they go everywhere together except when one of them go to the bathroom or to go change." They all stare at him, when Uraraka speaks. "Izumi told me, Fen has always been like an older brother to her, and that they live together." Everyone was silent for a minute and another person spoke. "That does explain something, when I was staring at Izumi, Fen noticed me and he was glaring at me in a really scary way." Everyone looks at each other and continued to talk about the strange two.

It was true that the two lived together and treated each other like siblings, but what class 1-A didn't know was that they are an unstoppable team together, they can take out an entire army of hero's without a scratch on their bodies. Everyone decided to change, eat their lunch, and maybe ask some questions about Izumi and Fen's past.

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