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[Two; Simple Choices]

    "All right everyone, let's put you in partners. I'm not going to do this by gender, but rather random allocations. I'm not a matchmaker, I'm a teacher, so stop groaning," I had to fight to hold back a small laugh at my chemistry teacher's straight face as he probably meant that whole sentence. Wow, someone's life is in ruins...

    It was only my second week in school, yet already, I had dragged Scott and Stiles to Lydia's party, which Stiles kind of saw as my payback, but I told him it wasn't it. Lydia kind of ignored the fact that I dragged them along with me and let them mingle while she introduced me to a few people and she actually introduced me as her friend. I mean, wow, progress...

    But even then, rumours had started to spread that I was some orphan who my uncle just took on. I told Christopher that there would be rumours and he knew it too, and hey presto, we were right. They were mostly about me fitting into the crowd fast, or the fact that I lived with my uncle instead of my parents, blah, blah, blah... I didn't really pay attention, because Scott and Stiles knew what they had to, Lydia was actually a genius - just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover - and everyone knew the truth who mattered. If they didn't, I didn't need to care.

    "Miss Anderson, I appreciate that rumours are currently a big problem for you, but please don't occupy yourself with them too much, especially when your partner will be Mr McCall," the teacher spoke - whose name I still didn't know because I really wasn't paying attention - and I nodded, looking over at Scott a few seats down who nodded to me with a small smile.

    "To be honest with you, sir, I wasn't really planning on occupying myself with nonsense, but thanks for the concern," I told the teacher, but he just looked at me before turning around and walking to the front, continuing to sort out the partners. I smiled to myself as he had to ignore my remark and I saw Stiles and Scott try to hide laughs down the line. I probably shouldn't have said it, but my mouth moved before my brain. I guess it's my old self coming back now that I'm with normal people; humans.

    "Mr Stilinski and Mr McCall, if you'd like to hide a laugh, let me give you a tip; hide it better," nice one sir, real nice. Honestly, what crawled up this guy's backside? "All right people, move," he finished the sorting out and I grabbed my stuff to sit next to Scott, in Stiles' place, who was now on Scott's other side with his partner.

    "He really hates his job and his life, right? Tell me I'm right. Actually, I know I'm right," I said as I sat down and put my bag on the floor.

    "No, it's just his hobby to be sardonic," Stiles told me as he leaned forward a bit.

    "Cheers for that, Stilinski," I nodded and looked at him.

    "No problem," he shot me a grin before turning back to our teacher.

    Scott and I conducted the experiment normally, though he messed up a couple of times, it was entertaining to see him continue to try again and again. He never gave up, did he? I helped him in the end, knowing that his patience was wearing thin, so we managed to finish the experiment successfully. He was very persistent, as Christopher told me, and I was quite happy that he was, because it would make things a lot easier later, apparently.

    "Thanks," he sighed once he sat back down as we managed to clear everything away.

    "No problem," I shrugged with a small smile. "You're quite persistent."

     "What do you mean?" he asked as he pulled out his book and pen.

    "I don't know, you just wouldn't give up," I said, looking at the board and waiting for our teacher to move, so could copy it down. I was twirling my pen in my hand, a pretty stupid and unnecessary habit. I saw him look at me with a very confuse expression, but I didn't have anything else to say. He tried to shake it off - I guess I was still the weird new girl and that was enough explanation for everyone - and go back to copying also, instead. "That's not a bad thing, by the way," I told him, finally able to copy the words and equations down.

    "I hoped it wasn't," he chuckled, writing already.

    "It's a good thing, definitely," I nodded with a grin in his direction and then looked up to see Stiles looking at us weirdly. "What?"

    "Sometimes I don't believe you came from England, you know?" he asked as I chuckled and then shrugged.

    "Well, I moved out to this side of the world when I was ten, and then moved here this summer, straight away once summer started and I finished school. So, I guess I'm quite used to all of this, but I still used my own slang and stuff, so people kind of don't believe me a lot," I shrugged, understanding where he was coming from. Though that was a cover story, since I had never lived in America in my entire life, but I did definitely still use slang that really didn't belong in this country, or even state.

    "So you wanted a change or-?" he asked. He had already hinted that he was interested in this topic, but I never thought I'd actually have to tell him the cover story Christopher made me learn.

    "No, uh- My parents- I guess you could say they couldn't take care of me anymore," I told him. I guess it was true. They can't take care of me, because some machines have to. I just didn't want to seem like I was asking for sympathy or that I was this broken kid who needed all the love they could get. I didn't want that at all; they'd probably feel like they had to be friendly with me or I'd have abandonment issues again... I didn't want pity friends.

    "Why your uncle?" Scott asked, realising that I didn't really want to talk about it, which was more because I didn't want to lie to them.

    "We were just close, I guess. He was like a dad, and he was the only family I have left," yeah, who knows I'm still alive... "Whatever, no family is perfect, right?" I shrugged and the two boys shared a look before agreeing. "By the way, please don't feel like I said that so you guys would like talk to me or whatever, and no pity either, I'm fine; you asked and I answered," I told them seriously, especially because their pity would be for nothing, and I also hated pity. So, so much. They just shook their heads instead with small smiles.

    "It's all right, you're still odd," he told me as I rolled my eyes.

    "You are too, so it's okay," I replied. He just shook his head with a wider smile and finished copying, which I had finished ages go now. "Nobody's perfect, Stiles, neither are you," I told him as he rolled his eyes this time.

    "Skylar, who are you sitting with this lunch?" Scott asked as I sat on the stool, just twirling my pen around and minding my own business., since everyone else was either copying or answering or talking.

    "Uh, probably Lydia, I guess. She asked me to, and I have no one else to sit with," I shrugged after pretending to think. No one else even tried to talk to me but Lydia and her friends, and Scott and Stiles.

    "Oh, all right," he nodded, sending me a small smile.

    "Scott I'd-"

    "No, it's how school works, right?" he asked, being totally blunt and honest with me, which I was very thankful for.

    "Scott, if you were about to ask me to sit with you, I'd love to. I don't think I can take another day of Jackson telling me about lacrosse. I've become a pro at the game, like I know all the rules," I told him with a small laugh and he looked up.

    "But she asked you first," he pointed out as I rolled my eyes.

    "Hey, Jackson?" I leaned forward and tapped Jackson's shoulder. He turned around, though sent me a small glare for interrupting him. He didn't hear what I said, and I knew it, because he then sent me a small smile and I knew he was okay with me. "Could you please tell Lydia I'm sitting with some other people because we have a project together? I'm really sorry, but they're helping me catch up with econ, and I'm not in the same class with you guys," I apologised, putting on an innocent face.

    "Sure. I mean if you want to," he shrugged and nodded.

    "Thanks, Jackson," I smiled, trying to seem charming or whatever, and he sent me a smile back before turning to the front and talking to his partner about something. See what I mean? You can't hear each other's conversations. Everyone else is involved with their own world.

    Once the lesson ended, we left together, and I went to my locker so they could talk between them. They didn't need me around, and I don't think they wanted me around either. They probably had enough of me by now... Bad luck boys...

    I sat down in the seat opposite of Stiles, who was sitting next to Scott, and then put my lunch on the table, which was a sandwich I made in the morning, some fruit and a cookie. Yes, I'm a cookie person.

    "So why-" Scott started as soon as I pulled out a water bottle but I cut in.

    "You know when people have lots of friends, but they're only themselves and only enjoy one certain group because they're the people they can relate to?" both boys nodded, so I continued, "Right, well, Lydia and I talked a lot the past weeks, but she just doesn't seem like my type of person, you know?" I shrugged and then took a bite form my sandwich. They looked at me weirdly before they shared a look. "I know I'm weird, we've established that," I said with a small smile after having swallowed.

    "Sure but-"

    "Are you insane?!" Stiles cut Scott off this time.

    "Stiles, I don't have a crush on Lydia, or Jackson, I will live," I told him and Scott sputtered out a laugh and looked at me with a shake of his head. He also mumbled the word unbelievable I think.

    "You do know, it'd probably be better for you if you-"

    "I don't know, I used to hang out with guys in my old school too. I can hold up a conversation about sports and school and things like Star Wars better than clothes and dates, girls kind of just lose interest because I make references to Yoda or something," I told them with another shrug and looked up at them instead of my lettuce filled sandwich, which was my attempt at being healthy.

    "Are you sure?" they asked, almost at the same time.

    "You're looking at me like I just made the worst choice in my life because I didn't choose the popular crowd where I wouldn't fit in," I told them seriously. "You guys can tell me to leave when you want. If you guys get fed up, you just have to say so, I'd understand. I wouldn't really want to be friends with me either," I told them honestly. "And you guys are very nice, don't take me wrong, but you guys have to be clear with me," I added.

    "All right," Scott nodded. Stiles hesitated for a second before he opened his mouth.

    "You like Star Wars?" he asked and I paused for a second before laughing at the fact that that was his only question.

    After discussing the movies, and realising that we actually did have quite a bit in common - I mean I knew that already, thanks to Christopher - we continued to talk and I told them a lot about me. We kind of got to know each other even a little bit more. I think they kind of eased up and became more comfortable with me, I was very hopeful. It was a good round of question though, because I didn't have to lie; they didn't ask me things about my past that I would have to lie about. They asked about what England was like, because they knew I would have to know something since I lived there for the first ten years of my life. They asked me about friends, and other things like some words I found odd still, what I used, things like that. But they found it enough, and even funny at points. I asked them things about their friendship too, and it was obvious that they were more like brothers than friends, which I found amazing. It was exactly like me and Jenna. It was almost scary at times, to be honest.

    I didn't even talk to Lydia during the day, except when we finished our last lesson, which I only had with her.

    As we were walking out, we kind of arrived next to each other, and she struck up a conversation, "So you do know what you're getting into if you hang out with them, right?" she asked as she held her books to her chest and we walked to our lockers which were a few down from each other, but we could keep talking.

    "Lydia, I'm sure it'd be a lot better experience for me to hang around with your type of people, but I can't do that," I told her, meaning it.

    "Why not? I mean, I don't care, it's your life, but you know, I'm curious why you want to throw away a great social life for nothing," she told me as she locked her locker and then turned to me, walking a few steps closer so we didn't have to shout or anything. She wasn't taller than me, but almost the same height, though she was in high heels. Those things are a death trap, I do not see the point in them...

    "Because I don't fit in with people like you, Lydia. Your friends would probably be more annoyed about having me around than anyone. But honestly, thank you for the offer and everything, and you seem really lovely, I just don't think you want me hanging out with your friends, you know?" I shrugged and closed the door to my own locker and twisted the dial on my lock before putting my few books into my bag and slinging it over one shoulder.

    "Yeah. Yeah, I kind of get it," Lydia said with a slight smile and then shrugged also. "You'll regret that one day though," she told me before turning.

    "Trust me, I won't," I said loudly enough for her to hear.

    "Oh come on, Skylar. Everyone wants to be friends with me. You're just lucky you can be without being attached to the group I'm with," she said with a small smile and swept her hair over her shoulder before strutting down the corridor and I shook my head with a small smile, then followed after her and walked out, then to the bike racks and unchained my own. I was locking it again around the frame of the bike so it wouldn't interfere with the wheels, when I looked up to the rush of footsteps, which apparently came from Scott, who immediately started to take the lock off his bike.

    "Are you all right?" I chuckled, watching him hurry.

    "Yeah, if Stiles asks, I wasn't here," he said before putting on his helmet and rushing off, "see you tomorrow!"

    "Yeah, have a nice evening!" I shouted back a little sarcastically, not really understanding why he was in such a hurry... He was in a hurry before seeing me, so I don't think it's me...

    "Scott! Oh for-" Stiles stopped and then realised I was there. "We should probably stop meeting next to the bikes," he told me, a little out of breath.

    "Probably," I nodded with an amused smile. "What's up?" I asked, knowing that he was chasing Scott for a reason.

    "He stole my lock key," he realised suddenly and started to fuss.

    "Calm down, just give me a few minutes," I said as I put my bike back on the rack and decided to pick his lock. We had went home together twice in the past two weeks, so I knew which bike was his.

    I managed to pick the lock in a few minutes, then I slipped it back onto the frame like I had done with mine and pulled it out of the rack, pushing the handlebars to him.

    "So now you can pick locks too? What next? Are you like-"

    "Stiles!" I cut him off and he immediately shut up, stopping his rambling. "I'm a fifteen year old who learned how to pick a lock because her own lock didn't work at home. Ugh third person, what am I doing? Anyway, I learned through a series of bad house choosing, not a history of stealing or anything, so take the bike," I said with a small grin.

    "Where did you learn that?" he asked, and I smiled a little at the memory.

    "My friend used to lock herself out of her flat and bike, and I used to lock myself out of my own house a lot, as I've said. But I can't unlock much else, they're different types of locks," I shrugged as he took the bike.

    "Where are you from?" he asked in disbelief.

    "England," I told him before getting on my own bike and turning it around to go out of the car park. "See you later!" I exclaimed as I went past him again and then out and towards my new home. With a little detour, however...

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