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Stop at about the ambulance (when the boys and sky walk towards it with Noah)

Seventeen [Feels Like Home]

Lydia started to mix the cocktail while I stood by her side and watched, wanting to learn to at least let myself calm down a little.

"Jackson hand me the sulphuric acid," Lydia asked and Jackson handed her a beaker of the stuff. After mixing it in, Lydia put a stop on the bottle and handed it to Scott.

"No. No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out there," Allison started to panic once more.

"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages," Scott told her.

"You could die. Don't you get that? He's killed three people."

"And we're next. Somebody has to do something."

"Scott, just stop," she stopped him on his way out, tears in her voice and eyes. "Do you remember - do you remember when you told me you knew whether I was telling the truth or lying? That I had a tell. Well, so do you. You're a horrible liar. And you've been lying all night. Just - just please - please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please," Allison pleaded and Scott glanced over to Stiles and I as I shrugged slowly, not knowing what to tell him.

"Lock it behind me," Scott said as he went to the door, but Allison pulled him back, pulling his lips to hers, giving him a last kiss before he left the room, but while he stared back at her, he went out anyway. I took a stool and sat on it, Stiles beside me as we waited silently.

"Can you not link yourself to him?" Stiles whispered.

"It only works with you," I shook my head and sighed. He slowly and hesitantly reached a hand out and took mine from my lap, threading our fingers together. "He's going to be okay, and so is your dad, I promise," I told him quietly, glancing up at his amber eyes.

"I really hope so," he replied.

So we waited. Silently, impatiently, my leg bouncing constantly, Stiles squeezing my hand occasionally. I saw Lydia glancing at our intertwined hands, but her expression remained blank, even when we leaned against the wall beside Allison together and still linked our hands, because Stiles and I both wanted some support in that moment.

"I don't get this. I don't get why he's out there, and why he left us. And I can't- I can't stop my hands from shaking," Allison spoke up quietly before Jackson took her hands together.

"It's okay. It's okay, It's gonna be okay," Jackson tried to soothe her, making me stare at him in confusion. He was so gentle with her,yet so rough with Lydia, though it had nothing to do with their relationship. He's a dick to my strawberry blonde friend, but an angel to the brunette. Like it's not even him...

"Okay," Allison replied, Stiles staring at Jackson and Lydia, as was I. He still hadn't let go of Ally's hand, making me even more confused.

"Jackson, you handed me the sulphuric acid, right? It has to be sulphuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not," Lydia spoke up, Jackson once again snapping at her.

"I gave you exactly what you asked for tonight."

"Yeah," Lydia replied, surprised by his roughness. "Yeah, I'm sure you did," she said, looking at the desk we mixed the molotov cocktail at, Stiles also following her and my gaze. He didn't pass her the sulphuric acid.

All of a sudden, before I could speak up, I heard a powerful howl that ripped through me, while Jackson fell to the ground, clutching the back of his neck, making all of us pay attention to what was going on with him as he screamed out in pain. I tried to not show how much it affected me, but I leaned over to Stiles and put a hand on my left ear, digging my right one into Stiles' chest, letting him put his unoccupied hand around me to pull me close and safe. He rubbed my back and I looked up as Jackson's shouts stopped.

"No, I'm fine. Like, seriously, I'm okay," Jackson spoke.

"That didn't sound okay at all," Allison said.

"What's on the back of your neck?" Stiles asked, reaching a hand out but Jackson slapped it away.

"I said I'm fine," Jackson snapped.

"All right Snappy McGee I'm getting real tired of your Jackass attitude," I told him with a glare, but he didn't care.

"It's been there for days. He won't tell me what happened," Lydia told us.

"As if you actually care," Jackson snapped, making me clench a fist, but Stiles hissed, since I had squeezed his hand really hard.

"All right, can we not argue for half a second here?"

"Where's Scott? He should be back by now," Allison pointed out. There was a click from the door and we turned to it, Allison rushing to it. "Scott! Scott!"

"Where's he going?"

"Scott. Scott. Scott! Scott!" Allison's cries became more and more desperate.

"Stop. Stop!" Allison did as Lydia said and turned to the window where I put my attention to as well. "Do you hear that? Listen!"

The five of us rushed to the window and looked out, making me freeze as I saw the police arrive, but I also knew one thing. It was gone.


"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Mr Stilinski asked me for the fifth time.

"Can I please get checked out? I don't feel so good," I told him and he looked up from his notepad and scanned my face.

"What exactly happened in there?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. My head's pounding and my chest feels tight and my hands are burning up and I really think I need to just- just sit down and not think about this because Derek-" I gasped, tears only held back by my lower lid, "Derek Hale d- he tried to kill us and-" it hurt saying all of that, and it hurt to cry in front of my best friend's father, and it hurt that I was defenceless. It hurt that saving Stiles and Scott was my responsibility, and it hurt that in a time of need, I had to prioritise Stiles because he's the one I have a link to, when Scott's the stupid one. He's the one who is more in danger. Sure, he is also the one who can probably protect himself more, but he's the one I should be helping. I don't need these powers to protect Stiles. I just need these powers to make it easier to track his whereabouts. What even was my purpose here. They don't need me here.

"Oh come here sweetheart," Mr Stilinski put his notepad into his pocket and pulled me into his chest as I started to sob, holding onto his jacket as I cried. He continued to try to soothe me and comfort me and make me feel better, but I just took it as an opportunity to cry. To let it out.

"What am I doing here? Why am I here? I should have been caught inside, they should have gotten out earlier, I-"

"Skylar, no," he pulled me out from his chest to look at me, hands placed on my shoulders as I pathetically hiccuped in his face and sobbed, snot and tears flowing. I must have been a pretty sight. "You don't say that. You don't think like that. What you do, is think about the fact that you're all okay. Don't get stuck in the past. I know it hurts. I know it's scary, but trust me, Skylar, they could not have been luckier to have you in there. You know why?" I let out a whimper, sniffled and shook my head, trying to see him through my tears as he smiled softly, "Because you're the strongest person I know, and that's really saying something. Stiles and Scott speak highly of you, but so does Nat, and she told me about your family. And look at you. You survived this extremely dangerous night. This was a lot. And you're still here. And Stiles and Scott are still here. And you did it without breaking down. You fight through. You're a phenomenal girl, okay? I couldn't ask for a better kind of adopted daughter, okay?" he smiled, his thumbs wiping my tears away like Stiles did earlier. "And Noah and Nat and Melissa and I could not be any more proud of you, all right?" he told me with the same smile and I nodded, letting him pull me into a hug again. "I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better," he said softly as I wound my arms around his torso and hugged him back.

"Thank you so much sir," I pushed through the tears and pulled back from him.

"I should be the one thanking you," he said, making me furrow my eyebrows.


"You've made my son think about other things. He's straightening out in a way. Don't get me wrong, he's still as lazy as he was, but for now, he's occupied. And I hope that if you're the occupier, he'll always be paying attention to you," he told me before Nat and Noah arrived and he smiled, handing me over to them, letting them hug me while he walked into the school to grab the boys.

"Sky, oh God, Derek?" Noah asked as I nodded and he squeezed me into a hug, hand rubbing circles into my back.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," Nat offered as I forced a small smile of false comfort before accepting her arms. They tried to comfort me for a little and I did my best to force a smile to make them feel better, because that's what I do. That's who I am. And tonight that wasn't me and I hate myself too much for it.

"I have to go check on some of the others, but I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy to have you here, Sky, I know I'm just Noah's girlfriend, but I love you, okay? I love you so much," Nat reached out and swept my hair back behind my ear.

"Thanks Nat. I love you too," I smiled, taking her hand and squeezing it. She smiled, the expression of joy getting wider before she hugged me once more and then rushed off as someone called her.

"So can she move in?" Noah asked.

"With an alpha on the loose? I think it'd be better if you moved in and I moved out," I told him with a small shrug, only making him chuckle.

"I'm not leaving you," he pulled me to his side. "But when this is all over, she's so moving in because I can't just drop you at Melissa's or Stilinski's whenever-"

"God, just let her sleep over," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not making this up," Scott protested.

"I know, I believe you, I do," the sheriff told him.

"No, you don't. You have this look like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe me, but I know you don't," the werewolf continued as they reached us by the barriers at the bottom of the stairs.

"Listen- We're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him. Okay? I promise," the sheriff told him before Nat called him over, "Stay. All of you," he told us and as he passed, he sent me a smile, patting my shoulder and shaking Noah's hand before going to my technically aunt. I smiled in their direction, just the idea of Nat and Noah. It was enough to comfort me that I had family left.

"Well, we survived, dude. You know? We outlasted the alpha. It's still good, right? Being alive?" Stiles tried to cheer us up.

"When we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us," Scott said. "You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Scott asked Stiles and I, Noah standing with us.

"It probably did," Noah cut in, making me nod.

"Well then how come we're still alive?" Stiles asked.

"It wants me in its pack. But I think, first- I have to get rid of my old pack," Scott said, looking at Noah and I at the last word. I saw Noah smile lightly and I felt kinda warm. Like I was home. Which was weird, since I only ever felt at home with Jena, but this felt nice.

"What do you mean? What old pack?" Evidently, Stiles didn't get it.

"Allison. Jackson, Lydia, you and Sky," he elaborated.

"The alpha doesn't want to kill us," Stiles realised.

"He wants you to do it," I finished the trail of thought, feeling Stiles' hand inch to mine, linking our smallest fingers together.

"And that's not even the worst part," Scott added, making me sigh as Noah put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, protectively.

"How in ho-holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?" Stiles asked.

"Because when he made me shift- I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you," he glanced at me as well, "All of you," I glanced to my left and saw Stiles' eyes fill with tears, making me shift my hold on his hand as I took it whole, squeezing it lightly as any form of comfort. I also felt my hand get warmer as I let some of my calm pass onto him and he glanced over at me, then down at our hands and up at me again.

"I learned," I shrugged lightly, making him curl his lips in as he nodded softly. "It's going to be okay," I practically whispered.

Slowly, Scott looked up and his gaze went past Noah and I, to the ambulance. I turned and spotted his person of interest. "Noah," I nudged him and he followed our gaze, a smile making its way onto his face as he followed Scott, Stiles and I to the back of the ambulance.

"Oh, Skylar, do get checked out, okay? I don't want you to go without being checked out by the EMTs," Mr Stilinski told me as he passed us.

"Okay, thanks Sheriff," I told him in passing while catching up with the boys.

"Anderson, Skylar?" one of the guys turned to me and I nodded, taking his outstretched hand and getting onto the step of the ambulance, sitting down and allowing him to do a few things, like shine a light in my eyes, tell me to follow his finger, do a reflex test, etc, while the boys and Noah talked with Deaton.

"There you are," Deaton said with a small smile at us.

"How-? How did you-"

"Get out? Not easily. And from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you. I think I owe you a raise," the vet chuckled..

"Guys, come on, let's let the EMTs do their job. You can talk to him later. Noah, Skylar, you stay, I'll take them," the sheriff told us and guided the boys away.

I watched Scott run to Allison but gave them privacy, not listening in. "He's quite careful, isn't he?" Deaton asked as I turned my head once the EMTs left to the front of the ambulance.

"Why didn't you speak up?" I asked as I pulled my legs up onto the step one lower than me, resting my elbows on it.

"Emissaries are supposed to be a secret. Only Talia knew about me," he shrugged.

"So you let them tie you up and almost kill you and now think that you're the alpha?" I shook my head, not understanding.

"You're exhausted," he told me, lifting a hand and pulling my eyelid up.

"Yeah, I just spent a night running away from an alpha werewolf, Doctor, of course I'm bloody exhausted," I told him, pushing his hand away from me. "You're supposed to be just a vet," I told him.

"You're supposed to be just a British transfer student," he smiled softly.

"Yeah, well," I sighed, looking up at Noah.

"I'm sorry, I'm not too familiar with your situation."

"Neither am I, Deaton. Neither am I," I told him as Noah crossed his arms, chuckling lightly before he looked to the local vet.

"I'll explain tomorrow," he told him as Deaton just nodded and the EMT returned with a blood pressure pump and monitor. Taking my blood pressure, he left us again while I turned my head and saw Allison walking away from Scott.

Oh shit. Gonna have to do some good old fashioned break up damage control...

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