You stand there in shock as Mary Poppins gracefully strides over to the children. "You need to be more careful when the wind rises, Georgie. You nearly lost your kite." She turns to Annabel and John. "And you two nearly lost your Georgie. He might have got away completely had I not been holding on to the other end of that string." She looks Annabel up and down. "My goodness, Annabel. What have you done to your clothes? You could grow a garden with that much soil. And John-" She looks him over. "Yes, just as filthy."
"How do you know our names?" Annabel asks, then crosses her arms.
John copies her and crosses his arms.
"'Cause she's Mary Poppins, of course. May I say, you look lovely as always," Jack says with a huge smile.
"Do you really think so? Nice to see you, Jack." She looks over at you. "You as well, Y/N. My, how you both have grown."
"Good to see you too, Mary Poppins." Jack grins and turns to the children. "I was just your age when we first met, working for a chimney sweep."
Jack hands the kite back to Georgie.
Mary Poppins smiles, reminiscing. "How is dear old Bert?"
"Traveling the world he is, off to points unknown."
"Well, now I am off to speak with the father of these children. This family is clearly in desperate need of a nanny."
"Um, I've been sort of looking after them," you say, but Mary Poppins doesn't hear.
"Alright. Let's get a move on." She marches out of the park, Georgie at her side, and Annabel and John lagging behind.
You're still frozen, almost unable to comprehend what you just witnessed. "Jack, can you even believe it?", you ask slowly, trying to wrap your mind around it. "Mary Poppins is back."
"I can't. I feel just like a child again."
You laugh, and he gives you a crooked grin. "Well, I best be off." Jack tips his hat. "Farewell, miss."
He turns around.
"Um, I just wanted to thank you for helping me. I would've been in the stratosphere by now if it weren't for you."
Jack gives you a warm smile. "Of course. I'd have to be a horrible to person to just walk by when I saw you two floating away."
You chuckle. "Yeah, I suppose so." You pause, then hesitantly say, "Also, in case you didn't already know, you're always welcome in the Banks home. You're a wonderful person, and I know Jane and Michael knew you growing up and would love having you around." You smile as you see the last of Mary Poppins before she disappears from sight. "Besides, Mary Poppins is going to be staying in our home. It'd be hard not to be curious to see her."
Jack grins. "Very true, Miss Y/N." He nods. "I will consider stopping by more often, then."
You both smile.
You arrive home just as Mary Poppins is sliding up the railing.
You stare at her, a grin slowly spreading across your face. Here we go.
"Y/N!", Jane exclaims, and hurries over to you. "It's Mary Poppins! Can you even believe it?"
You smile as you look at Jane's happy face full of childlike wonder. She's giggling and grinning wide.
"No, I can't," you respond, laughing a bit as well. You glance up the stairs. "Where are the children? Do they need my help with anything?"
She shook her head. "I believe Mary Poppins is going to be giving them a bath."
"Really? I hope she will be ready for Annabel being stubborn. She won't like having someone help them with simple things."
"I know she won't," Michael sighed. "But I think it's for the best. They need to learn how to be kids again."
You nod. They hadn't really been acting like kids since their mom passed away. That was part of the reason for why you wanted to come back. You wanted to help bring out the child in them again.
But it seems that Mary Poppins would get that done for you.
You were just getting back to the house after another walk that evening, when you saw Jack sitting on the railing of the children's small balcony, talking to Mary Poppins.
You smiled.
"Hello, Jack!", you called up.
You turned and grinned upon seeing you. "Y/N!"
"Now how did you get up there? Isn't that a bit unsafe?", you ask, trying to sound light-hearted, but secretly being scared that he would actually fall.
"Maybe a bit, but I've been balancing on ladders for quite a while now. I believe I'll be just fine." He gestures his head towards the balcony. "Why don't you come up?"
"Oh, sure," you say, then head towards the front door.
"No, dear, he means up the ladder."
You stop and see Mary Poppins and Jack looking at you.
You look over and see the ladder balanced very carefully against the house.
"Well, um-"
"Come on, Y/N. Do try and have a bit of fun," Mary Poppins says with a smile.
Well, Mary Poppins was telling you to do it, which pretty much meant that you had to.
You glance at Jack, and he gives you an encouraging smile and nod.
"Alright," you say, trying to sound confident.
You walk over and place your hands on the outside of the ladder.
Don't look up, don't look down, you repeat to yourself as you climb the ladder as quickly as possible.
You suddenly get the top, and Jack hops off the railing and onto the balcony. "Here, let me help you." He hold out his hands.
"I'll leave you to it," Mary Poppins says, then goes inside.
You grip Jack's hands, carefully slide onto the railing, then fall into the balcony, colliding into Jack's chest.
"Oh, sorry," you apoligize quickly, and you both step apart. "And thank you," you add, heat rushing up to your cheeks.
"Of course. Glad you made it up."
You both smile, then look inside and see Annabel, John, Georgie, and Mary Poppins all gathered around a bowl.
"Let's go inside," you say, then you both go into the room.
"Wonderful. You both made it just in time," Mary Poppins says when she sees you two coming in.
You stand behind the children, and Jack stands next to you.
"Just in time for what?", you ask, a bit worried.
"An adventure," Mary Poppins replies with a grin, then spins the bowl.
You stare in awe as blue flowers swirl around the room, then consume you.
A/N: Oof I'm really distracting myself with following along with the movie instead of making my own story... sorryyyyyy
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