part five

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Anna's peaceful sleep was suddenly interrupted at the crack of dawn by painful screams coming from the top floor of the drop ship. She quickly stood up and sprinted to the drop ship bumping into Clarke on the way.

"Who is that?" Anna asked while she started climbing up the ladder behind Clarke.

"It must be Jasper." She exclaimed from above, "he must've woken up finally."

As they reached the top floor, the screams started again. Monty looked towards the girls as he dabbed a wet cloth on Jasper's forehead.

"Clarke! He needs your help. He just woke up and won't stop screaming." He said with worry painted across his face.

"Anna grab me that black bag from over there," she said already in doctor mode, "Jasper? Hey Jasper it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine."

When Anna handed over the bag to Clarke, she took out a few things and got to work. She removed the green paste that had been put on jaspers wound by the grounders and started stitching him up. During this whole process Monty and Anna sat on either sides of Jasper and took turns cooling him down with the cloth.

After a couple of hours, Jasper finally stopped screaming and passed out. Anna felt like she was going to pass out too if she spent another minute in the drop ship so she made her way down bumping into Murphy when she reached the bottom.

"Hey John, what's going on?" she said looking at Murphy's hands and seeing that he was holding a knife.

"I'm gonna kill that guy. That's what's going on." He said trying to push past Anna.

But she stood her ground and put a hand up stopping him.

"John you are not going to kill him, you got that?" Anna took a step forward forcing Murphy to take a step back. Next she directed herself to the rest of the delinquents who had gathered there. "I know that Jasper's screams have been bothering us all. But he is one of us. He's in pain. He got stabbed by a giant spear for f*cks sake. Of course he's screaming. But he's going to get better and you are not going to kill him." Looking back towards Murphy.

"Whatever." He said before turning around and as he was walking out he shouted, "everyone back to work. Shows over."

The delinquents listened to Murphy and left the drop ship, and a minute later Anna left too. She had to clear her mind and get away from everything for a second. On the Ark, especially in the sky box, she had a lot of alone time and even though she was a social butterfly and loved being around people, she still liked having time by herself. But it seemed like ever since they got to the ground she hadn't had a single second alone.

As she was walking towards the edge of their camp site Octavia joined her.

"Hey! How are you?" asked the brunette.

"I'm good, just had to get away from everything going on in there" answered Anna pointing at the drop ship.

"Oh yeah. How is Jasper doing? I'm pretty sure his screams woke up everyone in a 5 mile radius."

"He's better. I think. Clarke stitched him up and he's resting right now. You should go check up on him."

"Yeah I will, probably later though. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. You can help me arrange all of the extra clothes we have." Octavia said with a beaming smile on her face.

"Oh, I'd love to Octavia. But I was kinda planning on having some alone time today. It's just that I feel like I might go crazy if I stay here. With Jasper almost dying, and my best friend trying to kill him. I don't even know if my mom's alive." Anna responded, giving the brunette a friendly half smile.

"Oh yeah, I get it. That's fine. I'll find someone else to help me." Octavia said, the smile vanishing from her face.

"I'm sorry another time" said Anna placing a gentle hand on the other girl's shoulder. "Can you do me a favor? If anyone asks please don't tell them I left camp I don't want them to worry."

"Yeah sure. Just be safe."

"I will" was the last thing Anna said before moving a lose log from its place on the makeshift fence and walking out into the forest.

She walked around for a while making sure to keep the sun on her right to make sure she wouldn't get lost. Being in nature by herself felt so freeing to her. She could feel the warm sun on her face and the breeze that gave her goose bulbs every now and then.

After she walked for about an hour, she reached a large clearing in the woods, where a large lake with crystal clear water stood with a small flower meadow next to it. Anna felt like she was in heaven. She actually pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

She rushed over to the water and dipped a hand in which she quickly took out. "It's freezing" she thought.

After exploring the clearing she opted to sit in the middle of the flowers. She laid her head down and as she started to close her eyes and doze off to sleep, she heard a twig snap. The sound had come from the woods right behind her.

Anna quickly stood up, turned around and grabbed the small knife she had taken from the drop ship. A million thought rushed through her head.

"I'm going to die. Why would I come out here all alone after seeing what they did to Jasper."

She was going to say something, but was stopped dead in her tracks as she saw a young girl, probably around her age, walk out of the woods. She had long, brown, wavy hair tied back in a braid, and striking green eyes. Anna was taken a back. She didn't know what she was expecting but a beautiful girl was definitely not it.

As the girl walked toward the edge of the lake with a large container in hand, Anna looked at her curiously. She saw her open the container and fill it with fresh water before dipped her own hands in and taking a drink of the water.

The girl then stood up and turned toward Anna. Anna quickly stopped staring and looked at the ground for a second before asking,

"Do you need something? Who are you? Why did your people shoot my friend? We did t nothing wrong?" Anna had a million questions that she needed answered but the girl just kept staring at her, completely silent. "Damn if. You probably don't even speak English"

The girl walked towards her and sat down a couple of feet away from Anna. She turned to her again and said,

"I'm Lexa. And you are?"

A/N: I feel bad for Octavia, but sorry Anna's waiting for Lexa. ;) Hope you enjoyed. Will update asap

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