Chapter VII

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Here's a picture of how Ryoma and Kuroneko look.

Enjoy the chapter!

Third Person Point of View

It is early in the morning, Nishikata is awaken by beams of sunshine shining through the curtains. Nishikata did his usual routine by brushing his teeth and washing his face. Takagi was gone as usual and everything seemed like a normal day. He then prepared to leave his dorm. He grabbed his backpack and a notebook and pen and pencil and his Kyoto student ID and ran out the door. As soon as he turned the corner of the hallway he was immediately swarmed by a crowd of girls. Some had confused, angry and disappointed looks on their faces. The immediately all asked the same question. "Do you like anime?" they said in unison. He then decided it's too late to lie now. "YES I LOVE IT!!!" he shouts proudly. The girls then have shocked facial expression. "Geez what a waist of a body" one said disappointed with her results. Others gasp and the crowd dispersed at a rapid pace. Nishikata then felt sad like he once did in grade school. That feeling of loneliness that haunted and followed him through out grade school was back. He then felt very sad but a huge amount of stress was finally removed from his chest. Lunch break starts and the students quickly made their way to the cafeteria. Nishikata goes and grabs a plate and sits in his usual place which was a bench under a sakura tree. The rumor had apparently flooded the school because he was receiving lots of glares filled with loss of dignity and looks of disapproval.

A pair of nerdy looking teens walk near Nishikata. This catches his attention. They weren't glaring like the rest of the school. In fact, they looked as if they were welcoming him. There was a cute black haired girl with black eyes and a persian blue haired boy with yellow eyes. "Hi there" said the girl. "Yo" said the guy. "Ohayo" says Nishikata trailing off. "Its okay to be an otaku. Anyone who tells you different are wrong" says the girl. "H-Hai" he replied. "Also, watashi wa Uiharu (oo-ēē-härū) Kazari" said Uiharu. "Ore wa Toshiro Kurogane" he said. "Sugoii" says Nishikata. "I'm Jōzu Nishikata!" he says to the two. "Pleased to make your acquaintance" says the two simultaneously.

They then began to take Nishikata to a otaku infested area. Nishikata felt like he belonged here with them. He was extremely popular amongst the other otaku. He even saw Kuroneko in a corner with female otakus. "Hi Jōzu-kun" says Kuroneko. "Ohayo Kuroneko-chan" says Nishikata smiling. She then walks up to him. A thought then scrambles across his mind. 'Will she stop hanging out with me?' Am I in the wrong with her for not wanting to be open about my likes?' the raven haired boy thought as she tapped his shoulder interrupting his train of thought.

"A-Ano... Kuroneko-chan..." Nishikata starts. "Hai?" she replied with a bright smile. "Will you always hangout with me? Even if I'm unpopular?" he said looking away. She then stopped causing him to stop walking. "You really think I'll stop hanging out with you just because others don't like you? I don't give a damn if the world doesn't like you. I'll still be here being your loyal friend" she said giving him a serious expression. Nishikata was stun by her bold words. He had never heard her sound so bold in the whole time they've known each other. It mad him happy to know he had someone to lean on when everyone else didn't care about him. "A-....Arigato..." Nishikata barely made out. "Mondainai" she said with a closed eyed smile and her demeanour returning back to normal. "Also Jōzu-kun" she said. "Hmm?" he replied. "There's a club dedicated to otaku like us. I recommend you join it with me. It's a lot of fun" she said smiling. "Sure" Nishikata said smiling at her. "Yay!" she exclaimed doing a happy dance. Nishikata laughed and found the odd urge to hug her for some unknown reason. He decided not to and ignored that thought.

The bell rung and he escorted Kuroneko and himself to class. He also remembered he had Uiharu and Toshiro for his next hour with Takagi and Ryoma. Kuroneko and Nishikata had already completed their half of the project they had obtained from Takizawa-Sensei. The weren't sure if Takagi and Ryoma had completed their half of the project. Nishikata then approaches the brunette and red haired boy. "Ohayo" Nishikata starts. "Ohayo..." Takagi says not making eye contact. "Yo Baka-Nish" Ryoma said grimacing causing Nishikata to clench his fist. "Have y'all completed your half of the project?" Nishikata questions. "Hai..." Takagi says still not making eye contact. Nishikata then walks three rows behind them to see Uiharu and Toshiro. They usually sit together. "Ohayo" he said cheerfully. "Ohayo gozaimasu" Uiharu replied with a smile. "Ohayo" said the persian blue haired boy. "You two wanna come over to my dorm and play some games?" Nishikata questions. "Sure!" They both said in unison. "Also I have a question?" Nishikata said with his eyes turning cocky and his lips forming a smirk. Uiharu didn't like the look on his face. "Is Toshiro your kareshi?" he asked. Immediately her face turned six shades of red and she was feeling extremely flustered. "HE'S NOT! HE'S NOT! HE'S NOT!!!!!" she said overly loud as she flailed her arms around. Toshiro felt his cheeks stain red from embarrassment. By her reaction, Nishikata wasn't buying it.

2 hours pass and they were finally outta school. They all went to Nishikata's dorm room. "So which game should we play first?" asked Toshiro. "Ooooh! I got one everyone can play at once and its super fun!" Nishikata said pulling out a Wii-U game. "Is that what I think it is?" Toshiro said. "Yep!" Nishikata said inserting the disc into the console. "Super Smash Bros!" they all exclaimed. "Yep" Nishikata repeated. He then distributed the controllers and they began playing. "So who do you guys main?" Nishikata said breaking the silence. "I main ♀Corrin" says Kuroneko. "Sugoii! Fire Emblem hehe" says Nishikata. "I main Link and Toon Link!" says Toshiro. "Sugoii, The Legend of Zelda was awesome too" adds Nishikata. "True!" They all said. "I main Bayonetta" says Uiharu. "Sugoii! I've never played Bayonetta or Bayonetta 2 before but I heard they were awesome" says Nishikata. "Hai" chirps Kuroneko. "I main Lucas!" says Nishikata! "Oi! Mother 3 was an amazing game!" says Kuroneko. "Earthbound Beginnings was awesome too and Mother 2" Toshiro says as he agrees. Nishikata then starts the battle. They all go silent. The only thing heard was the sound of buttons being mashed. They also had looks of enjoyment on their faces too.
After about an hour and a half, they switched over to watch some anime. They watched some episodes of Uiharu's favorite anime which was Darling in the FranXX and tried Toshiro's favorite anime which was an anime called Oreimo. "Well we definitely should do this again" said Toshiro. "Most definitely" agreed Uiharu. "Anytime guys" Nishikata said with a closed eyed smile. Uiharu and Toshiro left together. Kuroneko stayed behind with Nishikata for a little while longer. "So why you stayed" Nishikata said with a playful tone. "Because I have no homework and you'd be here alone" she replies as she plays with her fingers not making eye contact. "Yeah, I'm not buying it hehehe" Nishikata says in the same tone. She puffs out her cheeks and folds her arms. "Alright! Gomen, gomen!" Nishikata said as he hugged her. "Fine I forgive you" she said with a blush hinted in her cheeks. She then looks at the time on her phone. "Well I must be on my way" she says as she puts her phone in her pocket and gets up. "Matane Jōzu-kun" she then walks towards him. She then traps him in an embrace. He then hugs her back. "Matane Kuroneko-chan" he replies as she releases the embrace. She then leaves the dorm. Nishikata then prepares to go to bed.

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