Chapter 2

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They found a routine that worked for them as they walked away from the 12th Street station. Luz guided her new friend closer to the buildings on the sidewalk, on the slower edge of foot traffic, and made sure to ask only yes or no questions to catch a quick thumbs-up or thumbs-down. If she needed a more detailed answer, she would move them out of the flowing stream of pedestrians—under an awning, or beside a tree—pulling her close to her side to shield her from the rushing, clumsy passersby. She would put an arm across the shorter girl's shoulders and ask her question quietly, softly, studying what little she could see of her new friend's face as she thought and wrote her response.

Azura mostly held her head down to keep the brim of her hat low and would play with the bunched-up scarf at her chin, pushing it up towards her mouth as they walked. Luz had learned compassion from her mamí, but she'd learned how to read people from her stepmom. She knew the silent girl was hiding something, but the brown-haired girl had decided to play it by ear.

"You're gonna love this place Azura, it's got the whole retro ice-cream parlor vibe going, y'know, with the fountain drink tower and the black and white checkerboard floors—ooh!—and the red leather seats?" Thumbs-up.

"You're not allergic to any foods, are you?" Thumbs-down.

"What about garlic? You allergic to garlic?" Azura raised her eyebrow, then thumbs-down.

"I knew a kid in school, he was allergic to garlic. What a boring, flavorless life he must lead!" Azura huffed a laugh.

"What about bees?" Thumbs-down.

"Wasps?" Thumbs-down.

"Oh right, they're probably the same thing. Shellfish?" Thumbs-down.

"That's good, I had to use an EpiPen on this guy one time and he cried afterward and accused me of being too excited to stab him," Luz made air quotes with her free hand, and Azura snorted. "It's not my fault he was boring. Almost put me off guys completely, and really! He should have paid more attention to the menu! Anyway, I mean, that's fine if you were allergic to something, I just thought I should check. I'm—uh—I'm lactose intolerant, actually, so I'll get something off their dairy-free menu," Luz smiled at Azura when the other girl squeezed her hand.

They moved around a small crowd at a bus stop and came to a stop walking signal at the nearby intersection. Luz bounced on her toes as they waited for the lights to change. She squeezed the quiet girl's hand, "We need to figure out what your flavor is, mi compañera!" Azura shot her a look just as the signals turned green, and the girls followed the other pedestrians crossing the street.

"Vanilla?" Thumbs-up.

"Alright, elegant and deliciosa, I get it. Chocolate?" Thumbs-up.

"Interesting," Luz held her left hand to her forehead, mimicking an infomercial fortune teller, "I sense you ~haff~ an adventurous spirit, oooOOooh~" she trailed off with a grin and Azura giggled behind her notebook. Goosebumps rippled up her arms at the delightful sound and she smiled wide at her companion.

"Cookies 'n' Cream?" Thumbs-up.

"Who doesn't like Oreos, am-i-right? What about Cookie Dough?" A pause, then thumbs-up.

"Not your favorite, that's cool. Chunky-Monkey?" Thumbs-down.

"Probably the name, entiendo. Rocky Road?" Thumbs-up.

"Classic, can't go wrong. Moose Tracks?" Azura shrugged. "You've not had Moose Tracks?" Thumbs-down. "Azura, my sweet summer child, mi preciosa, you have to try it sometime!"

Luz walked close to Azura, their shoulders brushing occasionally, her right hand resting in the crook of Azura's left arm as she gesticulated wildly before them with her other hand as she discussed the merits of Moose Tracks over Rocky Road: "—Peanut butter cups, Azura! Who needs marshmallows when peanut butter cups are an option? I mean, maybe you're a mint-chocolate chip kinda girl, which is fine, don't get me wrong, mint is delicious but it's not really my favorite—" she gushed, her eyes shining in the late afternoon sun. The silent girl held Luz's notebook in her left hand, and she scribbled out a quick note before she tapped the fingers wrapped around her elbow while she held the book up.


Luz glanced at the notebook for a moment and hardly slowed down, "—I'm pretty sure there's chocolate fudge, or maybe it's caramel? mixed in there with vanilla ice cream and the previously aforementioned peanut butter cups. I'd have to ask the guy at the counter again; I can never remember if it's fudge or caramel in there. Maybe it's both? Doesn't matter either way because it is so good, you have to try it sometime, but don't, like, feel like I'm pressuring you to get it today, I just want you to experience it at some point in your life," Luz had pointed at a little pink-and-white striped awning nestled behind some trees just down a side street. She paused before they reached the door, and Luz pulled Azura to stand beside the corner of the building.

"Listen, Azura, I just wanted to double check, ice cream is alright for your throat?" Thumbs-up.

"I don't need to know everything that's up with—," Luz waved at her own neck, "—but I don't want to hurt you or make things worse, okay?" Azura stared at her for a moment, face still mostly hidden, but she gave a small, timid nod. "Just let me know... deal?" Thumbs-up.

"Great! Now let's—wait, mamí would kill me, solid foods, is that a problem?" Azura huffed and lifted the notebook, her shoulders drooping in disappointment. Luz stood close and peered at the bottom of the page.


Luz nodded, "Eso está bien, that'll just rule out some of the flavors with, like, the chunks in 'em. Ooh!" she snapped her fingers, "they make great milkshakes too!" Azura's grin was visible behind her thick scarf, and she clapped her hands in excitement.

Luz grinned at the girl, then added, "And come time for dinner, we'll find a nice soup or noodle place, alright? That should be safe for you." Azura froze. "Maybe I should text mamí, she'd know for sure, she's a nurse. That... that sound okay?" The quiet girl was still and staring, and Luz ran a hand through her brown hair, tense and uncertain, "I mean, we can discuss that later if you want, it's not a—" Azura jumped forward and wrapped her arms around her shoulders and hugged her tight, pressing her forehead against Luz's jaw. Luz put one arm around Azura's waist, and rubbed up and down her back with the other, "Ah, cariño... They're not kind to you, are they?" her voice was sad. Azura stiffened for a few moments before shaking her head. "Lo siento, Azura, I'm sorry to hear that. You can tell me all about it, whenever you're ready." Luz brought both hands up to rub at the other girl's shoulders, "It's your choice... you still in the mood for a milkshake?" Azura nodded and Luz squeezed her arms, "Alright, let's go inside."

Luz and Azura claimed one of the red-leather booths the bubbly brown-eyed girl had mentioned earlier; the quiet, pale girl in the ugly fisherman's hat listened as Luz rambled excitedly about all the flavors she had tried in the last few weeks, her eyes flitting between the tanned girl's face and the glowing menu on the wall behind the counter. Their booth sat against the brick wall, the high-backed bench hiding the quiet girl from the view of the glass shop front. Once her friend was settled and their choices made, Luz rapped her knuckles on the table and stood, "I'll go place our order. You wait here for me, okay?" Azura nodded and gave a small wave as Luz joined the line.

Luz examined the merchandise on display under the menu board as she stood by the pick-up counter: keychains, bookbags, hats, t-shirts, water bottles, and crisp white sweatshirts hung there, all with the ice-cream-related designs printed as big as possible. She glanced over her shoulder at the pale girl sitting in the booth. She had a terrible idea. Azura was busy flipping through her notebook, looking at her sketches. The quiet girl would pat the tabletop to catch her eye, then point at a drawing and give a thumbs-up. Luz smiled at her delight. She sighed, Dios mio, let this be a good idea, and motioned to the man behind the counter to add a few items to their order.

Luz carried their drinks over to their table and slid her bag onto the bench before sitting down herself. They quietly enjoyed their milkshakes, Azura still glancing through the notebook until Luz couldn't keep her idea to herself any longer.

"Azura?" She said quietly, catching the other girl's attention. "I... I get the impression that you're hiding," Azura stiffened as Luz motioned towards her own face and neck, "with the scarf and the sunglasses, I—it's okay, it doesn't bother me, and I don't need an explanation," Luz rubbed her palms together as Azura flipped the notebook open to her pages.

She pushed her sunglasses up against her brow, then pointed at WHY? as she lifted her nose slightly. That small movement changed her whole demeanor; Luz felt her blood run cold.

"I want to help," Luz said gently, "I just had an idea, that's all." Azura raised an eyebrow, then motioned for her to continue. "Your mother's... people... they know how you're dressed? What you're wearing?" Luz watched as the imperious girl across the table crumpled in her seat. She frowned and held out her hand, and Azura grabbed on tight and tapped at the YES in the notebook. "I figured, so I bought this," Luz said with a smile as she held up a white sweatshirt with a giant pink cartoon milkshake character making jazz hands. Azura glared at her through the sunglasses and stabbed NO with her fingertip.

Luz laughed as Azura turned pink, which she tried to hide behind her red-and-black plaid scarf. "Don't worry, cariño, this is for me," Luz winked, and began to unbutton her letterman jacket. She pulled her keys and her phone from the jacket's pockets, then wrapped her earbuds around her fingers and dropped them into a small pouch in her satchel. She shrugged the jacket off and laid it on the bench beside her.

Luz had a stylized owl-in-flight necklace dangling over her short sleeve purple t-shirt. Azura leaned forward to get a closer look. "Oh, d'ya like it?" Luz asked, holding it up in the palm of her hand.

YES, then a hesitantly scrawled VERY PRETTY.

The owl's eyes were empty holes on its stubby wide oval-shaped body, the wings raised up over its head. It was slightly wider than Luz's palm. "My step-mama, Eda, made this for me. Watch this!" Luz slipped two fingers through each eye hole and curled her fist around the owl's body, leaving the pointed wings and the owl's forehead curving out above her knuckles. "It's got a quick-break chain, so you just grab it and yank it loose if someone messes with you at night."

Azura just stared as Luz chuckled, patting the owl back in place on her sternum, before shoving her arms and face into the sweatshirt. "Never had to use it though. Gosh, Eda is so cool! She's taught me a lot over the years," her voice was muffled by the white fabric being pulled over her head, then her messy brown hair and sunny grin popped through the white collar, "You'd like her. Although..." Luz paused and tapped her chin, "You strike me as more of a cat person."

Azura shook her head in surprise, then nodded before she tapped the YES and then WHY?

"I like to give these to people I meet when I run deliveries for Eda, y'know? Gotta spread that Bad Girl gospel," Luz grinned as she pulled a small cat head medallion from her bag, with oval eye holes and sharp ears. It was sleek and white, with a slight blue tint around the eyes. Azura gasped as Luz held it out to her, "Here, mi compañera, you can have it. Eda made this one too." The quiet girl held it gently, running a fingertip over its etched nose and whiskers, before cradling it against her chest.

Azura hid her face beneath the brim of her hat as she wiped under her eyes, then quickly scribbled a THANK YOU SO MUCH LUZ. She sniffed and breathed out a wet sigh, FOR EVERYTHING.

"You're welcome," Luz smiled. She pointed a thumb over her shoulder, "The bathroom is back there. I got you this hat to replace that ugly thing," both girls grinned as Luz held out a black beanie and her jacket, placing them on the edge of the table. "Go change, freshen up if you need, and we'll fold up your coat and keep it in my sweet new backpack!" The brown-eyed girl held up a light pink canvas bag dotted with milkshakes and ice-cream sundaes, her smile wide and eyes sparkling. Azura giggled into her fingertips and nodded, reaching out for the hat and jacket before walking quickly back to the hallway beyond the line of booths. Luz watched her for a moment, then turned back to the table, picking up her phone.

[Luz] hola mamí, bringing a new friend home for dinner. can you make chicken noodle soup?
[Luz] something mild, she has a throat problem, medical issue of some kind.
[Mamí <3] Of course, mija. I can't wait to meet her!
[Mamí <3] ¡Pobrecita! I'll use the chicken stock
[Luz] gracias mamí, te amo
[Mamí <3] I'll get out the photo albums to show mi pequeña bebe

[Luz] NO

She stifled a groan and tapped a different conversation.

[Mochuelo] eda, my friend might be in trouble. do you have a bag at the museum?
[__(OvO)__] bonesborrough met?
[Mochuelo] yes
[__(OvO)__] coat check, #1635, just tell 'em "i lost my ticket"
[Mochuelo] thanks. love you, mama
[__(OvO)__] stay safe, kiddo. call if you need me.
[Mochuelo] i will

Luz put her phone face down on the table and rubbed her eyes. I wonder if she's really okay, she stared out the ice-cream parlor's front windows and worried. I hope I'm not making things worse.

Pale fingers tapped at her shoulder to draw her attention, and she turned on the bench to face Azura before she stopped, her mouth hanging half-open. The shorter girl placed her half-folded coat on the table, then took a step back to show off her new look: the black beanie was pulled down over her ears and just above her dark eyebrows, hiding her hair; the red-and-black plaid scarf was piled in layers around her neck—still pulled up around the middle of her nose to hide the bottom half of her face and throat—held in place by the collar of Luz's too-large letterman jacket. The white cat medallion dangled on her chest just below the scarf, gleaming in the small triangle of soft gray sweater visible above the buttoned lower half of the jacket. Azura tipped her head and shrugged as if asking a question, twisting one booted foot on its toes, and Luz noticed how long the sleeves fell on the shorter girl. Just the tips of her fingers were visible as she played with the sunglasses in her hand.

Luz looked up and saw her eyes for the first time. They were large, and gold, glittering in the light shining through the shop's windows. They looked tired and scared, rimmed red from tears, and her eyebrows began to crinkle upwards the longer Luz stared. "Whoa, hermosa," the brown-haired girl breathed, and a furious blush turned Azura's face a bright red. She pulled her hands up to hide her eyes behind Luz's jacket sleeves, and the taller girl laughed, half breathless, before standing quickly, "No! no—sorry—you just, wow, you caught me by surprise, that's all." Luz gently patted the girl's shoulders and Azura leaned forward to hide her face under her chin. "Are you alright?" Luz asked softly, and Azura nodded slowly a moment later. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, mi compañera," the taller girl muttered, rubbing a hand across the other girl's back, "I just—uuhh—didn't think I'd miss that other hat so much," Luz drawled jokingly as Azura snorted into her neck, "Did you throw it away?" Azura nodded and Luz pretended to turn toward the bathroom hallway, "Ooh, big mistake. Let me go get it for you—" Azura clenched her fists in Luz's sweatshirt and giggled, and Luz felt that same frisson swim up her spine at the sound.

Luz chuckled and gave the shorter girl a squeeze, "I love to hear you laugh, Azura," her tone was gentle as she took a step back to look down into her golden eyes, "You're okay?" She watched the smile reach Azura's eyes as she nodded. "Good," Luz smiled back and pulled her messenger bag over. "You can wear my bag as part of your disguise, alright? And I can carry your things in my backpack—unless this is too heavy?" Luz held her satchel out and the other girl held it in one hand and shook her head, fumbling for the shoulder strap. "Here, cariño, like this," Luz's voice was soft as she untwisted the strap and placed it around Azura's head and right shoulder, "You should be able to touch the bottom of it if you curl your hand over it," Luz said as she pantomimed the movement. Azura watched her carefully before trying it herself. "That's good," Luz smiled, handing her notebook and pen over before unzipping her new backpack. "I usually keep the notebook inside my jacket," Luz motioned over her heart as Azura pulled at the edge of the coat, looking inside, "it fits right inside that pocket."

The corners of Azura's eyes wrinkled as she smiled and held her pages up. THANK YOU.

Luz flashed her a grin and thought, so cute! then quickly folded her soft tan coat and slipped it inside the backpack. "Do you want me to hold your purse in here?" she asked, pointing into the ice-cream bag. In an instant, Azura looked terrified: she bounced her weight from side to side, her brows furrowed, and her fingers tightened around the notebook in her hands. "Hey, hey, it's okay," Luz said as Azura pointed at SORRY then NO, then SORRY again and again.

"Eso está bien. Look, does it have a cross-body strap?" Azura shook her head. "That's okay, you can put it in my bag while you're carrying it, alright?" Luz unhooked the clasp on her satchel and handed Azura her small handbag. "Put it in there while I get the rest of our stuff ready to go." Luz pushed her receipts into her right jeans pocket, her phone into her left, and hooked her keys to her belt at her left hip. There were a few bits of trash that she quickly walked to the garbage can, then she zipped up the backpack and pulled it on, adjusting the straps as she turned to face Azura. Luz pulled their milkshakes to the edge of the table, then stopped moving when Azura reached out to tug at her sleeve.

SORRY she tapped, then she pointed to a newly written sentence: I GOT SCARED. Her shoulders were hunched, and her hands were shaking. The way she looked up at Luz was heartbreaking, as if Luz was a lifeline that was slipping from her grasp.

"Azura—I, It's alright," Luz reached out to gently hold the other girl's elbow, rubbing her arm with her thumb, "I'm not going to force you to do anything. You can always tell me no." She watched the smaller girl exhale shakily, "I just thought it might be easier for you to grab it from my backpack is all, y'know, like hiking buddies?"

Azura stared at her for a moment before

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