Chapter 3: Gotta Pray Faster

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"HE BURNED DOWN A SCHOOL?!" Peter shouts into the phone at Matt.

It's Thursday and Peter walked off of the subway and is heading to school. Matt had called him as soon as he heard the news.

"A middle school. Luckily there was no one there so no deaths but he carved a spider" Matt explains.

"Do you think he's looking for me?" Peter asks.

"You're the only teen spider out there and he knows you're looking for him, I wouldn't be surprised that he's after you. You have to change up some things in your patrol, make him fall into a loop" Matt explains.

"I will. Wade should be back from Jersey today so I'm meeting up with him later. You want to join?" Peter wonders.

"Sure, why not. I gotta go, a client just came in. Bye Peter" Matt informs.

"Bye Matt" Peter responds before the call ends while he makes it up the school steps.

"Hey loser" Mj greets. "Did you see the news?"

"I heard" Peter nods.

"He's probably pissed off from last year. You spent the whole month looking for him in Brooklyn which isn't even your territory and almost got him before he took off and disappeared" Mj recalls.

"I was close but couldn't even get an identity and followed too many loose trails" Peter reminds her.

He doesn't have any excuse for that horrifying month last year. It was his first year at being Spider-Man and at that point, the cops didn't know who spidey was. He was still in his hoodie for Thors sake. Peter still looked through the police database to find information but came up with nothing.

"Hey guys!" Ned waves walking over to them. "Mr. Flep is absent!"

"We have him last period today right?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, why?" Ned wonders before his eyes goes wide. "Guy in the chair?"

"Not today, I'm meeting up with Wade and Matt but I mind as well leave after attendance so I can get some patrol done before" Peter explains.

"Wade got info out of Thomas?" Mj questions.

"I don't know he hasn't texted yet but he should be back" Peter shrugs.

The bell rings cutting the trio off and they all head to their first period class.


"Hey Karen!" Peter greets his AI as he shoots his web out starting his early patrol.

"Shouldn't you be in school Peter?" Karen questions.

"We have Ms. Cami as a sub, she never expects students to come back from using the bathroom" Peter tells her.

"Oh well in that case, hello Peter. There is a shootout with some cops and armed men who seems to have stolen jewelry. They are five blocks away" Karen informs as she pulls up the directions.

"That's a great way to start patrol" Peter sarcastically responds before changing his direction and quickly heading over there.

He can hear the bullets stopping and shouting rising through the air. He hears everyone before he sees them and jumps down webbing a guy who tried to get away. Since he's on the end of Midtown starting of Queens, there are both Queens and Midtown officers on scene.

"Seriously guys? I'm sure whoever you're giving this jewelry to would love it if you'd just pay for it" Peter informs.

Peter feels his six sense coming to life as he instinctively jumps into the air just missing a bullet.

"HEY HE'S HELPING YOUR SAD WEINERS OUT!!" Deadpool shouts at the one of the Midtown cops.

"Come on guys! You know I hate guns" Peter reminds the cops while shooting a web at another one of the robbers. 

"Guns away from Spidey and Deadpool! Focus on the robbers!" Officer Gomez yells. 

Peter already webbed two of them down but there are four more still standing.

"Woah jewelry! I promised DareDevil I'd get him the Snowdrop pony jewelry and myself Pinkie Pie! I know that store sells MLP jewelry so you can't fool me!" Deadpool exclaims stealing the bag from one of the robbers just as Peter webs the guy.

"Thanks spidey! I'll see if Ahgg is in here too! I know you'd want the spider!" Deadpool exclaims.

"DP give the Queens officers the bag!" Peter rolls his eyes as he webs up the rest of the guys.

"You're no fun!" Deadpool whines, handing over the bag.

"Hands in the air!" a Midtown officer shouts at the two vigilantes.

"Seriously? You guys never give up" Peter pouts.

"Gun down Chuck" Officer Eniz tells him. "They just stopped the robbers. Now help us get them into your cars, they aren't technically in Queens to come with us."

Peter takes this as his sign to swing away so he shoots out a web and hears Wade running after him.

They make it onto the rooftop with Wade exaggerating his breathing but Peter knows he isn't tired from the little run.

"Matt's meeting up with us. Karen texted him when you showed up" Peter informs.

"Is he at least close by? I want to share my story!" Wade whines.

"Yeah, he had a client in Queens. Let's go meet him" Peter suggests.


"So what did you find out?" Matt asks from a rooftop in Queens.

"Well Tommy knows that Mirrikh was apart of Hydra but he wasn't in high enough power. Sounds like a diva queen, am I right? Anyways, he left Hydra because he knew they were too sloppy and by himself? Well we've seen him dance around his victims like it's a tragic art. He knew Hydra was holding him back" Wade explains.

"If he was apart of Hydra then he'd have a thing with experiments or powers" Peter realizes.

"Did Thomas say anything about the victims?" Matt wonders.

"He doesn't know anything about them that we don't already know" Wade answers.

"I'll test their blood maybe they have powers and that's why he's going after them" Peter theorizes. 

"Their blood would already be dried if no one washed it up" Matt informs.

"Then I guess I'm staying out late tonight" Peter states.

"But if he has a thing with teenagers and their powers it'd explain why he's carving ace and that spider. Your aunt won't let you stay out, it's unsafe" Matt reminds him.

"If she asks, you guys were with me. It's not technically a lie since you're with me right now" Peter shrugs.

"I don't really like this and that's a lot coming from me" Wade points out.

"I'll be fine" Peter assures. "Now let's go and stop that car chase Mission Impossible style."

"Mattie's driving!" Wade declares.

"I can't drive this time?" Peter questions.

"You can drive this time" Matt allows.

"Fuck yeah!" Peter curses as he swings off the roof to a red car down below.


"Okay, here we go. Focus" Peter says as he steps on the gas. "Speed...I am speed."

The car races past them with the cop car sirens screaming after the car. Peter joins them, speeding after the car with the bad guys.

"Shits about to get real!" Wade hollers from the passenger side because he's the passenger princess in this race.

"We're all going to die" Matt prays in the backseat.

"One winner, forty-two losers. I eat losers for breakfast" Peter smirks. "Breakfast? Maybe I should have breakfast?"

Peter passes the cop cars, pulling closer to the baddie.

"Brekkie could be good for me. No, no, no, focus. Speed" Peter rolls down the window, moving the car side by side with the baddie.

The man turns to the three vigilantes with fear in his eyes. He steps on the gas but Peter does the same.

"Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick" Peter continues to say.

Wade grabs onto the wheel knowing what Peter is about to do.

"I am Lightning" Peter shouts as he yeets out the window, sticking onto the car the bad guy is in.


"WADE THE CAR!" Matt screams just as Wade swerves out of the way to avoid hitting another car. 

"Nice catch Red!" Wade tells him.

Matt prays even faster.


As Peter gets a cat down from a tree, he feels the mood shift. The wind howls in his ears and his hair stands.

He puts the cat on the ground who sprints inside an apartment complex. The leaves rustle making it seem like they're dancing.

It's almost ten at night when he hears a female screaming. He shoots a web and swings as fast as he can three blocks down.

He lands silently in the alleyway, the smell of blood immediately hitting his nose. He raises his arms getting ready to shoot Mirrikh with his webs.

"Come out, come out where ever you are you tentacle bastard" Peter warns.

He avoids looking at the girl and the bloody mess she's in. He knows she's gone, he doesn't hear her heart beat. He doesn't hear any heart beat for that matter but who's to say he isn't out here catching a ghost? Ok...maybe he watched too many Ghost Buster movies and the Ghost Adventure show and the YouTubers Sam and Colby.

"Nobody is there Peter, you are alone. I don't detect any heat signatures" Karen snaps him out of his thoughts.

"Oh come on! I'm always missing him! He's such a jackass!" Peter complains. "How does he keep getting away like this?"

Peter takes out a bottle and a syringe. He eyes it before slowly looking at the girl. Her blood is every where and she's missing her right arm as blood pours out of it. 

"Karen...where's her right arm?" Peter asks.

"It seems to be gone. I would suspect Mirrikh took it" Karen responds. Peter lifts up his mask and throws up in the nearest dumpster. "I'll alert the police once you leave."

"Thanks Kare" Peter mumbles as he kneels down besides the girl and takes her blood.

He uses the syringe filling it up with blood before emptying it into the bottle that he quickly closes. The girl has black hair and a bunch of tattoos. He smells the alcohol from her and looks away.

"Her name is Cynthia Rose, she was sixteen and in the foster system" Karen supplies.

"Who were her parents?" Peter wonders.

"Her mom was a lawyer and her dad was a business man" Karen answers. "I have contacted the police, you should go home."

"Wait, where's the carving?" Peter asks trying to find it on the girls body without touching her.

"I suspect it's under her shirt on her stomach" Karen replies.

"I don't want to touch her" Peter hesitates.

"Gently lift up her shirt to reveal her stomach. I can detect lacerations" Karen guides.

Peter gently grabs the edge of her shirt and lifts it only a little but to reveal her stomach. He feels his eyes goes wide seeing the detailed skull on his new victim. He quickly covers the girls stomach back with her shirt and steps away. The carvings are a lot more graphic than on tv no matter how many times he's seen this. How does he always get them so detailed and neat before he shows up? He got there in less than twenty seconds after hearing the girl scream?

Peter doesn't wait a moment longer as he leaves the alleyway shooting a web to go home. His eyes burn with tears but he doesn't let them fall. He needs to do these victims justice by catching this murderer.

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