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It was Brendon's birthday.

He was sitting on the couch, eating cereal as Dallon took a shower. Brendon had the TV muted, because he was listening to Dallon singing to himself.

When he finally came out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist, he smiled at Brendon.

"So, I hope you packed a nice outfit. Cause I'm taking you somewhere fancy," he said.

Brendon raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He had packed a nice outfit. A dress shirt and dress pants, and they made his ass look good.

It was barely past noon, and Dallon wanted to go out for dinner. So Brendon had plenty of time to relax before he needed to start getting ready. He had already showered, and combed his hair a little. Just a little.

"I love you," Dallon said, plopping down next to Brendon on the couch.

Brendon hummed, leaning over against Dallon and resting his head on his shoulder. "Love you too," he said.

"We've literally just been sitting in the house sleeping for the whole time we've been down here," Dallon said, laughing a little as Brendon closed his eyes.

"That's the whole point of vacation, to relax," Brendon said, a soft smile on his lips.

They spent a while just sitting on the couch together, talking, until Dallon finally said they needed to get ready to leave. Brendon changed into his dressy outfit, and Dallon did the same.

"So, where are we actually going?" Brendon asked, smiling as Dallon opened the car door for him.

"You'll find out when we get there!" Dallon sang loudly as he walked around to the driver's side. Brendon rolled his eyes, crossing his legs one over the other and pulling out his phone.

"We need a picture when we get there," he said, "We can ask someone to take it outside, cause we look good. Especially you."

Dallon blushed a little, smiling as he started the car. "I'm supposed to be the smooth one," he said.

Brendon giggled a little, watching the houses pass by as they drove down the street. They were all similar; beachy colors with white rails and beachy decorations.

"You okay?" Dallon asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," Brendon said, looking over and grabbing Dallon's right hand.

"You were just staring out the window," Dallon said, "Like maybe you were contemplating whether or not anything matters in the grand scheme of the universe. Again."

Brendon huffed a laugh, shaking his head. Dallon smiled, leaning across the dash as they stopped at a red light to kiss Brendon.

"We're cute," Brendon said. Dallon rolled his eyes.

They only drove for a few more minutes until they pulled into the parking lot of an expensive looking place. There were big glass windows with people in dress clothes inside, drinking wine and laughing as a live band played piano and such in the corner.

"I've never been to a place like this before," Brendon said. "Unless I was with my like, entire family and wanted to leave the whole time."

Dallon smiled, holding Dallon's hand as they walked to the front door. "We can take a picture on the way out," he mumbled, as he led them to the servers at the desk in front.

"Name?" A short woman asked, smiling at them.

"Weekes," Dallon said, smiling back at her with that trademark grin that Brendon adored.

The woman nodded, and said, "Follow me," as she led them through tables of rich-looking people and to their own table. It was glass with a white table cloth, glass dishes and a candle and a white rose. It was beautiful, and Brendon couldn't help but smile as he sat down and told their waitress what he wanted to drink.

"Do you like this place?" Dallon asked.

"Love it," Brendon said. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Dallon responded.

You never really recognize the important moments as they're happening. It's funny, really. How come we don't recognize some of the most important memories of our life as they're happening? It isn't until later when you look back that you realize the specific moments that changed your life forever.

In that moment, Brendon was completely and totally in love with Dallon.

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