In a way it wasn't a very happy day for the little Master Black but it would soon turn out to be. Little did Sirius Black, the heir of the great House of Black, knew that he was on his way to meet the person who would change his entire course of life.
His parents were very particular though, or at least mother was. Sirius's father wasn't really that involved in his life.
Sirius Black had to behave, he had to shine, he had to bring honour to the family name. But above all, his mother had told him, the most important thing was that he got sorted into Slytherin. If he wasn't a Slytherin, he might as well not be her son. Black was a house of glory, of honour, of good blood and of Slytherin.
He shivered thinking about it all as he made his way to the King's Cross station in the Muggle cab. It was the only way you could travel there in broad daylight according to the law. His mother hated the laws.
"Filthy Muggles," she would always curse, "and the blasted Ministry of Magic."
"It had all gone to the dogs," she would often tell him and his brother, "it was all a waste. Trying to protect the Muggles, and for what?"
"They didn't mind putting us at the stake, did they? They wouldn't mind doing it now either. What use do we have of them anyway? Inferior race is what they are."
His mother told him that the Muggles were the reason she wasn't coming to see him off at the station, but he feared otherwise. Sirius had always been a bit different and she had never had much taste for different.
He looked out the window while running his hands over his hair, trying to straighten them up just like his mother liked, his grey eyes trying to take in all he could see and understand of the Muggle world- which wasn't much. Sirius had never been allowed to step out of the house alone, lest he do something embarrassing and shame the entire line of Blacks. Above all, he had never been allowed to see the Muggle world, lest he started hugging and kissing them, declaring to the world that he was a blood-traitor. Even now, Kreacher- their house-elf, was hiding under the seat to make sure Sirius behaved properly until he got down at King's Cross.
He wondered if it would be okay to ask his cab driver about the blinking lights at intersections going from red to green to yellow or the weird metallic horse-like vehicle he saw a few Muggles riding.
"Excuse me sir?" he said, unable to control himself when they were waiting for the lights to turn at one intersection. The driver grunted. He took that to mean he was listening. "What is that?" he said pointing to one of the strange vehicle.
"That's a motor bike, kid. Haven't seen one before?" the driver replied sounding quite surprised. "Blasted things, waving around cars and creating a nuisance. Bloody youngsters and their new tricks. Not as safe as a good ol' fashioned car, I tell you."
The lights turned green and Sirius looked at the motor bike zoom away in wonder. His thought took another turn when the cabby told him they were near the Station. He wondered if it would be okay to put on his school robes or would the Muggles be too alarmed. His mother had dressed him in his best and only Muggle clothes: flared jeans, blue stripped shirt with a loose bow hanging in the front and a cheetah print fur coat.
There was a bump on the road and the cursing began. Sirius had dreaded this. He wondered why is mother had seen it fit to send Kreacher in her stead to see him off. Off course she had put a Disillusionment Charm on him first but that didn't hide the god forsaken cursing. Sirius kicked him hard in the shins.
"Stupid house elf," he murmured at Kreacher. "Stop ruining my life and leave. Go back home!"
There was a loud crack and Kreacher was gone.
"You alright there kid?" the driver asked, looking back through the mirror.
Sirius nodded frantically. He was alright.
A/N: I hope you're enjoying reading my story so far. Don't forget to vote if you are. :P
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