Peter Pettigrew was feeling quite winded from all the running and stair-climbing he had had to do that morning. After James and Sirius left with McGonagall, Peter had been quite excited to talk about it with Remus during Charms, and find out what he thought of the whole business.
But Remus Lupin was not in class. And so naturally, the first thing Peter had done when class got over was run up to the Gryffindor dormitory. Surely, Remus was severely sick again, for he wouldn't miss a class otherwise. But when Peter slammed the dormitory door open, which was a rather over-dramatic move on his part, he found Remus Lupin to be perfectly fine- well physically anyways.
Although he seemed to be standing on his own and rubbing his face vigorously, Remus looked rather sick. His complexion had gone entirely green and he was sweating profusely.
"What's wrong?" asked Peter concerned.
"Nothing!" replied Remus rather quickly and started pacing around the room.
"Did you hear about James and Sirius? Is that why you're as green as a mountain troll?" asked Peter, trying to lighten the mood, but Remus didn't reply and started pacing faster.
"Oh don't worry Remus, I'm sure they're fine. They're James and Sirius after all,"
Remus gave a weak little laugh and then plopped down on his bed. "Oh Peter, I think I've done something terrible," he murmured, though it was barely audible since his hands were covering his entire face.
"Terrible? You? Did you not do your Charms homework? Is that why you skipped class?"
Remus groaned and fell back onto his bed. It appeared as though he was in physical pain and Peter was quite certain that the kid was trying to rip out his hair between the sheets.
"Remus? Are you alright?" he tried again.
"Of course he's alright Peter, don't be fooled by the act- he is ecstatic!" came James's voice and Peter turned around to find him and Sirius standing at the door.
"Oh careful Peter!" Sirius said, "You don't wanna show him your back, not unless you want to be stabbed by the bloody arsehole."
Peter looked at Remus confused, and then back again at James and Sirius. They both looked rather mad- they had the same expression on their face that they had every time they dealt with Snape. Remus, on the other hand, still had his face dug between the sheets, although he had stopped trying to rip his hair out.
This was surely a misunderstanding, maybe Peter had heard wrong. Remus seemed like the last person on earth to be running around stabbing people in the back and he certainly wasn't a bloody arsehole.
Peter was still trying to decipher what it all meant when Remus got up. His face had now turned entirely red and it was streaked with tears.
"I didn't technically do anything wrong," he said in a shaky voice.
"Hmm, let me think," said Sirius, "Peter! Remember that time you threw a bunch of snowballs at Professor Iasion, while hiding behind the greenhouse because he asked you to do your assignment all over again?"
Sirius waited for Peter to nod his reply and then continued- "Now how would you feel if I, right now, walked straight to his office and told him everything about it."
"Umm," Peter wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say and so he looked at James form help.
"Oh I know! You would feel betrayed, now wouldn't you?" said Sirius, and waited again for Peter's little nod.
A funny feeling now started bubbling inside Peter's stomach. What had Remus really done?
"But- but what is all this about?" Peter asked feebly.
"Oh, I'll tell you!" said James, "Our good friend Remus here went to Dumbledore and told on us."
Peter was simply too shocked to react. He blinked twice and then turned to Remus and then back to James and Sirius. James was glaring at Remus as if asking him to contradict, while Sirius threw his hands up in the air and walked over to his bed.
"Well Peter, tell the bloody traitor his plan failed. Dumbledore didn't expel us," he said while picking up his school bag.
"Oh thank God," Remus sighed.
"Thank God? Thank God?!" said James, disbelievingly. "Remus what the bloody hell is wrong with you? Why would you do that to us?"
"I did it for your own good. It was dangerous going down there. You said it yourself! The shack houses a monster! What if it had been there that day?!"
"Oh spare us your fake concern Remus," Sirius spat, "We're getting late for class."
Sirius picked up James's school bag and threw it at him. They both turned around and left the room, leaving a crying Remus behind and a very-very uncomfortable Peter.
Peter Pettigrew didn't know what to do, and so he did exactly what he had been doing these past months at Hogwarts. He picked up his bag and followed James and Sirius to class.
A/N: I guess a Peter POV was long overdue, I write his story so less (Its just not that easy getting into little Peter's mind =P).
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