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James Potter woke up early next morning, excitement bubbling inside his stomach. It was his first day at Hogwarts. He was sure he would do great in the classes, they were all teaching Magic after all, and James had already learnt some spells from his dad. Of course he would do great.

He got out of bed with a yawn and a smile to find Sirius lying awake on his bed with the hangings tied up. It looked like he hadn't slept at all.

"Sleepless night?" James asked.

Sirius nodded and got up himself. He looked a bit shaken up. James wondered if it was from worrying about the lessons or excitement of starting at Hogwarts.

They both got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall.

Breakfast seemed like another adventure. There were so many different things to eat- James didn't need lessons to confuse him, the meals were enough. He poured some honey on his porridge and gobbled it down in a hurry. Sirius laughed.

"What are you eating so fast for? We're already too early," he said.

"You too. Come on, quicker." James started buttering Sirius's toast for him. "I thought we might explore the castle before class?"

Sirius nodded and started devouring his breakfast like a hungry troll.

However, as they began exploring, they soon realised that it was a lost cause. The castle was quite huge and the time they had at hand wasn't nearly enough. They climbed stairs, walked across corridors, went through the hidden doors behind tapestries, found secret trap doors and yet, after an hour, they hadn't even covered a single floor entirely.

Exploring Hogwarts wasn't an easy task, to add to the castle being too big, everything also seemed to move along. The paintings weren't at all cooperative and some even pointed them in the wrong direction, there were doors which wouldn't budge unless you asked them in a certain way, suits of armour that would block your way just for fun and then there was Peeves.

Jasper Mathews had warned them about steering clear of him but Peeves would not have it. They found him floating upside down inside a fourth floor class room with bundles of chalks in his hands. James was the first one to spot him and tugged at Sirius's sleeves as he stepped back towards the door, though to no use for Peeves had already spotted them.

"Ickle firsties!" Peeves cackled as he swooped down on them dropping hundreds of chalks on their heads and disappearing through the door. Or at least that's what James had thought, but Peeves had just become invisible only to come back at them just when they were at the door and shower them in dusters. James cursed and was still coughing from all the chalk dust and trying to see through his now dirty glasses when Sirius grabbed his wrist and ran.

James took off his glasses and started cleaning them on his robes while still running, when with a loud "Omph!" he ran headfirst into someone and fell. "What the-" he said putting his glasses back on, only to see Remus Lupin lying on the floor in front of him looking quite sheepish.

Peter Pettigrew was also with him, seizing James and Sirius with his tiny blue eyes. "Have you guys been playing with chalk?" he inquired in the most severe tone.

James turned scarlet and stood up at once, cursing Peeves under his breath.

"It was just Peeves messing with us," said Sirius as he offered Lupin a hand to help him up. Remus Lupin took no notice of the offered hand, quite deliberately, and pushed himself off the ground, brushing the dust off his robes with his hands.

"We're a bit lost actually," Lupin said. "Do you guys know the way to Professor Binns class?"

Sirius looked at James, eyebrows raised quizzically, James gave him a crooked smile. They both gave each other a little nod and turned towards Remus Lupin who looked quite intrigued by the exchange and Peter Pettigrew who looked positively scared.

"Yes, we were, in fact, on our way there," Sirius said and started walking with James in his wake.

"Are you sure?" Remus Lupin asked sceptically.

"Quite sure," replied James.

Remus shrugged and started following the two boys, Peter followed suit.


A/N: The Marauders are finally becoming friends. :D What did you think about the chapter? Please comment and let me know.

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