Chapter Six [Sue]

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When I woke up Malcolm and Kore were already awake. They had made breakfast for us and set the table up. When I look around the room, I feel a panic surge through me. I have no idea where I am. I know I'm with Kore and Malcolm but no memory of getting here. The last thing I remember is running through the woods with Gladys, after that little to nothing.

"Kore?" I look up at him as he walks around the corner.

"Hey," he sits beside me. He's speaking gently to me like I'm a hurt child. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I guess?" I look really confused and he picks up on it.

"Do you remember last night?" He rubs my arm gently as he helps me sit up. My legs feel like jello.

"No... I mean I remember running through the woods with Gladys." I freeze up. "Is Gladys alright?!"

"Yep! She's across the hall in her room! I went to check on her earlier!" Malcolm chimes in as he sips his tea.

I let out a sigh of relief. When I look back at Kore, he seems conflicted. I can't remember what happened, so it must have been pretty bad. I look back over at Malcolm, he seems a lot happier than usual, which is very strange for the situation we're in.

"Do you..." Kore starts but he seems very hesitant. "Do you want me to tell you what happened?"

"If I can't remember it I'm probably better off not knowing it." I nudge his arm and he smiles gently at me. I've accidentally dug up memories in the past, and it's never a good idea. "Malcolm seems happier than normal. Do you know what happened to him?"

"Uhhh, nope. Not at all." Kore turns bright red and hops up. He heads to the table. He puts a hand on Malcolm's shoulder as he leans over him to grab my plate. Malcolm smiles up at him.

"Oh. I see." I smirk as Kore hands me the plate of food. "Did you two finally make it official?"

Malcolm looks over at kore looking for an answer. Kore looks between the two of us glaring at Malcolm for putting him on the spot. I laugh at the two of them and they both blush.

"We haven't got that far into the talk yet. We plan to though." Kore looks at Malcolm.

"So it's a pending official." I sigh. "I'm going to start introducing you two as boyfriends from now on."

"Deal." Malcolm spits out as Kore blushes.

I laugh and eat. Kore goes back to the table and eats his food. He pops his head up to look at me. He puts his hand over his mouth trying to finish chewing so he can tell me something. He points to some clothes folded beside me on the nightstand.

"There are some clothes. We bought them yesterday," he smiles. "You can take a shower after you finish eating!"

"Yesterday? How long have I been asleep?"

"You slept through the afternoon and night," Malcolm says between bites. "We are at Endmear."

"Sue..." Kore looks down at the floor dogging my eyes. "Totem is completely destroyed. I won't tell you about what we saw unless you want me to, but it's gone."

I let out a breath. I should be feeling more than this, but I can't bring myself to feel anything but exhaustion. Even if I slept an entire day I feel so tired. When I finish eating I put my plate on the table and go to take a shower.

When I come back Kore has a backpack that he's putting some things in. I noticed his outfit and started clapping. He looks up at me and smiles, he gives me a twirl. Malcolm claps too.

"That's such a pretty dress!" I laugh and clap.

"Thanks!" He flaps his arms.

There are pastel lace pieces that connect from the bottom of the dress to his arms and hands. It creates a cape looking piece that moves with his arm. The base of the dress is white and tightens around his waist. There is a piece of the dress at his chest that is cut out. On someone with a larger chest it would show their cleavage, but on kore it sits flat against his chest. His hair compliments the pastel cape.

"You look beautiful." Malcolm smiles looking at Kore.

"You keep saying that." Kore narrows his eyes at Malcolm.

"It's true!" Malcolm laughs. Kore looks at the dress I'm wearing.

It's a white sundress that goes down to my knees. It has a red ribbon around the waist. I have my hair in a braid with a few strands of my bangs hanging loose to frame my face. Kore seems pretty happy with his selection of clothes for me.

I look over to Malcolm to look at his outfit. He's wearing a black button down shirt that's tucked into his high waisted black pants. Over the button down he has a beautiful blue vest on. One you would see in a tuxedo set. The blue vest has floral embroidery. The blue compliments his darker skin and red hair.

"You look very nice Sue." Kore smiles and goes back to packing his bag. He sighs looking at the bag. "Does anyone have any ideas on what to do?"

"We should probably report what happened to Totem. I'm pretty sure we could get financial help to start rebuilding the town." Malcolm says while buckling the pocket watch Kore gave him onto his vest.

"Okay..." Kore ties the bag up and throws it over his shoulder. "I heard that there were some guards nearby, so let's go talk to them."

We all nod and head out together. As we walk into the hallway Kore freezes. He's watching someone who just came out of a room. It's this gourgeous woman. Her skin is dark and her hair is a dark red. Her facial features are sharp and detailed. Then I notice that Kore isn't staring at the woman, rather the man behind her.

"Simon?" I push past Kore to the man. He's tall and dressed in heavy armor. His eyes are a deep forest green. It's been years since I've seen him but I would know him anywhere, as I'm sure Kore did.

"Sue?" Simon rushes over to me and embraces me in a hug. "Oh my gods! You've grown so much!"

"You have too! Kore! It's Simon!" I laugh and turn to Kore. I freeze as I see Kore's face.

He almost looks disgusted to see Simon. When I turn back to Simon he's backing away shyly to stand behind the woman. I look between them.

"Uhm, yeah. Hey Kore." Simon looks at the ground looking guilty. The woman looks between him and Kore.

"So you're the famous Kore and Sue?" She smiles and offers her hand to me. "I don't know what his deal is, but it's wonderful to meet you. He's talked about you guys a lot."

"Holy shit." Malcolm finally speaks up as I shake the woman's hand. "You're the fucking princess."

I squeak in surprise after realizing he's right. The woman standing in front of me is Maya, the princess of Skyfall. Malcolm and I both bow. Kore stays standing glaring at Simon. I have no idea what's going on between these two. Even Malcolm looks confused. I don't know if he even knows who Simon was to Kore.

"Ah, Hi!" Maya smiles. "That's me! Simon... are you okay?"

"Yup. Fine." He breaks eye contact with Kore and looks away shyly.

"Kore what's wrong?" Malcolm mumbles over to Kore.

"Nothing. I'm leaving." Kore starts to spin around on his heels but Simon reaches out and grabs his arm.

"Wait. Please. If you leave then I don't know the next time I'll see Sue. At least let me talk to her." He mumbles.

Now I'm really concerned. Maya and I exchange looks. Kore spins around on his heels and raises his hand to slap Simon. I jump in as quickly as I can and pull Simon back.

"Okay, What the hell is going on between you two?" I glare at Kore. "You told me your break up was a peaceful one."

"Break up?" I hear Malcolm mumble. I ignore it for now, I'll explain it all to him later.

"You did?" Simon looks at Kore.

"Clearly it wasn't because Simon looks guilty as all hell and Kore is the angriest I've seen him in a very long time."

"I'm inclined to agree with Sue, Simon." Maya chimes in. Simon shifts uncomfortably. He motions to the room him and Maya came out of.

"Can we talk somewhere private? Please." Simon looks at Kore. Kore looks at me then sighs, he pushes past Simon and goes into the room.

Simon follows him and then Maya. I look at Malcolm who looks very confused. I lock my arm in his and we head to the room.

"I can explain everything, okay? I just need to know what happened between those two." I smile at him and he nods.

When we enter the room we all take a seat in the main room, except for kore. He stays standing glaring at Simon who just looks at the ground. Maya clears her throat to tell Simon to start talk. 

"Kore I'm sorry..." Simon starts but gets interrupted.

"I'm sure you are." Kore glares down at him.

"Okay, Simon what the hell did you do?" Maya looks at him.

"Princess..." Simon looks over to her.

"None of that princess crap. You always talk about how kind and loving Kore and Sue are. About how great they are!" She leans back in her chair. "What did you do to screw that up?"

"I... made a few mistakes." Simon mumbles and rubs his hands together.

"Yes. Dakota, Sam, and Rubin were all mistakes right?" Kore practically shouts. He's griping the back of Malcolm's chair so hard that his knuckles are turning White.

"Oh my gods. You cheated on him?" The realization hits me like a punch in the gut. It explains so much but it hurts. All my life I idolized Simon and Kore, they're like my parents. I can't help but be a little angry at Kore for lying to me about this, but now isn't the time.

"It was a mistake, I understand that now! I did back then! I apologized!" Simon blurts out everything he can think of to redeem himself, but Kore isn't having any of it.

"Everyone out. Now. I need to talk to Simon." Kore points towards the door.

Maya looks at Simon who just nods. We all get up and leave the room, the last thing I see before the door closes is Kore throwing himself down in the chair across from him. 

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