Part 6

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"S.H.I.E.L.D wants a scientist being held by a Hydra base," Tony was debriefing the team on the quinjet.

"What about Cassie?" Steve asked.

"She'll stay on the jet."

"What if someone gets on the jet?" Bruce asked.

"She can protect herself," Natasha insisted.

Cassie sighed, listening to the bickering. Steve, Bruce, Loki, Tony, Natasha, and Hawkeye were all on the jet with her, everyone else was doing their own thing at Stark Tower or whatever, and Thor had returned to Asgard.

"Tony we're here," Bruce announced as the jet touched down.

"Alright, everyone knows what they're doing. Let's go," Tony said, pressing his chest to make his suit assemble itself.

"Why exactly must I come?" Loki asked, sounding extremely bored.

"For the thousandth time Reindeer Games," Tony sighed, "We need you to get the scientist out safely if none of us can. You can teleport him back to the jet."

"If only you gave me more leeway on my magic I could help more," Loki muttered.

"Not happening," Tony gave him a smile. Cassie snorted at that, causing everyone to chuckle.

Why don't they start with that? Send Loki in to grab the scientist and get out quick? Cassie wondered.

"You have a point," Loki said softly, as if not even meaning to say it out loud.

"What?" Natasha interrupted.

"Nothing." He earned a glare from her, as if she didn't believe him, but he ignored her.

Cassie rolled her eyes that he didn't explain, wondering why he didn't want them to know he could communicate with her.

"I don't have an earpiece to give you, but I connected our coms to the jet," Tony informed Cassie.

The Avengers soon left, and Cassie was left roaming the jet. A few minutes later she hears:




She laughed. Cassie had to admit, the Avengers were amusing. She swiveled her head to the opening of the jet to see a Hydra agent trying to sneak on.

"Don't try to sneak up on a wolf," she smirked. Before the guy had a chance to even register anything, she used her power to stop him from moving, and hanging him upside down in the air. The man tried to struggle, but after a growl from her, he made a squeak and stopped.

Cassie smiled, satisfied that he would stay, turning her attention back to the Avengers.

"Fuck it was a trap," Tony said. Steve just sighed at his curse.

"Loki get the scientist out!" Natasha ordered. Moments later, Loki, with an unconscious scientist, who he laid down on the floor, appeared on the jet. The agent in the air squeaked in fear, making Loki glance at him, then Cassie, then back at the agent and chuckle.

Loki told her to bring the agent down, which she did hesitantly. He then quickly knocked the man unconscious, proceeding to gag him and tie his hands and feet together.

The Avengers walked onto the jet, and their eyes widened as they saw the agent.

"Mischief, we didn't say to bring an agent too," Tony grumbled.

Cassie panicked in that moment. They didn't know about her powers so how would Loki explain the agent? Loki glanced at her, noticing the panic in her eyes, and lied, "The mortal was being a pest and I figured you would want someone to interrogate anyway."

Tony narrowed his eyes, as if not believing it.

"He brought the scientist and we're all fine, who cares?"  Natasha butted in, carrying an unconscious Bruce to the side and laying him down.

"Clint was shot," Tony pointed out.

"He gets shot on literally every single mission," she shot back.

Clint chuckled, wrapping a bandage around his waist, "She's not wrong."

Tony made a pouty face, as if he was looking for a reason to get Loki in trouble—which to be fair, he probably was.

"Whatever, Friday, take us home."

The jet door closed as everyone walked in, and it went into the air, taking them back to the compound.


A/n: Really sorry it's such a short chapter >~<

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