Part 16

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Loki and Cassie played around the forest for another hour, until they were both completely wiped out.

They laid beside each other on the grass, Loki in his Asgardian form, and Cassie in her human form.

They were both silent for a while until Loki sat up quickly, startling Cassie into opening her eyes.

"We need to go back to the house," Loki said as he stood up, and Cassie scrambled to follow him.

"Huh? What? What's happening Loki?" She asked, but she didn't get an answer as he teleported away, and she followed him with a sigh.

Loki grabbed the money they had left from a drawer, and sent it to his interdimensional pocket and threw some clothes at Cassie who put them in her space-pocket.

"Loki!" Loki looked at her as he stopped scrambling. "Tell me what's happening."

Loki brushed his hand through his head with a sigh. "Odin wants to meet with you, to cut a deal. I don't trust him, but if I can get you a better situation then I will."

"How do you know it's not a trap?" Cassie asked as Loki led her outside.

"It probably is, but that's why I have these." Loki held up one hand that had a dagger in it, and the other hand held green energy. He sent them away as they stopped in a clearing.

"What is he going to do to you?" Cassie asked.

"I'm...not sure. But I'll be fine. My mother will protect me from anything too bad," Loki reassured her.

"That's not very comforting," Cassie muttered.

"Trust me, I'll be fine." Loki held out his hand for her to take, and after a deep breath, she did so.

A moment later, the Bifrost's light surrounded them as they were pulled into Asgard.

Thor and Heimdall were waiting for them, and Loki let go of her hand as Thor led them across the rainbow bridge to Asgard.

"Loki, please be respectful in there. If you mess this up, you're ruining this for Lady Cassie, not you," Thor pleaded.

"Give me a little trust, won't you?" Loki joked.

"Do you think you deserve that trust?" Thor asked sadly, and Loki didn't respond, which was an answer in itself.

Cassie felt awkward as they talked with each other, so she was glad when they finally reached the palace.

They stopped as they reached the throne with Odin on it, and Frigga standing beside him. Loki and Thor bowed on one knee, while Cassie did the nicest curtsy she could manage. Odin's eyes held no warmth as he stared at Cassie and Loki. Frigga, on the other hand, gave her a sympathetic smile.

Odin banged his staff on the ground as they stood back up. Cassie noticed the guards that had just entered start blocking off any exits, which she thought was unnecessary—if she was going to escape, she could just teleport.

"So, what unreasonable deal are you going to offer?" Loki asked rudely.

"Watch your mouth, boy, or you might ruin it all for her," Odin boomed but the sneer didn't leave Loki's face. "I think I have come up with a very reasonable deal."

Cassie looked to Frigga for reassurance, and smiled as Frigga gave her a promising smile.

"The wolf may live, as long as she stays on Asgard as a maid, and swears to use no magic," Odin informed them.

Cassie's eyes widened at the last part. No magic? Magic was a part of her! He couldn't take it away!

"You can't bind her power," Loki protested.

"I can do whatever I please." Odin narrowed his eyes at Loki. "That is my only deal. Take it or leave it."

"Who's maid would I be?" Cassie asked.

"That's up to you," Frigga said kindly when Odin paused, as if he hadn't actually thought about that. Hah, some king.

Cassie looked at Loki, who shook his head, pleading her to say no, but this was the best offer they would get. She'd figure out the power thing—either use it when Odin wasn't around, or find a way to get permission to use it back.

"I'll take it," Cassie said confidently as she looked back at Odin.

The grin Odin gave her wasn't very comforting, but she tried to not let it show. "Great. Guards, show her to the maids room so she can dress more appropriately."

Cassie gave Loki a reassuring smile as the guards led her out, although he didn't look very reassured.

Oh goodness...thank you to everyone for all the views, votes, and comments! 38k+ views and almost 1,000 votes wow!
I wanted to thank everyone who comments, and it means so much when I see comments that say how much they love this book.
I'm so sorry it's been over a month since I published a new chapter. Everything before this has been written before hand, and I was hoping I would be able to write faster, but I've just been so busy.
I really hope I can get this book (and all my others) back on track!
Love you all bye <3

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